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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

195*] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I303 Urbana to acquire additional right of way on the east side between Green Street and Springfield Avenue, in which area the University owns a large part of the street frontage. The land has been appraised at $1.25 per square foot between Springfield Avenue and the Boneyard and at $1.50 per square foot south of the Boneyard. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend that: 1. The Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees be authorized to execute an agreement with the city of Urbana providing for the payment of the University's proportionate share of the cost of the Goodwin Avenue improvement, or approximately 57 per cent of the actual construction cost, including engineering, legal service, financing costs and miscellaneous expenses. One-half of the University's share shall be paid when construction begins and the other half on completion. Based on present estimates of cost, the University's share will be approximately $121,543, after allowing credit for the University's Goodwin Avenue frontage to be transferred to the city of Urbana. The proposed agreement with the city of Urbana will not be executed until (a) bids on this project have been received and it is clear that funds are available to pay the University's share; (b) passage of the necessary ordinances by the city of Urbana; and (c) approval of the improvement by the Court. 2. The Comptroller be authorized to make payments not to exceed $51,613 to the city of Urbana for the acquisition of one block of Illinois Street and right of way based on the appraised value; plus reimbursement for any additional costs incurred by the city of Urbana in financing the Goodwin Avenue project as the result of deferment of payments by the University for the acquisition of Illinois Street. Such payments will be made as the University acquires property fronting on Illinois Street between Goodwin Avenue and Mathews Avenue and as funds are available. 3. An allotment of $167,663 be made from the state appropriation of $180,000 for 1951-1953 "For improvements to University grounds at Urbana-Champaign and of adjacent city streets" for the improvement of Goodwin Avenue and, to the extent possible, for the acquisition of Illinois Street between Goodwin Avenue and Mathews Avenue. 4. In order to provide the additional right of way needed by the city of Urbana, the sale of University-owned land on the east side of Goodwin Avenue between Springfield Avenue and Green Street be authorized on the basis of appraised values. 5. The Director of the Physical Plant be authorized and directed, with the assistance of the Legal Counsel and the Comptroller, to negotiate with the owners of land not now owned by the University for the purchase of the additional areas needed for campus expansion and to submit recommendations on the purchase of such properties. I recommend approval of these steps. On motion of Mrs. Holt, authority was given and funds were assigned, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Grange, Mr. Herrick, Mr. Hickman, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Megran, Mr. Nickell, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Fornof, Mr. Stevenson. CONTRACT FOR DEMOLITION OF STEAM PLANT CHIMNEY IN CHICAGO (12) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $9,800 to the Bosley Wrecking Company, Chicago, for demolition of the chimney at the old heating plant at the Chicago Professional Colleges. The chimney, which has not been in use since the new Medical Center steam plant went into operation, has deteriorated to such an extent that it is hazardous. The total estimated cost of this demolition and work incidental thereto, including the contract and work to be done by the Physical Plant Department, is $15,000. Funds are available as follows: (a) from the Physical Plant Department budget, item for renewals and replacements, $5,000; (b) from the appropriation to the Physical Plant Department for debt service on building bond issues but not needed this year, $10,000.
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