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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S 249 CONTRACT FOR POWER PLANT GENERATING EQUIPMENT (19) On June 15, 1948 (Minutes, page 1159), the Board of Trustees appropriated $49,220 as the partial cost of a new turbogenerator and auxiliary equipment needed to increase the power production capacity of the Abbott Power Plant at Urbana-Champaign. The estimated cost of the required generator, auxiliary equipment, and installation is $1,215,280 and provision for it is included in the building program for 1949-1951 as approved by the Board on October 21, 1948. The $49,220 already appropriated is for engineering work which can be done during the current biennium. As a further means of expediting delivery of the equipment, it was proposed that contracts be entered into, up to a maximum of $568,500, such contracts giving the University the right of termination if funds for the generating equipment are not appropriated by the General Assembly of Illinois, in which case the University's liability would be limited to the $49,220 for engineering services. The Physical Plant Department has secured bids on a 7500 K W turbogenerator, condensing equipment, and a cooling tower. The Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Comptroller recommend the award of contracts to the lowest bidders as follows: 7500 K W turbogenerator, General Electric Company, Chicago, $282,200, subject to a maximum escalation of 10%, or a maximum cost of $310 420 Bids were taken on a full extraction generator (that is, one from which all the steam may be available for heating), and, as an alternate, on a generator which would provide maximum extraction up to the 7500 K W capacity. The latter has the same generating capacity as the former but requires less floor space and costs less. It is proposed to accept the alternate bid and award the contract on that equipment. Condensing equipment, Worthington Pump Company, Chicago, $48,920 plus a maximum escalation of 10%, or a maximum cost of 53 812 Cooling tower, Marley Company, Inc., Chicago, $31,363, plus ( a ) unloading and erection, $7,663, and (b) a maximum escalation of 15% or a maximum cost of 40 176 Total , $404 408 This cost is within the maximum of $568,500. Proposals for an electrical switch gear will be considered later. I recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute the contracts on the basis of the bids indicated herein. On motion of Dr. Meyer, contracts were authorized as recommended. APPOINTMENT OF HEAD OF DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY (20) On September 1, 1943, the Department of Physiology in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences was merged with the Department of Zoology as an administrative convenience pending the appointment of a head of the Department of Physiology. The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences recommends that: 1. Effective September I, 1049, the Departments of Physiology and Zoology be administered as separate departments of the College. 2. Dr. Robert E. Johnson, now Director of the Medical Nutrition Laboratory of the Army Service Forces in Chicago, be appointed Professor and Head of the Department of Physiology on indefinite tenure beginning September 1, 1949, at a salary of $10,000 an academic year. I concur in these recommendations. On motion of Dr. Meyer, these recommendations were adopted. BIENNIAL BUDGET FOR THE INSTITUTION FOR TUBERCULOSIS RESEARCH (21) The 65th General Assembly of the State of Illinois appropriated to the University of Illinois the sum of $32,000 for the operation and maintenance of the Institution for Tuberculosis Research. T h e General Assembly provided that the management of the Institution be vested in a five-man board, two members to
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