Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
64 Item One education power unit; 7 d y n a m o m e t e r s with controls; 6 dynamometer bed plates; 7 engine supports BOARD OF TRUSTEES Department Mechanical Engineering Vendor General Electric Co., Springfield [July 22 Cost 55 260 00 (Subject to adjustment to prices in effect at time of delivery, any increase not to exceed f.o.b. Chicago One model 8 Marvel band saw Labor and contractor's service for erection of a headquarters building on the Northern Illinois Experiment Field, De Kalb County, Illinois Two 1948 special deluxe, 4door Plymouth sedans (one replacement and one addition) Civil Engineering Chas. H. Besly & Co., Chicago L. B. Hanna, Princeton 20%) 1 970 00 8 500 00 Division of Services for Crippled Children Modern Motors, Inc., Springfield Construction and installation of one water station and two cashier counters in Illini Union Cafeteria Approximately 200 military u n i f o r m s for a d v a n c e d course students in ROTC during academic year 19481949 Fifty choice stocker calves averaging approximately 425 pounds per head Ninety reams 24x32 - 113 lb. cream post card stock to be used in printing for the Agricultural Experiment Station Approximately 225 head yearling ewes Relining Boiler No. 3, replacing one arch in Boiler No. 2, replacing incline section of the baffle in Boiler No. 1, and replacing six stoker piers 25,000 copies First Semester Time Table 12,800 gallons road oil to be furnished and spread on campus roads Labor and material for resurfacing Library parking lot with 1J^" asphaltic concrete, approximately 3577 sq. yds. Illini Union The Stearnes Co., Chicago Jacob Reed's Sons, Philadelphia, Pa. 1 846 38 (including trade-in of one 1946 Chevrolet) 2 158 is Military Animal Science Office Supply Store To be selected by Professor F. C. Francis in October, 1948 Dwight Brothers Paper Co., Chicago To be selected by Professor W. G. Kammlade in August, 1948 Approximately 6 500 00 1 119 60 Agricultural Administration Physical Plant (Galesburg) Approximately 5 625 00 C. 0 . Henriksen, Chicago Possible maximum total of f.o.b. Chicago r4fia gallon or total of 2 220 75 4 225 00 University Press Physical Plant Physical Plant John S. Swift Co., Chicago Illiana Distributors, Inc., Urbana Champaign Asphalt Co., Champaign 1 792 00 $1.30 a s q . y d . or 4 650 10 Purchases Authorized by the President of the University The following purchases have been authorized by the President of the University on the recommendations of the Director of Purchases and the Comptroller. Unless otherwise specified the purchases were made on the basis of lowest bids, or because the items are noncompetitive, or to obtain early delivery. Item Two carloads (200 drums, 54 gallons each) methyl alcohol, synthetic pure 8,ooo gallons (1 tank car) No. 1 fuel oil. This oil is to be placed in the storage tank as a reserve supply for the Parade Ground Housing Area Department Aeronautical Engineering Residence Halls Vendor E. I. DuPont deNemours & Co., Chicago Johnson Oil Refining Co., Chicago Cost 4 158 00 f.o.b. Urbana gallon, or 1 050 00