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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Randolph, Mrs. Bess, appointment, 757 Randolph, O. A., degree, 447 Randolph, P. G., degree, 1024 Randolph, W. D., degree, 1019 Randolph, W. J., degree, 1021 Randolph, W. L., degree, 1224 Rands, R. D., Jr., appointment, 425, 557 degree, 1010 Rane, Marie, appointment, 805 Raney, C , appointment, 772 Ranges, purchase, Physical Plant, 280 Student and Staff Apartments, 1065 Rangettes, Residence Halls, purchase, 523 Ranke, E. J., appointment, 682 Ranken, R. R., degree, 849 Rankin, F. H., appointment, 575 Rankin, H. EM degree, 1207 Rankin, O. R., appointment, 558 Rankin. W.. certificate, 817 Ranney, J. A,, appointment, 566, 1149 Ranney, R. V., degree, 460 Ransford, C. E., degree, 1032 Ransom, Naomi, degree, 1024 Ransome, R. A., degree, 1220 Ranz, J., appointment, 253, 511, 662, 837, 1088 Ranz, W. E., appointment, 1087 Rao, N. U-, degree, 436 Raper, C. A., degree, 468 Raper, K. B., appointment, 555 Raphael, H. L., degree, 1235 Rapp, Mrs. Esther H., appointment, 559 Rapp, H. C , degree, 1021 Rapp, H. \V., Jr., degree, 266 Rapp, R. K., degree, 468 Rappaport, B. Z., appointment, 48, 869 Rappaport, Mrs. Esther, appointment, 781 Rappaport, L. H., certificate, 1035 Rappeport, D. L., degree, 274 Rardin, W. C , Jr., degree, 1207 Rascher, Marilyn J., degree, 456 Rascher & Betzold, purchase, 25, 394, 480, 1435 I : I I I I Ray, Doris L., degree, 852 Ray, G. N., appointment, 559, 968, 1144 Ray, H, C , appointment, 801 Ray, H. G., degree, 475 Ray, Mary, appointment, 871 Ray, O. H., appointment, 753 Ray, R., appointment, 378 Rayburn, G. M., certificate, 969 Rayburn, J. P., appointment, 747 Rayburn, Roberta R., degree, 1231 Raymon, Wilda E., appointment, 59> 881 Raymond, H. W., degree, 128 Raymond, W., degree, 470 Raymond Concrete Pile Co., gift, 1165 Rayn, Mrs. Edna E., appointment, 671 Raynard. M. C , certificate, 206 Rayne, J. A., fellowship, 1095 declination, 1138 Rayner, W. H., appointment, 378, 608, 1141 Raytheon Manufacturing Co., purchase, 129, 1259 Razowsky, M. S., degree, 1024 Rdzok, E. J. T., degree, 850 Reach, C , degree, 456 Read, D. M., degree, 438 Read, Mrs. Ellen D., appointment, 734 Read. H., appointment, 576, 602 salary adjustment, 1056 Read, Helen J., degree, 1200 Read, R. A., Jr., degree, 1022 Read, S. E., appointment, 734 Read, T. R., degree, 861 Read. W. B., & Co., purchase, 233, 280, 281, 354, 480, 481, 901, 1162 Read," Dr. and Mrs. W. R., gift, 167 Reader, J. 1-, member of advisory committee, 22 Reagan, G. W., appointment, 41, 380, 629, 1143 Real estate appraiser, employment, 402 Real estate negotiator, employment, 137 1161 Real estate taxes, See Taxes. Rashis, B., degree, 266 Ream, J. T., Jr., degree, 1221 Rasmus, Marjorie E., degree, 1024 Reaney, J. C., fellowship, 427 Rasmusen, II, A., degree, 445 declination, 428 Kasmusen, C. \V., degree, 449 Reardon, C. R., member of advisory commitRasmussen, Betsy, B., degree, 456 tee, 416 Rasmussen, H. E., degree, 1016 Reber, Betty B., degree, 1231 Rasmussen, Patricia D., degree, 458 Reber, R. H., degree, 1221 Rasmussen, R. E., degree, 464 Receiving station, temporary, appropriation, Rasmussen, R. H., degree, 468 balance reappropriated, 485 Rasmussen, Rosabel, degree, 1203 Rechel, E. D., degree, 1237 Kechkemmer, G., appointment, 774 fellowship, 342 Reck, R. E., degree, 468 Rasor, N. S., appointment, U92 Reck, R. H., degree, 264 Rasqui, J-, Jr., certificate, 323, 407 Reckord, M. K., Jr., degree, 278 Rassner, D. D., degree, 447 Recktor, M., degree, 444 Ratajik, Alyda R., degree, 123 Recny, F. G., degree, 1204 Ratcliffe, I. E., appointment, 664 Record program service, contract, 410 Ratcliffe, T. E., Jr., appointment, declination, Records, J. K., appointment, 837 110 degree, 853 degree, 933 Recreation curriculum, 207 Rathert, L. G., degree, 444 Rector, Irene, appointment, 792 Rathje F. C , member of advisory committee, 1 Rector, Miriam E., degree, 1230 416 I Rector, R. H.. degree, 1221 Raths, F. W., degree, 1227 ! Redden, H. F., degree, 1211 Rations for broiler production, study, 282 I Reddick, G. E., appointment, 570 Ratten, J. \V\, degree, 438 ! Redecke, L. A., degree, 1028 Rattner, A,, painting, purchase, 1117 j Reder, Grace, appointment, 792 Ratz, II. H., degree, 273 j Redgate, E. S., fellowship, 340 Ratzer, L. T., Jr., degree, 1026 : declination, 375 Raudonis, Dolores J., degree, 1224 Redmann, II. W., degree, 1244 Raup, R. B., appointment, 1143 Redmon, Mrs. Pearl, appointment, 748 Rausch, Dorothy, appointment, 425, 700 Redmond, D. A., degree, 1016 Raushenberger, J. W., appointment, 376, 630 Reeb, L. C , degree, 445 Rautbord, C. L., degree, 461 \ Reece, Florence L,, appointment, 745 Rauth, W. M. H., degree, ,117 Reed, B. C , degree, 437 Ravenna, P., appointment, 50, 870 Reed, C. A., appointment, 811, 837 Rawcliffe, R. D., appointment, 387, 616, 1149 Reed, C. I., appointment, 688 Rawls, Alice, appointment, 793 gift, 167 Ray, Mrs. Anna S., appointment, 763 research, gift, 68, 69 Ray. B. R., appointment, 41. 556, 1140 Reed, C. W., Jr., degree, 1224 Ray, B. W., appointment, 425, 584. 597 Reed, Cordelia, appointment, 561 degree, 1204
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