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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
88o BOARD O F TRUSTEES [September 29 THOREK, P H I L I P , B.S., M.D., Clinical Assistant Professor GREEN, RAYMOND, B.S., M.D., Clinical Associate M I S H K I N , HERMAN L., B.S., M.D., Clinical Associate BROWN, C. DAVID, B.S., M.D., Clinical Instructor DAVIS, CARL B., JR., A.B., M.D., Clinical Instructor (Rush) DIFFENBAUGH, W I L L I S G., B.S., M.D., Clinical Instructor EASTMAN, WARD, B.S., M.D., Instructor (also Resident at Research and Educational Hospitals) ( 1 year from 7-1-49) EVERSON, TILDEN C , A.B., M.D., Clinical Instructor FOWLER, FRANK H., M.S., M.D., Clinical Instructor HANSELMAN, RUSSELL C , Ph.D., M.D., Clinical Instructor HANSON, JOHN O., B.S., M.D., Clinical Instructor HARDT, HARRY G., JR., B.S., M.D., Clinical Instructor HOFRICHTER, FRANK C , B.S., M.D., Clinical Instructor (Rush) HOLUB, Louis A., B.S., M.D., Clinical Instructor JENSIK, ROBERT J., M.S., M.D., Clinical Instructor KILBOURNE, BURTON, M.D., Clinical Instructor LEVENSON, STANLEY M., A.B., M.D., Clinical Instructor MAJARAKIS, JAMES D., M.S., M.D., Clinical Instructor ROTH, HAROLD A., B.S., M.D., Clinical Instructor AUTEN, DONALD S., B.S., M.D., Assistant (also Resident at Research and Educational Hospitals) (1 year from 7-1-49) BERGER, JACK C , B.S., M.D., Assistant (Rush) (also Resident at Presbyterian Hospital) (1 year from 7-1-49) BERMAN, EDWARD J., A.B., M.D., Assistant (Rush) (also Resident at Presbyterian Hospital) (1 year from 7-1-49) CROUCH, WARNER L., M.D., Assistant (Rush) (also Resident at Presbyterian Hospital) ( J year from 7-1-49) DEPEYSTES, FREDERIC A., A.B., M.D., Clinical Assistant (Rush) EHRLICH, ROBERT W., A.B., M.D., Assistant (Rush) (also Resident at Presbyterian Hospital) (1 year from 7-1-49) FOWLER, EDSON F., M.S., M.D., Clinical Assistant GROVE, WILLIAM J., M.S., M.D., Assistant (also Resident at Research and Educational Hospitals) (1 year from 7-1-49) HAMLIN, HOWARD H., A.B., B.S., M.D., Clinical Assistant (Rush) H I L L , EDWARD J., JR., A.B., M.D., Clinical Assistant JAVID, HUSHANG, M.S., M.D., Assistant (also Resident at Research and Educational Hospitals) (.r year from 7-1-49) JERNEGAN, JOSEPH L., JR., B.S., M.D., Assistant (Rush) (also Resident at Presbyterian Hospital) ( J year from 7-1-49) JOHNSON, FRANK R., B.S., M.D., Assistant (also Resident at Presbyterian Hospital) ( J year from 7-1-49) LASNER, JACK, B.S., M.D., Clinical Assistant LATENSER, JOHN F., M.D., Assistant (Rush) (also Resident at Hospital) (.r year from 7-1-49) L I N , MARGARET H . D., A.M., M.D., Clinical Assistant LOOBY, W I L L I A M E., B.S., M.D., Clinical Assistant Presbyterian MCCASKILL, DANIEL, A.B., M.D., Assistant (Rush) (also Resident at Presbyterian Hospital) (1 year from 7-1-49) MEYER, ROBERT P., B.S., M.D., Assistant (Rush) (also Resident at Presbyterian Hospital) (1 year from 7-1-49) MILROY, JOHN J., B.S., M.D., Clinical Assistant (Rush) MOSSEY, RICHARD O., M.D., Assistant (Rush) (also Resident at Presbyterian Hospital) (.r year from 7-1-49) O ' K A N E , CALVIN R., A.B., M.D., Assistant (Rush) (also Resident at Presbyterian Hospital) (1 year from 7-1-49) SCANLON, EDWARD F., A.B., M.D., Assistant (Rush) (also Resident at Presbyterian Hospital) {1 year from 7-1-49) SOUTHWICK, HARRY, B.S., M.D., Assistant (also Resident at Research and Educational Hospitals) (.r year from 7-1-49) SCHREY, EDWARD L., B.S., M.D., Clinical Assistant TEITELMAN, S. LLOYD, A.B., M.D., Clinical Assistant
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