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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I48 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ O c t o b e r 21 SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR NONRECURRING EXPENDITURES (5) The Committee on Special Appropriations and Nonrecurring Expenditures recommends assignments from the General Reserve Fund for the following purposes: College of Agriculture: a. For remodeling Rooms 227-231 Bevier Hall for Home Economics Department $ 2 800 b. For remodeling and equipment in the Horticulture Department. 14 600 c. For calculating equipment for Agricultural Economics Department 4 600 d. For finishing Room 404 Mumford Hall 3 100 College of Fine and Applied Arts: For new console for Auditorium organ for the School of Music 12 000 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: a. For remodeling of Room 143 Natural History Building for Geology Department 1 700 b. For laboratory equipment for Department of Bacteriology 5 500 c. For constant temperature humidity cases in Room 203 Harker Hall for Department of Entomology 1 500 d. For equipment for work in cytogenetics in the Department of Botany 41 600 e. For remodeling and miscellaneous equipment for Department of Botany 39 000 Chicago Professional Colleges: For purchase of microscopes 6 000 Total $132 400 I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, these appropriations were made as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Davis, Mr. Fornof, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Livingston, Mr. McKelvey, Mr. McLaughlin, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Nickell, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Green, Dr. Luken. PURCHASE OF ILLINOIS TERMINAL RIGHT-OF-WAY (6) The Illinois Terminal Railroad Company formerly had a spur track extending through the business and residential part of Urbana and through the Universityservice area to Sixth Street in Champaign. When this spur was abandoned, the University acquired various portions of the property through the following actions of the Board of Trustees: October 17, 1942 (Minutes, page n o ) , the Board authorized the purchase of that portion lying between Wright and Sixth Streets at a price of $1 500 September 24, 1946 (Minutes, page 57), the Board authorized the acquisition of that portion between Mathews and Goodwin Avenues at a price of 2 500 November 22, 1946 (Minutes, page 164), the Board authorized the purchase of that portion lying between Goodwin Avenue and Harvey Street at a cost of 1 500 May 27, 1047 (Minutes, page 370), the Board authorized the purchase of the West ^4 block between Harvey Street and Gregory Avenue at a cost of.. I 000 The purchase of the first parcel has been completed and the title transferred to the University of Illinois. The purchase of the last three parcels has not been completed pending the successful negotiation of some questions concerning the title. It is anticipated that these difficulties will be worked out in the near future. There is also available the east one-half block between Harvey and Gregory (approximately 4 0 ' x 198'). The Illinois Terminal Railroad Company has a buyer for this property at a price of $750, which represents a unit cost of Q.5(t a square foot. They have offered this property to the University at the same price, and the Director of the Physical Plant Department, the Security Officer, and the Comptroller recommend that the University purchase the property to be used as a parking area and for Physical Plant Service purposes.
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