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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Diller, D. D., degree, 267 pilley, E. C.% degree, 444 Dilley, F. E., appointment, 754 DiUiard, I., member of advisory committee, 365 DilHer, R. C , degree, 862 Dillman, Mrs. Fae, appointment, 791 Dillman, L., appointment, 773 Dillman, M. W., appointment, 770 Dillon, D. J., degree, 274 Dillon, E. L., degree, 439 Dillon, T. V., degree, 447 Dillon, W. M., Jr., degree, 444 Dillow, D. D-, degree, 857 Dimiceli, S., appointment, 804 Dimit, G., degree, 467 Dimont, Bertha, appointment, 786 Dimschultz, A., appointment, 78Q Dingwall, R. A., appointment, 832 degree, 853 Dingwell, L. A., degree, 1023 Dinkheller, J. H., degree, 447 Dinsdale, Carol L., degree, 1223 fellowship, 1093 declination, 1138 Dinsmore, G. R., appointment, 736 Dinsmore, Mary L., degree, 458 Dinsmore, VV., member of advisory committee, 79, 818 Diodene, Elodie E., degree, 115 Dionne, E. D., degree, 1030 Diorama, Natural History Museum, purchase, 937 Diploma covers, purchase, 130, 959 Diplomas, purchase, 164, 959 Dippel, C. R., degree, 1234 Dippold, Marjorie L., degree, 1223 Disability benefits, employees not participating in Retirement System, 1131 DiSanto, Lois M., appointment, declination, 44 degree, 1202 resignation, 44 Discipline, student, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 69 Diserens, H. \V., degree, 1211 Dishwashing machine, residence halls, purchase, 523, 1162 Disler, S. J., degree, 1029 Displaced persons, scholarships, established, 325 1333 Dixon, W. R., appointment, 380, 629 declination, 842 Dixon Springs Experiment Station, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70, 484 budget, 577, 744 salary adjustments, 1056 building improvements, appropriation, 1049 combine, purchase, 481 facilities, appropriation, 81 forage harvester, purchase, 1161 plow, gift, 165 well, 62 Djorup, Marjorie B,, degree, 1016 Dlugos, V. L., degree, 124 Doak, A. K,, degree, 114 Doak, J., appointment, 665 DoAll Midwest Co., purchase, 240 Doan, R. L., degree, 1017 Dobbertin, P. W., Jr., degree, 467 Dobbs, H. L., degree, 467 Dobbs, L. L., degree, 123 Dobe Piping Co., contract, 409 Dobosz, A. J., degree, 1028 Dobrovolny, J. S., appointment, 612 Dobson, Mary B., degree, 1236 Dobyns, L. L., degree, 1237 Dockum, C. R., degree, 1234 Dodd, G. O., appointment, 781 Dodds, Barbara B., degree, 1024 Dodds, H. D., degree, 1240 Dodge, A. F., appointment, 380, 631, 1142 Dodge, Jeannette P., degree, 275 Dodge, W. W., degree, 1022 Dodge-Dickinson Co., purchase, 131, 937 Dodo, T. J., degree, 127 Doe, E. J., Jr., degree, 1025 Doerr, D. W., appointment, 925 Doerr, J. M., degree, 435 Doerr, Lillian J., degree, 471 Doerscher, D. W., degree, 467 Doggett, Virginia C , fellowship, 1095 Doherty, J. R., degree, 276, 1207 Dolan, J. C , degree, 864 Dolan, Pauline A., degree, 462 Dolan, T. J., appointment, 618 Doland, J. J., appointment, 608 Dolch, E. W., appointment, 629 leave of absence, 293 Dolciamore, Mrs. Josephine, appointment, 780 Dolejs, A. A., Jr., degree, 459 Dolezal, W, F., degree, 1227 Dolginow, I. N., degree, 277 Dolio, A. J., appointment, declination, 108 degree, 159 Dolk, L. C , appointment, 698 Doll, C. C , degree, 444 Doll, H. J., degree, 1019 Doll, P. B., degree, 450, 1210 Doll, R. E., degree, 1218 Dollins, C. W., appointment, 251, 619, 976 Dolowy, W. C , degree, 442 Doman, Catherine W., appointment, 791 Domenicali, Dena A., degree, 854 Dompke, N. F., certificate, 496 Don, E., & Co., purchase, 1117 Donahcy, H. D., degree, 438 Donahoe, N., appointment, 388, 570, 1150 Donahue, E. J., degree, 1029 Donahue, Mary V., appointment, 790 Donahue, R. C , degree, 459 Donahue, W. R., degree, 1021 Donald, J. R., degree, 435 Donaldson, Mrs. Annis S., appointment, 775 Donaldson, Jean E. degree, 259 Donaldson, Mamie R. L., degree, 847 Donaldson, R. W., degree, 1021 Donegan, J. M., appointment, 52, 873 Doney, R. J., appointment, 563, 1145 Donham, J. J., degree, 446 Donnelley, R. R-, & Sons Co., purchase, 480, 1164 Display cases, Chicago Undergraduate Division, purchase, 240 Dissecting tables, Anatomy, rehabilitation, appropriation, 995 Distillation Products, Inc., purchase, 393, 1038, 1115 Ditkowsky, S. E., appointment, 49, 870 Ditkowsky, S, P., appointment, 55, 877 Ditter, H. E., appointment, 771 Dittman, P. E., degree, 1206 Dittmann, W. A., degree, 467 Dittmar, G. W., Jr., appointment, 695 Dittmer, D. C , degree, 1227 Dittmer, J., gift, 905 DiVall, R. H., degree, 455 Divan, \V. A., degree, 467 Diven, B. C , degree, 1199 Divilbiss. J. E., degree, 125 Divine, G., degree, 1236 Division of General Studies, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 70, 484 budget, 558, 742 lathe and accessories, purchase, 234 Dix, Muriel E., degree, 269 Dixon, A. J., degree, 277 Dixon, H. M., appointment, 379 Dixon, J., appointment, 749 Dixon, J. R„ degree, 1021 Dixon, L. M., degree, 1240 Dixon, Margaret, appointment, 735
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