UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1474]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950
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Thomas, W . K.., fellowship, 1093 declination, 1097 Thomas, W. O., degree, 1233 Thomason, J. R., degree, 122 Thomasson, Barbara, appointment, 743 Thometz, Mary F.; degree, 264 Thompson, A. W., degree, 1238 Thompson, Betty J., degree, 1248 Thompson, C. B., degree, 930 Thompson, C. M., appointment, 622, 625 Thompson, E. T., degree, 1221 Thompson, G., appointment, 771 Thompson, Howard L., degree, 1020 Thompson, Hugh L., degree, 1244 Thompson, H. M., degree, 117 Thompson, Mrs. Helen H., appointment, 741 Thompson, Ida M.» degree, 458 Thompson, J. H., degree, 859 Thompson, J. O., degree, 275 Thompson, J. R., appointment, 686 member of advisory committee, 243 Thompson, J. S., degree, 1225 Thompson, J. W., appointment, 1140 degree, 441 Thompson, L. E., degree, 449 Thompson, L. W., degree, 274 Thompson, Louise M., degree, 433 Thompson, M. F., degree, 1022 Thompson, Margaret A., degree, 849 Thompson, Richard E., degree, 861 Thompson, Robert E., appointment, 56, 877 Thompson, R. H., appointment, 839, 1007, Thompson, R. J., degree, 1020 Thompson, Richard M., degree, 1027, 1207 Thompson, Robert M., degree, 1232 Thompson, R. R., appointment, 754 Thompson, Roberta J., degree, 259 Thompson, S. E., appointment, 548, 670 Thompson, V. E., degree, 453 Thompson, W. A., Jr., degree, 1243 Thompson, W. C , degree, 863 Thompson, W. H., appointment, 762 Thompson, Willard L., degree, 854 Thompson, William L., degree, 859 Thompson, Wayne N., appointment, 391, 718, 839 Thompson, William N,, appointment, 42, 104, 579, 1138 Thompson, W. O., appointment, 48, 868 Thompson, W. R., degree, 1225 fellowship, 1095 Thorns, B. G., degree, 469 Thomsen, R. N., degree, 1023 Thomson, A. R., certificate, 133 Thomson, Jean E., degree, 446 Thor, A. U., appointment, 583, 600 salary adjustment, 1058 Thorek, P., appointment, 58, 880 Thoresen, G., degree, 1238 Thorman, Vanna J., degree, 1237 Thornberry, H. H., appointment, 594 salary adjustment, 1060 Thornburg, E. J., degree, 1027 Thornburn, T. H., appointment, 608 Thorne, R. P . , certificate, 497 Thornes, H. F., appointment, 734 authority to sign name of President of Board, 287, 1042 ThornhiU. W. A., appointment, 756 Thornquist, Jeanne G., degree, 1225 Thornton, K. J., degree, 458 Thornton, R. W., resignation, 256 Thorp, J. M., degree, 444 Thorsell, B. A., degree, 271 Thorsen, C. K., degree, 1034 Thorsen, C. M., degree, 462 Thorson, G. A., degree, 464 Thorson, Marjorie A., degree, 1216 Thorson, R. G., degree, 123 Thourson, R. F., degree, 1234 Thrasher, L. L., Jr., degree, 460


Teweles, R. J., appointment, 380 degree, 930 fellowship, 255 Texas Gulf Sulphur Co., gift, 67, 1167 Textor, C. S., I I , appointment, 51, 872 Thackaberry, Mary L., degree, 123 Thai, W . C , degree, 434 Thaler, R. P., degree, 114 Tharp, W. A., Jr., degree, 1215 Thatcher, Elizabeth C , degree, 453 Theft insurance, policy, 199 Theis, F. V., appointment, 58, 879 Theis, Geneva, appointment, 798 Theis, R. A., degree, 1219 Theisen, R. F., degree, 128 Theiss, E. L., appointment, 377* 623, 1140 leave of absence, 293 Themander, A. R., degree, 1034 Theobald, P. G., degree, 1245 Theobald, R. W., degree, 469 Theobald, W. H., appointment, 54, 875 Theobold, Mrs. Georgiana D., appointment, 684 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 484 budget, 618, 7$7 summer session, 389, 1151 fellows, 1095 purchase, amplifiers, 306 calibrator, 352 flume framework, 305 oscillograph and galvanometers, 306 plastics testing machine, 306 Ther, Irene L., degree, 1237 Therapy in infants and children, research, gift, 166 Thiede, P. W., degree, 1219 Thiel, C. J., degree, 1248 Thiemann, Mrs. Donna J., appointment, 795 Thiemann, J. W., degree, 447 Thier Brothers, gift, 905 Thimsen, C. P . , fellowship, 1094 declination, 1097 Thoke, R. G., degree, 128 Tholen, L. A., degree, 1212 Tholen, Mrs. Marilyn I., appointment, 735 Tholin, A. L., degree, 432 Thorn, Kathleen J%, appointment, 1054 Thom, W. J., appointment, 733 Thoma, G. F., degree, 126, 440 Thomann, D. F., degree, 931 Thomas, Alice M., appointment, declination, 46 Thomas, C. B., degree, 1219 Thomas, D. D., degree, 473 Thomas, Dorothy M., degree, 113 Thomas, Frances I., degree, 454 Thomas, G. A., degree, 858 Thomas, G. N., appointment, 382, 839, 1144 degree, 931 Thomas, G. R., degree, 1215 Thomas, H. B., appointment, 684 Thomas, H. E., degree, 1221 Thomas, J. E., certificate, 26 Thomas, J. F., degree, 449 Thomas, T. G,, appointment, 645 Thomas, J. H., appointment, 927 Thomas, Mrs. Juanita, appointment, 774 Thomas, L., Jr., degree, 1025 Thomas, L. J., appointment, 571 leave of absence, 1047 Thomas, L. L., certificate, 496 Thomas, Margaret, appointment, 792 Thomas, N. B., degree, 848 Thomas, R. \V., degree, 1243 Thomas, Rmh, appointment, 543 Thomas, S., degree, 1248 Thomas, S. J., degree, 1243 Thomas, Mrs. Sylvia A., appointment, 734 Thomas, W A., appointment, 48, 868 Thomas, W. E., appointment, 377, 624, 1140 Thomas, \V. F., appointment, 714, 720