UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1445]

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UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Rennaker. Helen M., degree, 464 Rennaker, Wanda J., degree, 1224 Rennels, K. E., degree, 26S Rennels, R. G., appointment, 590 Renner, Barbara B., degree, 1024 Renner, J. F., degree, 454 Renner, Mary L., degree, 1231 Renner, S. G., Jr., degree, 1027 Rennick, J. D., degree, 1018 Rennie, W. W., fellowship, 1089 declination, 1097 Reno, Mane R., degree, 1236 Renoud, W. R., degree, 1214 Rensliaw, A., appointment, 788 Rentschler, Cecile R., degree, 262 Renwick, R. H., degree, 1021 Renz, C. F., degree, 444 Repa, C. S., degree, 274 Replinger, J. G., degree, 275 Replogle, F. S., Jr., degree, 1017 Republic Coal & Coke Co., compliance with contract specifications, report, 935, 1184 contract, 419 price adjustments, 1001 purchase, 393, 916, 1260 Requarth, W. H., appointment, 691, 1006 Research, general, budget, 621, 759 government contracts, waiver of patent policy, 7 graduate, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70 grants of funds, 21, 67, 151, 165, 826, 903, 1134, 1164 Research and Educational Hospitals, attending staff, gift. 913 administration, investigation by legislative committee, reporting services at hearings, 404 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 72, 485 budget, 701, 789 doors, replacement, contract, 998 electrical distribution system, alterations, 948 electrical risers and installation of scrubbing receptacles, contract, 330 elevator replacement, engineering services, 923 equipment, appropriation, 1077 gift, funds for benefit of pediatrics patients, 66 funds for epilepsy, clinic, 1170 radio and phonograph, 66 television set, 913 walkers, 66 wheel chairs, 66 instruction for handicapped children, discontinued, 173 report, 170 laundry service, 280 medical director, appointment, 988 name, change, request, 242 legislation, vetoed by Governor, 528 Nurses Home, hot and cold water systems, 997 , ,. Otolaryngology Laboratory, remodeling, contract, 329 physical environment addition, contract, electrical service, 31 general work, addition, 19, 176 equipment, consulting services, 65 lathe, purchase, 62 milling machine, purchase, 62 Physical Medicine quarters, pneumatic tube system, contract, 370 remodeling, appropriation, 211 contract, addition, 370 purchase, furniture, 279, 481 ice cube makers, 233 operating table, 279 penicillin, 937 vitamin capsules, 1063 X-ray equipment, 279


Research and Educational Hospitals, cont'd remodeling, appropriation, 80, 174, 995 architectural services, 1132 water pumping facilities, Illinois Surgical Institute for Children, contract, 1075 water system rehabilitation, engineering services, 923 window frames, replacement, contract, 949 Research and Educational Hospitals Addition, contract, electrical work, 940, 998 elevators and dumbwaiters, 940, 998 equipment, 972 general work, 940, 1050 heating, 940, 1050 intercommunication system, 940 kitchen and cafeteria equipment, 940 pipe covering, 940 plumbing, 940, 1050 pneumatic tubes, 940 refrigeration work, 940 ventilating work, 940, 1050 release of funds, 823, 996, 1048 X-ray equipment, purchase, 1003 Research and Marketing Extension Fund, budget, 602 Research and Marketing Fund, budget, 598,


Research and Service, Bureau of, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 484 book on financing efficient school districts, printing, 902 budget, 633, 761 test booklets, purchase, 522 Research Corp., gift, 906 Research exhibits, Chicago Professional Colleges, budget, 677 Research graduate assistantships, Engineering, budget, 619 Research homes, See Small Homes Council bousing research project. Reserve Officers' Training Corps, program at Chicago Undergraduate Division, approved, 1072 funds, 1072 quarters, 1187 uniforms, purchase, 482 Residence Halls, budget, 546, 548 dry cleaning service, contract, 973 funds, release, 208 purchase, coal, 62, 902 coke, 523 dishwashing machine, 523, " 6 2 draperies, 354 electrical outlets and sockets, 1065 fire extinguishers, 351 fuel oil, 64, 481, 983 furniture, 61, 233 gas ranges, 1162 lamps, 164, 306 linens, 63 mattresses, 131, 481, 937 milk dispensers, 937 mixer, 353 paint, 960 rangettes, 523 rugs, 1164 screens, 481 trays, 163 trucks, 63, 901 Resident Staff, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 706 Resignations, 44, 108, 156, 182, 231, 255, 304, 344, 375, 427, 513, 841, 928, 958, 980, 1008, 1055. 1096, 1137, 1194 Resnick, 1., degree, 439 Resnick. Nora, degree, 453 Rest, Mrs. Phyllis B.. appointment, 768 Rest, \V. G., degree, 1026 Restaurant management, curriculum, 294 Resuscitation, research, gift, 69, 1170 Retirements, Ashby, R. C-, 256 Bond, Ethel, 428 Freer, Louise, 256