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Caption: Dedication - Hallene Gateway This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
:**> cVv WRITTEN FOH TUB OCCASION. ——• > o » —— ^earning anil ^abur* OWN the line of struggling ages, Swells the cry for truth and light, Wrung from bosoms of the peoples, Dimly yearning for the right. Toiling millions, bravely bearing All the burdens of the day, Supplicate the ear all-hearing, For to labor is to pray. Down the line of ages flaming, Glow the kindling fires of thought; Flashing 'neath the stroke of hammers, Light, as well as iron, is wrought. And the mighty schools of labor, With their problems deep and stern, Educate the toiling peoples, For to labor, is to learn. Thus the Father's wisdom giveth Answer, from the prayer out-wrought From the furrowed fields of labor Come the harvest sheaves of thought; And from cut the line of ages, Gleams the truth of Christly birth— Learning, incarnate in labor, Shall regenerate the earth. Then to labor and to learning Let us consecrate these halls: Lo 1 they come as God's strong angels Bringing light and breaking thralls ; Kindling in us hopes supernal Of a glorious coming time, When the love und might eternal Shall work out God's will sublime.
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