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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1952] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I461 8. Other factors being equal, older applicants will be given preference over those who are younger. 9. Length of military service will be considered in the assignment of houses. 10. Applications will be accepted beginning April I for housing during the summer session, July 1 for housing during the fall semester, and December 1 for housing during the spring semester. 11. In the final selection, the total qualifications of the applicant will be considered. Eligibility on the basis of any one criterion will not assure the assignment of a housing unit. On motion of Mr. Nickell, these revised regulations were approved. ACQUISITION OF LAND FOR CHICAGO PROFESSIONAL COLLEGES CAMPUS (6) On June 25, 1949, the Board of Trustees authorized the acquisition of certain properties in Chicago needed for the expansion of the Chicago Professional Colleges campus. It was also recommended at that meeting that the VicePresident in charge of the Chicago Professional Colleges be authorized to negotiate with the Medical Center Commission to acquire land for subsequent transfer to the University. The Commission has purchased for the University three properties not included in the acquisitions previously authorized by the Board. They are properties which the University needs: Location Cost to Commission 1825 West Taylor Street $ 780 49 This property is needed to provide access to electrical services for the betatron at the College of Medicine. 1720 West Taylor Street 757 °3 1722-24 West Taylor Street 1 5'3 7° The properties at 1720-24 West Taylor Street were needed as a construction yard by the contractor for the Medical Center Steam Plant. Since the completion of the Plant the construction building has been used for storage by the University. These properties have been transferred to the University, and the Medical Center Commission has been reimbursed from the state appropriation made for land for the biennium of 1949-1951. At the time of this transaction the Board had not explicitly authorized by record vote, as required by the By-Laws, the acquisition of these properties. The Comptroller, therefore, requests confirmation of this transaction. I concur. On motion of Mr. Fornof, this transaction was confirmed by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Fornof, Mr. Grange, Mr. Herrick, Mr. Hickman, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Nickell, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Megran, Mr. Stevenson. SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR NONRECURRING EXPENDITURES (7) The Committee on Nonrecurring Appropriations recommends assignments of funds as follows: From the General Reserve fund: Department of Electrical Engineering, construction of equipment for research '"S °°° Physical Plant Department, remodeling in Noyes Laboratory of Chemistry 20 000 From nonrecurring funds, Chicago Professional Colleges: College of Dentistry, repair and rehabilitation of dental units 3 600 Department of Otolaryngology, equipment (electroencephalograph) 4 coo $42 600 I concur.
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