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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1322 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [December 17 Course and Program Requirements: Orthodontic technics, two quarters; orthodontic seminar, three quarters; diagnosis and analysis of malocclusion, six quarters; advanced oral histology, three quarters; orthodontic clinic, five quarters; gross anatomy, one quarter; individual library research, two quarters; thesis, one quarter. Essay Requirement: A critical paper on some phase of orthodontia or related subject. Time Requirements: Six quarters of the organized postgraduate program. Recognition: A certificate will be awarded upon completion of all requirePostgraduate Curriculum in Pedodontics Selected students desiring to pursue an organized curriculum in pedodontics will be accepted on a postgraduate status for a period of three quarters. These three quarters embrace all technical instruction, a significant amount of clinical work, and certain major and minor courses, which must be placed early in the professional training. At the end of the third quarter of residence each student desiring to work toward a graduate degree will apply for admission to the Graduate College according to established procedure, and if accepted will follow the approved curriculum leading to a Master of Science degree in pedodontia. Three units of credit toward the master's degree will be granted for the work described above. Those students who do not elect or who are not found qualified to pursue graduate work may continue to register for an additional quarter as postgraduate students. Such registration must be on a full-time basis. The program in such a case consists of additional clinical work and the pursuit of certain minor courses at the postgraduate level. Students in this category will be eligible for the certificate of the department upon completion of the four quarters of work. Course and Program Requirements: Pedodontics technics, three quarters; pedodontics seminar, three quarters; pedodontics clinic, three quarters; applied anatomy and growth of head, three quarters; dental pediatrics, three quarters; oral histology, one quarter; oral pathology, two quarters; pedodontics research, one quarter; pedodontics seminar, one quarter. Time Requirements: Four quarters of the organized postgraduate program. Recognition: A certificate of the department will be awarded. Postgraduate Curriculum in Oral Surgery Selected students desiring to pursue an organized curriculum in oral surgery will be accepted on a postgraduate status for a period of three quarters beginning with the fall quarter. At the end of the third quarter of residence each student will be granted a certificate and those desiring to work toward a graduate degree will apply for admission to the Graduate College according to established procedure and if accepted will follow the curriculum leading to a Master of Science degree in oral surgery. Three units of credit toward the master's degree will be granted for the work described above. Students not accepted will not be allowed to register for further postgraduate work. Course and Program Requirements: Oral surgery clinic, three quarters; oral surgery seminar, three quarters; applied pathology, two quarters; general histology, two quarters; osteology, one quarter; oral histology seminar, two quarters; tumor clinic, one quarter; oral pathology, one quarter; advanced oral histology, one quarter; gross anatomy (head and neck), one quarter. Time Requirements: Three quarters of the organized postgraduate curriculum. Recognition: A certificate of the department will be awarded for three quarters of work. The complete details of this program are being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved.
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