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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Thrasher, W. D., degree, 1237 Threet, Mrs. Dorothy L., appointment, 763 Threet, R. L., appointment, 383 degree, 848 Threlkeld, C. G., degree, 1020 Thresher, Agronomy, purchase, 352, 394, 395 Thrift, C. B., appointment, 871 Thuot, C. B„ degree, 853 Thurman, Mrs. Clara, appointment, 733 Thurman, H. L., Jr., degree, 850 Thurow, D. R., degree, 453 Thurston, E. W., appointment, 927 Thurston, K. L., appointment, 739, 776 Tibbils, R. W., degree, 273 Tice, F., appointment, 48, 868 Ticer, J. E., Jr., degree, 1030 Tichenor, R. W., degree, 466 Tichenor, Vivian H., degree, 1237 Tidwell, C. C , degree, 445 Tiebout, H. M., Jr., appointment, 386, 565, Tierney, Agnes M., fellowship, 1094 declination, 1138 Tiffany, Mrs. Caryl, appointment, 734 Tiffany, P, E., degree, 461 Tiffin, J. J., appointment, 747 Tigay, Clara D., appointment, 56, 877 Tigerman, V. S., degree, 1229 Tighe, Mrs. Emily M., appointment, 806 Tighe, J. P., appointment, 724 Tillit5on, Vernice T., degree, 121 Tillman, A. C , appointment, 560 Tillman, W. J., degree, 1238 Tillotson, H. L., degree, 853 Tilly, J. E., appointment, 59 Timblin, W. S., appointment, 50, 871 Timetables, printing, 64, 235, 351, 938, 1063 Timken Roller Bearing Co., contract, 185 Timm, F. A., degree, 465 Timmer, G. W., degree, 450 Timmerhaus, K. D., appointment, 1141 degree, 933 fellowship, iog 1 Timmis, Mrs. Beatrice S., appointment, 718, Timmons, B. F., appointment, 42, 380, 388, 568, 1143, H49 Timpone, R., degree, 1243 Tiner, Mrs. Lyla G., appointment, i55> 957 degree, 114 Tinervin, W. C , degree, 1244 Tinius Olsen Testing Machine Co., purchase, Tinkelman, J,, degree, 1244 Tinkoff, P., Jr., degree, 125, 1019 Tinsley, M., appointment, 683 resignation, 929 Tippit, H., certificate, 206 Tippo, O., appointment, 147, 377. 555 Tipsword, T. N„ degree, 1225 Tiritilli, A. A., degree, 1240 Tirone, A. R., degree, 123 Titanium Alloy Manufacturing Co., gift, 1167 Titanium metal, research, gift, 905 Titley, R. J-, appointment, 839 Tittsworth, I. F., degree, 450 Tjaden, J. S., degree, 1219 Tkacik, J. J., degree, 437 Tober, R. H., degree, 276, 1208 Tober, R. L., degree, 1034 Tobias, Helen, appointment, 770 Tobias, J., appointment, 104, 589 degree, 261 Tobias, J. F., degree, 118 Tobiason, T. E., degree, 469 Tobiasz, H. E-, degree, 1221 Tobin, Joyce, appointment, 796 Tobin, R. G., degree, 1032 Tobin, R. K., degree, 865 Tod, Ida F„ appointment, 663 Toda, J. Y., degree, 1229 Todd, Helen K., appointment, 755 130 I467 1148 1152 Todd, W. B., degree, 455 Toepke, L. E., degree, 1215 Tokman, Jayce L., degree, 270 Toland, Lillian G.t degree, 453 Toledo Scale Co., purchase, 232 Toler, H. R., Jr., degree, 1217 Toliver, C , appointment, 782 Toll, E. A., Jr., degree, 1221 Toll, K. van S., appointment, 182 Tolliver, Helen W.. degree, 853 Tolliver, Maudeen, appointment, 792 Tolman, C. M., degree, 853 Tolomeo, Prudence P., appointment, 182, 681 Tolpin, P. H., degree, 473 Tom, C. W., degree, 469 Tom, G. F., degree, 1209 Tomaras, W. A., degree, 119 Tomchek, C. P., degree, 1235 Tomcik, J. P., degree, 1022 Tomczyk, R. A., degree, 1020 Tomes, J. E., degree, 469 Tomlin, R. M., gift, gos Tomlinson, A. E., appointment, 839 Tomlinson, A. R., degree, 462 Tomlinson, Mrs. Donna, appointment, 756 Tomlinson, Mrs. Mary E., appointment, 839 resignation, 375 Tomlinson, R. M., degree, 1231 Tompkin, R. D., degree, 435 Tompkins, Clara E., degree, 113 Tompkins, G, C , appointment, declination, 11 r Tompson, W., degree, 259 Toney, A., painting, purchase, 1117 Tong, F. F., degree, 1022 Tong, K. N., appointment, 425, 618 Tongren, B. R., degree, 1221 Toni Co., gift. 909 Tonigan, H. C., degree, 450 Tonigan, R. F., degree, 1034 Tonkin. W. M., appointment, 839 degree, 453 Toomey, R. D., fellowship, 156 Tonsor, S. J., fellowship, 342 declination, 375 Tonymon, D. ( degree, 1225 Toohey, Rita J., appointment, 781 Tooley, C , appointment, 744 Tooley, F. V., appointment, 606 Toombs, Mrs. Agnes, appointment, 799 Toomey, Anne, appointment, 786 Toomey, R. D., degree, 1197 Topel, W. E., certificate, 133 Topp, R. F., appointment, 811, 839 Toppe, Marjorie E., appointment, 773 Toppel, H. S., degree, 126 Topping, A. D., appointment, 425, 618 Torch, M., degree, 128, 933 Torch, R., degree, 119 Torda, P., appointment, 811, 839 Toreson, K, E., degree, 267 Torhan, G. J., appointment, 231, 659 degree, 276, 1015 Toriello, L, A., appointment, 782 Torrey, J. K., degree, 126 Tort, Mrs. Ferdina J., appointment, 391, 718, 1152 Tortorici, Mary A,, degree, 860 Toth, E. F., appointment, 635 Touchberry, R. W., appointment, 254, 588, 957 Towels, purchase, Physical Education for Men, 959 Physical Plant, 901, 983, 1259 Towers, Patricia A,, degree, 458 Towery, Hazel L., degree,1 113 Towne, T. L.. degree, 44 Towner, T. H., appointment, 42, 391, 725 Townsend, E. J., appointment, 564 Townsend, F. G., appointment, 382, 560, 1144 Townsend, J. E., degree, 1024 Townsend, Mrs. Verna K., appointment, 388, 957, 1088, 1150
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