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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1200 BOARD OF TKUSTEES [September 19 Mr. Herrick, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Nickell, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Hickman, Mr. Megran, Mr. Stevenson. APPROPRIATIONS BY T H E ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (14) The Board of Directors of the Athletic Association have approved the following appropriations: 1. An appropriation of $2,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary to cover the cost of a Football Band trip to Indiana on October 27, 1951. 2. An appropriation of $3,000 to the Alumni Association to provide for a portion of the salary of W. H. Rice for services rendered during the year 19501951. These appropriations are submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval. On motion of Mr. Grange, these appropriations were approved. PETTY CASH F U N D FOR T H E DIVISION O F SERVICES FOR CRIPPLED C H I L D R E N (15) The Division of Services for Crippled Children must make minor cash expenditures at various locations throughout the state but principally at the Springfield office. To control such expenditures it is desirable to establish a petty cash fund in Springfield to be handled on an imprest cash basis. Section 50E (1) of the University Statutes provides that such funds in excess of $1,000 may be established with the approval of the Board of Trustees. The Director of the Division of Services for Crippled Children and the Comptroller recommend that a petty cash fund in the amount of $1,200 be established for the Division and that the Springfield Marine Bank be approved as a depositary for it. The University Treasurer concurs in the selection of this bank. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this recommendation was approved. SALE OF RESIDENCE PROPERTY (16) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend the sale of the residence property at 508 South Ridgeway Avenue, Champaign, to Professor Quincy Howe, the present lessee, at a price of $23,000. This is in accordance with the policy approved by the Board of Trustees on December 28, I9SO, governing the sale of University-owned residence property to staff members. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute the necessary documents to complete this transaction. On motion of Mrs. Holt, the sale of this property, as recommended, was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Fornof, Mr. Grange, Mr. Herrick, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Nickell, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Hickman, Mr. Megran, Mr. Stevenson. CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION O F SEWAGE TREATMENT A N D DISPOSAL SYSTEM AT ROBERT ALLERTON PARK (17) The necessity for a new sewage disposal system at Robert Allerton Park has been recognized for some time. The buildings of the Park are now serviced only by separate septic tanks. The 4-H Memorial Camp, which is a part of the Agricultural Extension Service and therefore a regular University off-campus program, has only out-of-door facilities. On the basis of preliminary engineering studies and conferences of University officials with representatives of the 4-H Camp Committee, it was concluded that a project should be developed to cover (a) a treatment and disposal plant adequate to serve both the Park and the Camp and (b) all distribution facilities necessary for the Park, but with the main lines adequate to serve the Camp also. Facilities for the Camp grounds are deferred until such time as funds are available from contributions, since the development of the 4-H Camp has been supported by private contributions. ^
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