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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1478 1140 BOARD OF TRUSTEES White, F. W., degree, 1215 White, G. W., appointment, 562 White, H. E., degree, 118 White, H. L., appointment, 771, 773 White, H. O., degree, 1020 White, H. R., degree, 161 White, H. V., degree, 1023 White, J. E., degree, 849 White, J. M., memorial fund, gift, 1165 White, J. T., Jr., degree, 437 White, J. W., fellowship, 343 declination, 345 White, Jane, degree, 440 White, Katherine E., degree, 446 White, L. E., degree, 858 White, L. V., appointment, 43 White, Martha C., degree, 457 White, Mrs. Mary G., appointment, 769 White, Mary O., degree, 1028 White, R. C., degree, 469 White, R. D., certificate, 133 White, Richard E., degree, 1238 White, Robert E., appointment, 776 White, R. H., degree, 1034 White, R. L,, degree, 463 White, S. H., appointment, 637 White, S. S., Dental Manufacturing Co., purchase, 1162 White, Suzanne, degree, 453 White, W. O., degree, 1218, 1220 White, W. T., Jr., degree, 469 White & McTaggart Co., contract, 1063, White City Electric Co., contract, 411 Whitehead, D. F., degree, 1025 Whitehead, June A., degree, 118 Whitehorn, W. V., appointment, 688 Whitehouse, F. W., degree, 473 White lead, Physical Plant, purchase, 129, White Line Laundry, contract, 936 purchase, 523 White Pine Lumber Co., purchase, 354, 983, Whitesel, E. Grace, appointment, 43 Whitesel, Ritta, appointment, 592 Whiteside, E. P., appointment, 376, 583, 597, 927 declination, 981 resignation, 981 Whiteside, Helen, appointment, 43 declination, 111 Whitesitt, J. E., degree, 434 Whitfield, H. B., Jr., degree, 1014 Whitfield, J. R., degree, 273 Whitfield, W. M., appointment, 43 cancellation, 156 Whiting, F. S-, Jr., degree, 270 Whitlcr, Helen C-, degree, 121 Whitley, R. T., degree, 444 Whitlock, Mrs. Ann, appointment, 790 Whitlock, J. G\, degree, 1021 Whitlock, Nancy I., degree, 117 Whitlock, R, F., appointment, 52, 873 Whitman, G. B,, appointment, 579, 600 salary adjustment, 1057 Whitmer, R. W., degree, 1019 Whitmore, C. M., degree, 1014 Whitney, L. T., degree, 463 Whitney, R. M., appointment, 589, 598 salary adjustment, 1059 Whitson, Mrs. Evelyn, appointment, 775 Whittaker, R. H., degree, 159 Whitten, H. P., fellowship, 343 Whittingham, C. P., fellowship, 339 Whitton, Willa I., degree, 446 Whitworth, J. N., degree, 123 Whitworth, R. L., degree, 1219 Whowell Motor Sales, purchase, 901 Whynot, Jacqueline R., degree, 270 Whyte, Lee, appointment, 741 Wich, T. J „ degree, 859 Wichelns, H. A., appointment, 512 1116 902, 984, 1116, 1162 1258 Westwater, J. J., degree, 114 Westwater, J. W., appointment, 378, 556, Wetenkamp, H. R., appointment, 619 degree, 1212 engineering bulletin, publication, funds, 1165 Wetzel, A, A., degree, 857 Wetzel, B. E., degree, 433 Wetzel, Doris, appointment, 762 Wetzel, R. G., degree, 469 Wetzel, R. M., appointment, 390 degree, 931 Wetzel, R. W., degree, 859 Wexler, Marjorie L., degree, 1225 Wexler, R. H., degree, 1243 Weyl, Mrs. Muriel I., appointment, 782 Weymueller, C. R-, degree, 268 Whalen, J. M., degree, 1222 Whalen, R. F., degree, 1243 Whalin, O. L., appointment, 599 leave of absence, 293 salary adjustment, 1060 Wham, Mrs. Dorothy S., appointment, 155, degree, 114 resignation, 428 Wham, F. L., member of advisory committee, 365, 1176 Wham, G. D., degree, 1247 Wham, Mrs. Marion, appointment, 780 Wham, R. S., degree, 444 Wharton, W. V., degree, 464 Wheat, G., gift, 904 Wheat, J. H., services, Leverenz claim, 810 Wheat germ oil, research, influence on physical fitness tests, contract, 282 nutrients in, gift, 165 nutritive value, contract, 525 value in developing resistance to disease, gift, 906, 1168 Wheatley, Beatrice M., degree, 121 Wheatley, G., appointment, 775 Wheel chairs, gift, 908, 912 Wheeler, Annabel, appointment, 785 Wheeler, Mrs. Dorothea M., appointment, 708, 1089 Wheeler, E. F., certificate, 1035 Wheeler, E. T„ contract, 185, 936 Wheeler, Mrs. Katherine M., appointment, 661 retirement, 345 Wheeler, Nancy L., fellowship, 1093 Wheeler, 0 . J., purchase, 903 Wheeless, B. J., degree, 1234 Whelan, Patricia A., degree, 463 Whetstone, W. H., appointment, 733 Whike, Lois A., resignation, 845 Whipple, M. M,, degree, 1020 Whisenand, J. L., appointment, 614 degree, 854 Whitaker, A. C , degree, 469 Whitaker, R. W., appointment, 581 Whitaker, Rose, appointment, 753 Whitby, A. J., appointment, 748 Whitcomb, H. C-, certificate, 206 Whitcomb, J. N., degree, 1215 White, A. C., degree, 123 White, Adeline R., appointment, 679 White, Mrs. Alma, appointment, 746 White, C , appointment, 781 White, C. L., degree, 855 White, C. S., appointment, 105 White, C. T., degree, 1027 White, D. W., degree, 1022 White, Dolores P., degree, 1216 White, E. A., degree, 455 White, Mrs. Elwanda D., appointment, 1193 White, Erma B., degree, 1015 White, F. C., degree, 126 White, F. H., appointment, 303, 644 White, F. L., degree, 1024 White, F. P., degree, 113
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