UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1476]

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i 4 68

BOARD O F TRUSTEES Trevoy, D. J-, degree, 430 fellowship, 43 resignation, 256 Trezise, F. W., appointment, 721 cancellation, 46 Trifonoff, G. T., degree, 266 Trigger, K. J., appointment, 385, 613* 1147 Trimble, C , Jr., degree, 128, 858 Trimble, C. J., degree, 117 Trimble, H. I)., appointment, 104, 629 Trimble, M. W., appointment, 748 Trimble, R. B., degree, 858 Trimmer, R. W., appointment, 48, 869 Trindler, Lilly E., degree, 1225 Tri Par Sound Systems, purchase, 982 Tripp, H. P., degree, 447, 1204 fellowship, 339 Tripp, T., Jr., degree, S55 Trisler, J. L., gift, 905 Tritium, Physics, purchase, 937 Trjitzinsky, W. J., appointment, 564 Trobaugh, Mrs. Virginia C , appointment, 734 Trojanek, Mrs. Emma, appointment, 799 Troller, J. E., degree, 278 Troller, T. F., degree, 1219 Troop, H. W., degree, 1017 Tross, C. H., degree, 1026 Trost, C. E., degree, 864 Trotier, A. H,, appointment, 155, 646, 660, 108S Trotta, Concetta, appointment, 797 Trotter, L. J., appointment, 756 Trotter, V. L., degree, 1215 Troutt, J. A., degree, 1243 Troxel, R. N., degree, 128 Troxel, Wilma, appointment, 647, 708, 1088 Troxell, G. H., Jr., degree, 1209 Troxell, L. R., Jr., scholarship, 427 Trubitt, H. J., degree, 1024 Trubht, S. W., degree, 1027 Trubitt, V. A., degree, 1232 Truck equipment, Horticulture, appropriation,


Toxicology, budget, 687, 784 laboratory table, purchase, 103S remodeling, appropriation, 824 Toy, W. N., degree, 1022 Toye, Mrs. Lola L„ appointment, 737 Tozer, W., degree, 278 Tozier, Patricia J., degree, 1245 Tracey, J. R., degree, 1222 Trachtenberg, J-, degree, 860 Tractors, appropriation, Animal Science, 191 Horticulture, 191 purchase, Agriculture, 61, 164 Agronomy, 353, 1039 Dixon Springs Experiment Station, 482 Horticulture, ,280 Physical Plant, 163 Veterinary Research, 959 Tracy, C. R., certificate, 1035 Tracy, P. H,, appointment, 383, 589, 590 cancellation, 845 salary adjustment, 1059 Tracy, R- F., degree, 121 Tracv, W. L., degree, 266 Trader, W. J., degree, 450 Traeger, Shirley, appointment, 799 Trafton, T. R., Jr., degree, 123 Tragesser, J. G., certificate, 407 Trainer, E. Elizabeth, appointment, 636 Traini, F. J., degree, 1034 Trainor, V. F., degree, 450 Trakinat, A. F\, degree, 1234 Trammel, O. B., appointment, 744 Trandel, E. J., degree, 274 Tranen, M. \V., certificate, 407 Transformer, Physical Plant, purchase, 1038 Transmitter and tower, Radio Station, purchase, 1163 Transo Envelope Co., purchase, 1063 Transportation, advisory committee, 417 Transportation Building, roof, contract, 1 x 30 Transport service, Airport, agreement, 1183 'frapp, E. R., degree, 1222 Trauba, Hedwig B., appointment, 798 Traut, E. F., appointment, 48, 869 Trautman, D. L., degree, 1232 Travelers Indemnity Insurance Co., insurance on automobile fleet, proposal, 366 Traver, E. A., degree, 1020 Travers, G. F., degree, 1026 Travis, Phyllis A., degree, 270 Traylor, A. W., degree, 853 Traylor, Mary L., degree, 1225 Trays, Residence Halls, purchase, 163 Trcka, M. J., degree, 268 Treadwell, Nancy C , degree, 1247 Treasurer, authority to receive money, 286,


bond. 286, 347 election, 286 report, 3 4 ^ 1085, r u g responsibility for funds withdrawn from custody, 12 transfer of funds, court decision, 1000 Trebilcock, J. T., appointment, 384, 646 Trecor, T. P., memorial, gift, 911 Trees, Mr. and Mrs. M. J., gift, 190, 241 Treiz, W. C., degree, 1206 Treitler, F., degree, 260 Trelease, A. W., degree, 1225 fellowship, 1137 Trelease, Mrs. Leah F., appointment, 559 Trelease, S. B., insurance purchased, 522 real estate negotiator, employment, 137 Trelease, W., book, printing, 983 Trelease Woods, telephone pole, right-of-way, 1039 Tremaine, M. J., appointment, 1088 Trembacki, F. J. R., degree, 469 Trenter, Mrs^ Miriam, appointment, 755 Treumann, W. E., appointment, 363, 378, T141 Trevillian, J. A., Jr., degree, 460

Trucks, purchase, Agriculture, 131, 164, 959 Agronomy, 62, 352 Animal Science, 306 Botany, 232 Business Office, 938, 1.260 Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, 234 Food Technology, 306 Forestry, 281 Horticulture, 280 Natural History Museum, 394 Physical Plant, 184, 235, 354, 355. 395937, 984, 1117 Residence Halls, 63, 901 Veterinary Clinical Medicine, 901 Trueblood, Inabell, degree, 848 Truemper, J. J., Jr., degree, 1238 Truempy, J., I I , certificate, 292 Truitt, N. E., Jr., degree, 1243 Truitt, R. H., degree, 1024 Truman, Mrs. Mary E., appointment, 736 Trumaun, \V. B., appointment, 42 Trumbower, W. C , appointment, 784 Trummel, C. E., degree, 126 Trump, J. L., appointment, 380, 628, 957 Trustees, See Board of Trustees. Trust funds, summary, 539, 674 Tryon, E. A., degree, 448 Tryon, R. W., degree, 1029 Tsai, T., degree, 436 Tsao, P. T„ degree, 113 Tse, C. Y. C , degree, 1013

T u , Y . , d e g r e e , 262

Tuberculosis, research, gift, 68 Tuberculosis Hospital in Cook County, steam service, 1183