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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
136 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 21 EXECUTIVE SESSION MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT STODDARD T h e Board considered the following m a t t e r s presented by the President of the University. CHICAGO HOUSING PROJECTS (1) I have asked Dr. Ivy and Mr. Farr to be present to discuss the status of housing projects in the medical district. Dr. Ivy stated that it was important that the Board act on these m a t t e r s as soon as possible. M r . F a r r outlined the four projects for student and staff housing in the area. H e stated that the plan for the U r b a n a staff housing project had been chosen instead of the plans used by the Illinois Institute of Technology. M r . F a r r recommended, in view of the requirements to obtain a loan for construction, that a lease of a n y p a r t of the land on which the housing project was to be built was not acceptable, and that the land should be purchased from the Medical Center Commission. M r . F a r r recommended also that a contract for architectural services be made with Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill ( f o r action, see page 145). O n motion of M r . Nickell, the following resolution was adopted. Whereas, the University of Illinois and the University of Illinois Foundation are now contemplating the acquisition of land from the Medical Center Commission for the purpose of erecting thereon an apartment building in the Medical Center District for the use of students and staff of the University of Illinois; and Whereas, the Medical Center Commission has proposed that its conveyance of land to the University or to the Foundation take the form of a long-term lease by the Medical Center Commission to the University of Illinois or to the University of Illinois Foundation instead of a conveyance in fee simple; and Whereas, it is deemed objectionable by the University that any building intended for its use, whether the title to the land and building is to be held by the University directly or indirectly through the University of Illinois Foundation, be erected, on land leased to the University or to the Foundation, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that it is hereby declared as a matter of general policy, and with particular reference to the proposal of the Medical Center Commission to lease land for building purposes to the University or to the University of Illinois Foundation, that land to be so acquired by the University or by the University of Illinois Foundation for University building purposes from the Medical Center Commission or other persons shall be acquired in fee simple only, subject only, in the case of the Medical Center Commission, to statutory limitations. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Employment of William H . Butterfield as Manager of the University of Illinois Foundation (2) Several months ago Mr. Frank E. Bell submitted his resignation as Manager of the University of Illinois Foundation effective July I, 1948, in order to accept a position at Williams College. After interviewing a number of candidates for this position, officers of the Foundation and the President of the University selected Mr. William H . Butterfield, Vice-President of DePauw University. By authority of the Directors of the Foundation and with the approval of the President of the University, he has been appointed Manager effective October 15, 1948. In discussing the terms of his employment it was agreed by the officers of the Foundation and the President of the University that Mr. Butterfield should receive a salary of $12,000 a year, the Foundation paying $7,500, and the University paying $4,500 for special services to be assigned him by the President of the University. T h e Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees has authorized this appointment, so far as the University is concerned, and recommends that the Board assign $4,500 a year from the budget reserve for this position. T h i s report w a s received for record.
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