UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1444]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950
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Reid, D. L., Jr., degree, 118 Reid, E. A., appointment. 381, 6io, 1143 Reid, E. S., degree, 1238 Reid, Mrs. Lorraine, appointment, 778 Reid, Margaret, appointment, 625 Reid, R, G., certificate, 496 Reidy, Jewel, appointment, 791 Reif, J. P., degree, 464 Reifman, R. A., degree, 453 Reifsteck, E., appointment, 763 Reifsteck, P. F., degree, 1214 Reig, D. C , degree, 1026 Reihmer, G. \V\, degree, 1030 Reiley, G. M., degree, 1024 Reiley, J. W., degree, 1224 Reimer, E. R., appointment, 754 Reinbold, G. W., degree, 930 Reincke, R. F,, certificate, 206 Reineke, R. C , degree, 1219 Reineke, R. ] . , degree, 463 Reiner, I., appointment, 41, 385, 565 Reinert, R., degree, 468 Reinert, R. L., degree, 1228 Reinforced concrete columns, study, 235 Reinforced Concrete Research Council, contract, 235, 1158 Reinganum, C. H., Jr., degree, 1232 Reinhart, J. F., appointment, 749 Reinhart, J. H., appointment, 377, H39 fellowship, 1089 Reinhart, M. J., degree, 1231 Reinhart, W. F., certificate, 496 Reinhart, \V. H.. appointment, 748 Reinhold, W. R., degree, 862 Reininger, E. J., degree, 1228 Reinisch, C. R., degree, 1224 Reinsch, A. J., degree, 455 fellowship, 980, 1090 Reinschreiber, J. E., degree, 930 Reinshagen, H. A., degree, 455 Reinstein, M. A., certificate, 969 Reis, Bernadine F., degree, 460 Reisch, J. and Gladys, lease, 1039 Reisin, 11. J., certificate, 496 Reiss, F. J., appointment, 154, 230, 579 Reitan, E. A., degree, 1202 fellowship, 1193 Reiter, M. E., degree, 464 Reither, F. W., degree, 1019 Reitman, \V. A., degree, 1248 Reitze, Alberta E., appointment, 838 Reliable Plumbing & Heating Co., contract, 5, 18, 151, 526, 810, 950, 997, 1081, 1126 addition, 19 adjustments, 903, 936, 961, 985, 1039, 1063, 1118, 1258 change orders, 186, 237, 282, 308, 356, 395, 483 standing contract for minor improvements, total amount, 367 Reliable Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Co., purchase, 394 Reliance Welding & Heating Co., contract, 9 Rembrandt painting, gift, 190, 241 Remer, Rita L.. degree, 1228 Remington, G. A., appointment, cancellation, 45 Remington, S. M., degree, 468 Remington Rand, Inc., purchase, 1162 Remke, R. W., degree, 1020 Remley, Mrs. Josephine, appointment, 798 Remy, S. B., appointment, 57 Renaker, Garnet B., appointment, 770 Renal research, gift, 68, 1173 trust fund, 911 Renard, J. N., degree, 112 Renaud, Julienne, degree, 1233 Renberg, W., certificate, 1035 Rendleman, J. S., degree, 468 Rendleman, R. N., degree, 445 Renfrew, R. R., degree, 461 Renfroe, E. W-, appointment, 697 Renken, R. W., degree, 1214

Reed, E. W., certificate, 817 Reed, Elaine M., degree, 454 Reed, F. F., appointment, 755 Reed, T. M., degree, 1228 Reed, Mrs. Jean, appointment, 756 Reed, L. G., degree, 1247 Reed, M. B., appointment, 610 Reed, Margaret A., appointment, 837 degree, 1016 Reed. Margaret E., degree, 463 Reed, Marie J., appointment, 838 Reed, Mildred E., appointment, 624 Reed, R. M., degree, 160 Reed. \V. A., decree, 1015 Reed, Zelda M., degree, 847 Reeder, Betty J., degree, 272 Reeder, E. H., appointment, 380, 629, 1142 Reeder, Georgia, appointment, 790 Reeder, J. R., degree, 1247 Reeder, W. D., degree, 1216 fellowship, i i 93 Reeder, Walda S.. degree, 1247 Reeder Auto Sales, purchase, 281 Reed's, J., Sons, purchase, 64 cancellation, 85 Reedy, J. H., appointment, 556 Reedy, J. J., degree, 278 Reedy, Jean H., appointment, 338, 545 Reedy, T. L., degree, 857 Reel, Mildred P., degree, 1207 Reene, C. W., degree, 440 resignation, 345 Rees, Dorothy A., degree, 453 Reese, H. E., appointment, 102, 511, 624 resignation, 1056 Reese, Mrs. Imogene, appointment, 768 Reese, R. W., degree, 442 Reeser, W. L., degree, 461 Reeves, E. M., appointment, 779 Reeves, Elizabeth J., appointment, 643 degree, 1013 Reeves, H. P., appointment, 41, 569 Reeves, J. E., degree, 466 Reeves Instrument Co., Inc., contract, termination, 204 Refractories for low temperature enamels, study, 307 Refrigeration, contract, Animal Sciences Laboratory, 1074 Physical Environment Laboratory, 394 Research and Educational Hospitals Addition, 940 Veterinary Medicine Building, 996 engineering services, Vivarium Building, 418 Refrigeration Engineering Sales Service, purchase, 1063 Refrigerators, purchase, Bacteriology, 900 Chicago Undergraduate Division, 83 Physical Plant, 280 Robert Allerton Park, 351 Student and Staff Apartments, 1065 Refsum, S. B., appointment, 838 Regan, J. E., degree, 1242 Reges, R. K., degree, 862 Reginato, D. D., degree, 1238 Regional Research Fund, budget, 599, 751 Rcgnell, J. A., appointment, 766 degree, 1236 Regnier, E. II., appointment, 578, 603 leave of absence, 292 salary adjustment, 1057 Rehder, H., appointment, 383, 563 Rehn, H. J., certificate, 497 Rehnquist, T. A., Co., contract, 329 Reich, G. R., degree, 1236 Reichard. G. L., degree, 1236 Reichelt, Jeannine A., degree, 1216 Reichenstein, M., degree, 865 Reichers, Caroline, appointment, 709 Reichert, C. G„ degree, 460 Reickert, F. A., appointment, 379, 608 Reid, C. E., appointment, 801