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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Mandel, S. I., degree, 273 Mandel Brothers, purchase, 63, 91, 351, 352, 522 I40I Marcinkoska, P. L., certificate, 206 Marco, Yetta J. M., degree, 452 Marcus, B. L., degree, 862 Mandell, H. H., degree, 1241 Marcus, Eva C., degree, 115 Mandeville, M. J., appointment, 623 Marcus, J. W., degree, 1236 leave of absence, 1056 Marcus, P. M., appointment, 1177, 1192 M & R Dietetic Laboratories Research Fund, Marcus, R. E., appointment, 685 Rift, 912 Marcus, R. H., certificate, 496 Mandrell, W., appointment, 765 Marczyk, W. R., degree, 464 Manfredi, R. A., degree, 472 Marder, B., degree, 1022 Mange, F. E., fellowship, 426, 1091 Marek, F. }., appointment, 783 Mangis, J. W-, degree, 445 Marek, H., degree, 1021 Mangier, Patricia M., degree, 1224 Marek, J., degree, 1021 Mangold, W, N., degree, 448 Marggraf, W. C , degree, 378 Manhole covers, appropriation, balance reapMargolis, J. P., degree, 278 propriated, 70 I Margrave, W. B., degree, 1207 Manis, J. VV., degree, 128, 273 I Marhoefer, E. H., Jr., Co., contract, 211 Manitsas, N. C , degree, 1205 addition, 19, 176, 193, 370> 4 J 3 Mank, W. C , degree, 459 Maricle, W. O., degree, 113 Manka, E. S., certificate, 496 Marien, A. E., appointment, 101, 624, 1140 Mankus, L., degree, 858 Marien, Camille D., degree, 861 Manley, E. J., appointment, 641 Marienfeld, C. J., appointment, 55, 101, 337> Manley, H. W., appointment, 733 686, 836, 1054 Manly, R. W., certificate, 496 Marinelli. Anne, appointment, 661, 1088 Mann, A. S., member of advisory committee, leave of absence, 1008 416 Marinelli, Ramona, appointment, 783 Mann, D. J., degree, 1197 Marine National Exchange Bank of MilwauMann, I). R., degree, 1214 kee, deposit agreement, 1004 Mann, IX W,. Co., purchase, 482 depository, revenue bonds for Small Homes Council housing research project, 817, Mann, T. II., certificate, 1035 Mann, T. E., degree, 1029 893 Mann, Jean M. L., degree, 1206 Maris, Mrs, S. Lucille, appointment, 761 Mann, K. M., appointment, 511 Mark, Wing M., degree, 456 Mann, L. D., degree, 275 Markee, Jo Ann, degree, 458 Mann, L. G., degree, 1246 Markert, L. W., degree, 267, 1014 Mann, Nesta J., degree, 1215 Marketing, advisory committee, 417 Mann, R. E., degree, 1235 fellows, 1093 Mann, R. W., degree, 267 See also Business Organization and OperaMatin, S-, degree, 1022 tion. Mann, \V. C , degree, 1239 Marketing research, gift, 904, 905 Mann, \V. K., Jr., degree, 269, 454 Markhart, A. H., Jr., appointment, 836 Manna, L. M., degree, 268 Markle, John and Mary R., Foundation, gift, Mannaberg, W.f degree, 1238 166, 1170 Manner, G., appointment, 566 Markovitz, A., degree, 1228 Marks, G. M., degree, 1219 Manning, Charlile, appointment, 735 Marks, H. L., degree, 459 Manning, James J., degree, 468 Marks, J. R., degree, 456 Manning, John J., appointment, 926 Marks, R. C , appointment, 803 Manning, Joyce L., degree, 435 Marks, R. P., degree, 1033 Manning, Mrs. Martha C , appointment, 734 Marks, Rachel B., appointment, 101, 387, 659, Manning, W. J., degree, 864, 1207 1149 Mannle, J. L., degree, 278 Marks, S. R., degree, 128 Manno. Antoinetta, appointment, 793 Marksberry, Mary L., appointment, 1054 ManofF, G. P., degree, 1014 Markus, Beverly A., degree, 1231 Manometers, Mechanical Engineering, purMarkus, F. H., degree, 1221 chase, 233 Markus, Rene P., degree, 1224 Mansfield, Anita M., degree, 461 11 1 Markuson, M, J., appointment, 39 Mansfield, J. V,, appointment, 391, 5 * 7 9> Markwalder, D. W., degree, 1018 Markwalter, A. B., degree, 461 Mansfield, M. E., appointment, 603, 044 Marley, C. F., degree, 126 Mansfield, W. 0 . . Jr., degree, 264 Marley, H. W., degree, 1244 Manthei, E. C , contract, 282, 307, 4*8, 984 Marley Co., Inc., contract, 249 Manthey, R- P., degree, 1241 Marlin, D. L., degree, 1020 Manuel, B. A., appointment, 756 Marlin, K., degree, 466 Manzanares, Carmen L., appointment, 1150 Marlowe, Henrietta, appointment, 799 degree, 1203 Marlowe, Mrs. Rachel, appointment, 763 Mapes, L. D., degree, 1241 Marlowe, \V. H., appointment, 47 Mapes, L. T „ Jr., degree, 276 Manna, A. L., degree, 459 Maple, R. R., degree, 1235 Marmaduke, II. C., member of advisory comMapother, D. E., appointment, 616 mittee, 417 Mara, W. F., degree, 457 Marmel, Mrs. Blossom A., appointment, 101, Marans, Mrs. Jacqueline, appointment, 798 655 Maranto, V. R., certificate, 132 declination, 843 Maras, A. T., degree, 1033 Marmel, H. R., degree, 452 Marbarger, J. P., appointment, 56, 688, 700, Marmion, J. L., degree, 1241 877 Marozas, A. A., degree, 123, 454 Marben, R. L., degree, 1208 Marozick, Elaine L., degree, 463 Marc, A., appointment, 154, 696 Marquardt, Carol L., degree, 1239 March, R. L., degree, 1234 Marquardt, W. C degree, 1017 Marchand, P., purchase, 937 Marquette Paper Corp., purchase, 233, 1038, Marchetti, P. V.. appointment, 181, 3&7, 507 1160 Marchisello, H. S., degree, 268 Marquis, C. H., Jr., degree, 1030 Marcinkoska, J. C , degree, 450
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