Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1952] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IS07 CHANGES IN SABBATICAL LEAVES O F ABSENCE FOR 1 9 5 2 - 1 9 5 3 (4) I recommend the following changes in sabbatical leaves of absence approved by the Board of Trustees for 1952-1953: ARCHIBALD W . ANDERSON, Professor of Education, leave to be for the second semester on full pay instead of the first semester. M. ZBIGNIEW KRZYWOBLOCKI, Professor of Aeronautical Engineering, cancellation without prejudice of leave of absence for the second semester on full pay. R. W . JUGENHEIMER, Professor of Plant Genetics, from leave of absence for the first semester on full pay to leave of absence for one year beginning July 1, 1952, on one-half pay. On motion of Mr. Grange, these changes were approved. AWARD O F CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (5) T h e Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded to the following candidates who have qualified under Section 4b of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, by passing examinations given by the Special Board of Examiners at various times prior to December 6, 1951. T h e certificates of these candidates were invalidated by the Circuit Court of Cook County in 1951 holding Section 4b of the Accountancy Act as originally passed unconstitutional. Subsequently, the Section w a s amended. These candidates have again qualified but new certificates will have to be issued. EMANUEL I. G O L D F I N E (Chicago) M I L T O N T A U B E R (Chicago) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: State from Which They Name City Obtained Certificates JACK AIGH HORWITZ ROBERT JOHN K O L F Chicago Dubuque, Iowa North Carolina Iowa BERNARD LISS JAMES JOSEPH M C C A R T H Y CARLIN PAUL OLIPHANT DONALD J O S E P H R I C E Chicago Westchester Collinsville Belleville District of Columbia District of Columbia Missouri Missouri WILLIAM JOSEPH T I N E N HOWARD RICHARD W A L S H Northbrook Chicago District of Columbia District of Columbia I concur. On motion of Mr. Megran, these certificates were awarded. DEGREE O F DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN MUSICOLOGY (6) T h e Faculty of the School of Music and the University Senate recommend the establishment of a curriculum leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Musicology to be set up as follows: This degree will be offered in such fields of music as merit and demand research methods. I t is intended for those applicants whose interest lies in research in the history of music, the theory of music, the psychology of music, comparative musicology, aesthetics, and generally the relation of music to social life and thought. T h e proposed P h . D . program in Musicology is based on the requirement of a minimum of twenty-four units of graduate credit, eight of which will be in Music 493 (Research) and will be devoted to the completion of an original doctoral thesis. Requirements for Admission In addition to meeting the general requirements for admission to the Graduate College, an applicant will be admitted to the program only upon recommendation of the Graduate Committee of the School of Music, which will consider each a p plication to ensure that: