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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i95il UNIVERSITY OF IULIKOIS "93 MERKICKS, JAMES W., J R . , A.B., B . S , M.D., Clinical Associate Professor ( R u s h ) BAUMRUCKER, GEORGE O., B.S., M.D., Clinical Assistant Professor COTTRELL, THOMAS, M.D., Clinical Assistant Professor (Rush) RITCH, COLQUITT O., B.S., M.D., Clinical Assistant Professor RUWJICK, DORBIN F . , B.S., M.D., Clinical Assistant Professor SCHACHT, FREDERICK, B.S., MX)., Clinical Assistant Professor DRABANSKI, JOSEPH S., B.S., M.D., Clinical Associate COTTRELL, THOMAS L. C , J R . , B.S., M.D., Instructor (Rush) (one year from 7-1-50 GAINES, REUBEN B., A.B., M.D., Clinical Instructor ( R u s h ) MCDONALD, JAMES H., B.S., M.D., Clinical Instructor ( R u s h ) CHAU, SEK-HONG, M.D., Assistant (Rush) (one year from 7-1-51) HADDAD, FARID S., A.B., M.D., Assistant (Rush) (one year from 7-1-51) Division of A n e s t h e s i a LYONS, MARY M., M.D., Clinical Associate Professor ( R u s h ) ANDERSON, CHARLES D „ B.S., M.D., Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) CURRY, GORDON W., B.S., M.D., Clinical Assistant Professor (Rush) GITTELSON, LLOYD A., M.S., M.D., Clinical Assistant Professor KRETSCHMER, HENRY E., M.S., M.D., Clinical Assistant Professor HALL, BETTY TAYLOR, B.S., B.M., M.D., Clinical Instructor ( R u s h ) HECKEL, EILEEN, M.D., Clinical Instructor (Rush) ROBERTS, GEORGE, A.B., B.S., M.D., Clinical Instructor (Rush) RODRIGUEZ, DOUGLAS D., B.S., M.D., Clinical Instructor (Rush) STAFFORD, W I L M A C , B.S., M.D., Clinical Instructor (Rush) BAYAR, C , M.D., Assistant ( R u s h ) (one year from 7-1-51) DELIRA, JIMENEZ RUBEN, B.S., M.D., Assistant (Rush) (one year from 7-1-51) KAHAN, PAUL, B.S., M.D., Assistant (one year from 7-1-51) KOWALSKI, LEONARD F., M.D., Assistant (one year from 7-1-51) LOPEZ, ROBERTO G., M.D., Assistant (one year from 7-1-51) MARTIN, JOSE, M.D., Assistant ( R u s h ) (one year from 7-1-51) SEN, ARUN K., A.B., I . S c , M.D., Assistant SAULYS, VACLOVAS, M.D., Assistant (one year from 7-1-51) SHIFRIN, RICHARD, B.S., M.D., Assistant (one year from 7-1-51) TENNANT, MAURICE M., B.S., M.D., Assistant (one year from 7-1-51) On motion of M r . G r a n g e , these a p p o i n t m e n t s w e r e approved. DEANSHIP OF T H E GRADUATE COLLEGE (4) Dean Louis N . Ridenour, who has been serving as Dean of the Graduate College and Professor of Physics since 1547, has submitted his resignation from the staff of the University of Illinois stating, "As you know, only the necessity of finding a more favorable climate for my younger daughter, who is ill, has persuaded me I must leave the University. I sincerely regret this necessity, but I feel I cannot evade it." I have reluctantly accepted his resignation, effective September I, 1951, and have appointed Professor F . T . Wall of the Department of Chemistry as Acting Dean of the Graduate College for the academic year beginning September I, 1951, at a salary of $11,800. Confirmation of these actions is requested. Professor Wall will also continue to serve as Chairman of the University Research Board. H e served as Acting Chairman during the 1950-1951 academic year while Dean Ridenour was on leave of absence. O n m o t i o n of M r . N i c k e l l , t h e a c t i o n s of t h e P r e s i d e n t w e r e a p proved. EXTENSION O F LEAVE O F ABSENCE FOR PROFESSOR F. W . LOOMIS (5) Professor F . Wheeler Loomis, H e a d of the Department of Physics, who has teen on leave of absence without pay since March I, 1951, for services at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as director of an important national defense project, has requested an extension of his leave of absence. I recommend that he be continued on leave of absence without pay during we academic year ,1951-1952. I recommend also that Professor G. M. Almy of the Ue Partrrient, who has been serving as Acting Head during the absence of Professor
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