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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1952] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I503 salary, for one year beginning September 1, 1952, so that he may study abroad. HACKLEMAN, J A Y C , Professor of Crop Extension (Agronomy) ( E ) —leave of absence, without'salary, for one year beginning May 1, 1952, so that he may accept an assignment for service abroad as Crop Production Specialist for the Mutual Security Agency. HIESER, LUCILE, Instructor in H o m e Economics 4-H Club W o r k ( H o m e Economics) ( E ) — l e a v e of absence, without salary, for eleven months beginning October I, 1952, for the purpose of graduate study at Cornell University. HUDSON, ROBERT B., Associate Professor of Journalism and Communications, and Director of University Broadcasting — leave of absence, without salary, for three months beginning May 15, 1952, so that he may accept a full-time assignment with the Fund for Adult Education during the period indicated. PULOS, ARTHUR J., Associate Professor of A r t — leave of absence, without salary, for one year beginning September I, 1952, so that he may use the Ford Foundation Fellowship he has been granted for study elsewhere. TRIMBLE, HAROLD P . , Associate Professor of Education, on the University Council on Teacher Education — leave of absence, without salary, beginning May 7, 1952, and continuing until such time as he is able to resume his duties or until he retires after reaching age sixty-eight. UNIVERSITY CIVIL SERVICE SYSTEM O F ILLINOIS Mr. Grange, Chairman of the Committee on Nonacademic Personnel and Chairman of the Merit Board of the University Civil Service System of Illinois, reported informally on the activities of the Merit Board. The Merit Board has had three meetings since it was established and began functioning in January, 1952. LEASE O F SPACE IN ILLIN1 ARCADE BUILDING President Livingston presented a letter he had received from Mr. Norval D. Hodges, attorney for the heirs of the late John Katsinas, requesting that the Board of Trustees reconsider its action of March 13, 1951, regarding the lease of space in the Arcade Building in which the Katsinas interests have been operating a restaurant. The Katsinas interests are again seeking a renewal of the lease which expires on August 31, 1952. A copy of the letter was given to the Secretary of the Board for record. Mr. Livingston referred the letter to the Committees on Buildings and Grounds and on General Policy, with Mr. Megran as Chairman of the joint committee, for consideration and recommendation to the Board at its next meeting. RECOGNITION O F RETIRING MEMBERS O F ACADEMIC STAFF Mrs. Watkins proposed that when members of the academic staff retire they be given some form of recognition by the Board of Trustees for their services to the University. On motion of Mr. Nickell, this proposal was referred to the President of the University for study and report to the Board at its next meeting. J U N E A N D JULY, 1 9 5 2 , MEETINGS By unanimous consent it was agreed that the next two meetings will be held on Thursday, June 19, beginning at 12:30 p.m. C.D.S.T.. at the Chicago Undergraduate Division (Navy Pier), and on Wednesday, July 16, beginning at 12:30 p.m. C.D.S.T. at Robert Allerton Park.
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