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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
12 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S [July 25 Education and Recreational MARYROSE PRATTER, Director Instructor in Physical CHARLOTTE STUDER, Librarian W i t h the rank of Assistant Clinical Instructor VERA KEZAR, Laboratory Assistant, Nursing Arts BEATRICE HERVEY, Supervisor, Operating Room Service EVELYN LUNDEEN, Supervisor, Premature Nursing Station EUNICE CHARLES, Supervisor, Pediatric Department MARIE KINKEL, Supervisor, Private Pavilion ELIZABETH MORGAN, Assistant Supervisor and Instructor in Obstetric Nursing ELIZABETH HANSEN, Assistant Director, Nursing Service OLGA BAKKEN, Assistant Director, Nursing Service (in charge of Auxiliary Personnel) GLORIA FISHER, Assistant Supervisor, Nursing at Night , Assistant Supervisor, Nursing at Night A N N E PEDERSEN, Dietitian in charge of Therapeutic Diets MARGARET W Y L I E , Dietitian in charge of Food Preparation in the Diet Kitchen LILLIAN NELSON, Dietitian in charge of Milk Laboratory and Pediatric Food Service On motion of Dr. Meyer, these appointments were made as recommended. C H A N G E S IN CIVIL S E R V I C E C L A S S S P E C I F I C A T I O N S AND SALARY R A N G E S (6) T h e Director of Nonacademic Personnel recommends the following changes in University Civil Service positions, to become effective July I, 1050: ( 1 ) additions to class specifications; ( 2 ) changes in salary ranges of existing class specifications; ( 3 ) changes in existing class specifications; ( 4 ) revisions of specifications; and ( 5 ) deletions from class specifications. I concur in the Director's recommendations. . r Aide, Junior . . Engineering New Classifications SALARY R A N G E : $175-250. DEFINITION: Under immediate supervision, to assist in engineering work by performing semi-technical routine work in office or field, as assigned. DUTIES BY EXAMPLE: Assist survey party as rodman or chairman, clearing brush, driving stakes, plotting sections, reducing notes, computing earthwork data, checking areas, and checking such work done by others; make tracings of elementary drawings, plats, etc., prepared by others; other work of similar character and responsibility as assigned. QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from a recognized high school; ability to carry out written and oral directions; working knowledge of engineering terms and equipment; good physical condition; minimum age eighteen. Assistant, Dental Clinic SALARY R A N G E : $175-250. DEFINITION: Under general supervision, to perform responsible technical duties pertaining to the operation of a dental clinic. DUTIES BY EXAMPLE: T O assist instructional and administrative staff in clinical operations; sterilize instruments and supplies; set up sterile trays; arrange appointments for students and patients; assist at the dental chair; supervise students and patients under the rules for clinic management; make u p and file patients' records; prepare reports; perform related duties as assigned. QUALIFICATIONS: H i g h school education; two years of college education preferable unless lack is offset by significant experience. A t least one year experience in medical or dental clinic or in dental office or allied fields. Typing desirable but not essential. Good health, good judgment, and pleasant personality. Assistant, Junior Printing SALARY R A N G E : Prevailing. DEFINITION: Under direction of the Superintendent of P r i n t Shop and Senior Printing Assistant to perform duties involving the use of professional knowledge.
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