UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 321]

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[ A p r i l 21

of its intention to use the same. If said connection shall be used after the Water Company is furnishing all of the University's requirements, the water flowing through the meter at said connection shall be added to the amount flowing through the Master Meter for the purpose of billing in any billing period during which the said connection may be in use for emergency purposes. A minimum charge shall be made to the University in respect of this connection equal to the minimum charge fixed in the rate schedule of the Water Company in force at the time and applicable to the size of meter then in use, and the University shall be given credit for the amount of water allowed for such minimum charge in any such rate schedule. T h e University shall provide space for the said Master Meter, and if a meter vault is required, the same shall be built by the University at its expense in accordance with specifications to be furnished by the Water Company. The division of responsibility for the maintenance of the respective facilities of the Water Company and the University shall be at the said service valve to be furnished by the Water Company, and the Water Company shall not be required to provide more than one service line leading to such valve unless required by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. The University agrees to construct, maintain and operate at its sole cost and expense all equipment and facilities (including all service connections) beyond the delivery point which may be necessary to take and utilize the water furnished by the Water Company. It is understood that the University now and hereafter may desire metered water service to buildings and facilities of the University located on or off the campus and which are not, or may not hereafter, be connected with its distribution system and that with respect to any such metered water service a separate bill shall be rendered monthly or quarterly, at the discretion of the Water Company, to the University for each such meter so furnishing water at the applicable rates from time to time in force for such metered water service, and that the amount of the water furnished through such metered water service shall not be considered as a part of, nor added to, the amount of water furnished through the Master Meter. Such metered water service shall be furnished under such rules, regulations and conditions of service applicable to other customers of the Water Company as may be in force and effect during the time service is received by the University. In order to eliminate the necessity of the University using its pumping equipment, the Water Company agrees to operate its pumping equipment so as to fill its elevated storage tank located on North Champaign Street, extended, Champaign, Illinois, and which has a capacity of approximately one million (1,000,000) gallons, at least once in twenty-four hours, which operation of the Water Company's pumping equipment should be sufficient to fill the University's present elevated tank within the same 24 hour period. In the event that the said elevated storage tank of the Water Company should not be filled once in 24 hours or be out of service for any reason, the W a t e r Company agrees to maintain operating pressures at its pumping station at least equal to those with which it maintains on an average daily basis while the said elevated storage tank is in service. In any case, the University shall be responsible for the pressure in its mains and distribution system for fire protection purposes. 4. It is understood that all water to be furnished hereunder shall be potable water and the standards of the United States Public Health Service for drinking water shall be the standards used in determining potability. It is further understood that the Water Company, after the expiration of a period of two (2) years from the date of this agreement, shall at all times furnish to the University an adequate supply of water, and if any question shall arise as to the adequacy of such water supply, the question shall be determined by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. In case of any deficiency either in potability or adequacy, the Water Company_ shall not be in default hereunder if, within six (6) months after such deficiency occurs, it shall commence the necessary engineering studies and place orders for all materials that such engineering studies indicate are necessary and take such other steps as may be necessary to correct the then existing deficiency, and pursue the same to completion within a reasonable time, and if the Water Company shall not take steps to correct the then existing deficiency in the manner and within the time above specified, the University shall, at its option, be relieved of its obligation under this agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Water Company shall not be required to correct any deficiency when the Water