UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1342]

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Downey, W. F., degree, 864 Downey, W. H., degree, 465 Downs, Letha J., appointment, 805 Downs, Robert Barnett, degree, 1236 Downs, Robert Bingham, appointment, 6A(> 660 leave of absence, 416 Downs, R. J., contract, 395 Downs, W. B,, appointment, 697 gift, 911 Downs, W, F., degree, 1032 Dowse, E. M., appointment, 423 Dowson Brothers, gift, 905 Doyle, J. H., degree, 1232 Doyle, J. P., certificate, 132 Doyle, L. E., appointment, 613 degree, 1200 Doyle, M. V., degree, 1237 Doyle, Marie, appointment, 765 Doyle, Phyllis M., degree, 1245 Doyle, R. L., degree, 863 Doyle, R. L., & Sons, gift, 904 Doyle, Mrs. Virnelle, appointment, 796, 976 Dozois, E. E., degree, 1029 Draa, C. C , appointment, 51, 872 Drabanski, J. S., appointment, 59. 881 Draeger, Ann L,, appointment, 794 Draflin, J. O., appointment, 618 Dragich, Zora, appointment, 925 fellowship, 182 Drago, P., degree, 1203 Drainage improvements, Wright Farm, cost, University's share, 147 Drake, A. V., degree, 1232 Drake, Mrs. Alma M., appointment, 797, 97s resignation, 1008 Drake, B. B., degree, 1213 Drake, G. M., degree, 1236 Drake, H. G., Jr., degree, 1240 Drake, M., degree, 1207 Drake, Mrs. Mary L., appointment, 7(17 Drake, Mrs. Mary P., appointment, 786 Drake, S. M., Jr., decree, 265 Drama Club of Evanston, gift, 910 Drapeau, J. E., Jr., appointment, 229 Draper, H. H., fellowship, 1089 Draper, L. B., degree, 274 Draperies, purchase, Lincoln Avenue Residence, 184, 354 Robert AUerton Park, 351 Dratwa, E. I., degree, 467 Drawing tables, Art, purchase, 352 Drawing, See Genera] Engineering Drawing. Drawver, Pauline, appointment, 955, 1053 cancellation, 108 resignation, 108 Draznin, I., certificate, 13-2 Drechsler, R. E., degree, 116 Dreher, K., degree, 126 Dreier, T., gift, 1168 Dreikurs, Sylvia T.. degree, 112 Drell, S. D., appointment, 509, 617 degree, 431 resignation, 1194 Drenan, Elma M., degree, 462 Drenan, J. YV\, appointment, 832 Drenan, R. L., degree, 271 Drennan, Elwanda J., degree, 1016 Dreskin, E. A., appointment, 55, 423, 686. Dressel, Elizabeth T., appointment, 83.2 degree, 451 Dressel, F, J., degree, 1230 Dreyer, I. P., appointment, 49 Drickamer, H. G., appointment, 378, 55fl* Drill Field housing area, fuel oil distributing system, contract, 197 Drill Hall, architectural services, contract, 65 Driscoll, D. J,, resignation, 108 Driscoll, June W., degree, 124 Driscoll, Mae A., appointment, 36, 723, 9-5

1140 1005

Donnelly, A. V., appointment, 36 Donoho, Virginia E., degree, 458 Donohoe, Phyllis, degree, 1238 Donohue, Mrs. Agnes M., appointment, 718,


Donohue, Irene R., appointment, 800 Donohue, Mary L., appointment, declination, 44 Donovan, C. V., appointment, 376, 636 member of committee to administer Department of Art, 2 Donovan, D. L., appointment, 50, 871 Donovan, Mrs. Marguerite M,, appointment, 787 Donovan, T. D., degree, 1239 Doob, J, L., appointment, 251, 383, 564 leave of absence, 292 Doody, J. R., certificate, 132 Doolas, G., appointment, 153 Dooley, J. D., degree, 471 Doolittle, P. A., degree, 847 Doolittle, W. F., appointment, 636, 1139 Doran, S. M., degree, 1230 Doremus, R. H., fellowship, 1090 Doremus, S. D., degree, 1217 Dorf, R. P., degree, 1235 Doricko, P., degree, 1031 Dorigan, F. X., degree, 461 Dorin, R. P., degree, 1245 Dorman, H. P., appointment, 49 resignation, 304 Dorn, J, G., resignation, 108 Dorner, H. B., appointment, 594 Dorner, Mary L., degree, 1230 Doroba, C. F., degree, 1240 Dorrenbacher, C. J., degree, 1208 Dorsch, W. J., degree, 1223 Dorsey, D. B_, appointment, 35 Dorsey, E. C , degree, 462 Dorsey, J. M., appointment, $S, 879 Dorsey, M. J., appointment, 594 Dorstewitz, Emily L., appointment, 644 Doss, O. L., degree, 1213 Doster, J. R., Jr., degree, 126 Dotson, Mrs. Frances S., appointment, 1053 resignation, 108 Dotson, P. R., degree, 1213 Doty, H. O., Jr., degree, 435 Doty, P. C , appointment, 1053 degree, 1013 Doucette, S. W,, degree, T27 Dougall, L. A., degree, 268 Dougherty, Frances, appointment, ygg Dougherty, R. V., degree, 1240 Dougherty, W. J-, degree, 1249 Douglas, B. E., degree, 930 fellowship, 43 Douglas, Jocelyn F., degree, 127 Douglas, R. N., degree, 1028 Douglas, Vera L. G., degree, 851 Douglass, C., Jr., degree, 1028 Douglass, L. E., appointment, 77 r Douglass, T., degree, 455 Dowell, Dorothy, appointment, 180, 832 resignation, 427 Dowell, J. C , degree, 471 Dowell, J. M., Jr., degree, 444 Dowell, Joanne, degree, 1227 Dowell, Rosemary M., degree, 1227 Dowler, G. H., appointment, 36, 384, 646, 1146 degree, 161 Dowler, J. R., degree, 275, 1016 Bowling, Mrs. Betty, appointment, 751 Cowling, Mrs. Dorothy, appointment, 799 Dowling, H. F., appointment, 1071 Dowling, H. W., appointment, 1070, 1086 Dowling, \ v . K., degree, 854 Downen, Mary L., degree, 438 Downey, J. H., degree, 450 Downey, R, G., degree, 1019 Downey, S. L., degree, 115