UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1323]

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UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Chapman, Chapman, Chapman, Chapman, Chapman, Chapman, Chapman, Chapman, F. R., degree, 464 H. S., degree, 461 J. A., degree, 274 J. N., degree, 1218 Mrs. Mary A., appointment, 755 P. A., degree, 466 Mrs. Pauline, appointment, 759 R., member of advisory committee,


Chapman, K. A., appointment, 251, 871 Chapman, W. F., degree, 1021 Chapman & Cutler, legal services, Medical Center Steam Co., tax status, 999 payment, 404 Small Homes Council housing research project, 326 student and staff apartments, bond issue, 999 Women's Residence Hall loan, 17 Chapp, Mrs. Dorothea, appointment, 790 Chappell, Dolores E., degree, 454 Chappell, R. P., degree, 1244 Char, S. F. K., degree, 116 Charm, P., certificate, 132 Charles, E. H., degree, 1220 Charles, S. F., fellowship, 342, 1093 Charles, Virginia, appointment, 593, 597, 598 Charles worth, J. G., degree, 274 Charlwood, T. W., resignation, 108 Charmley, Beulah J., appointment, 831 Charnes, A., appointment, 36 Charters, W. W., Jr., appointment, 940, 955 Charter Seed Co., contract, 984 Chase, Charmian N. ( degree, 1215 Chase, G., degree, 1209 Chase, Helen L., appointment, 738 Chase, Jean T., resignation, 156 Chase, M. N., appointment, 611 Chase, Mary L., appointment, 591, 603 leave of absence, 1097, 1138 salary adjustment, 1059 Chase, R. J., certificate, 1034 Chase, R. S., degree, 1216 Chastain, G. S., bid, 417 Chatterjee, A. K., degree, 158 Chatterjee, P., degree, 258 Chaum, E., degree, 273 Chauncey, N., degree, 1234 Chauvet, F. D., appointment, 48, 869 Chayken, Rhoda A., degree, 1025 Checovich, W., degree, 1227 Chedsey, W. R., appointment, 615 Cheek, Dorothy M., degree, 438 Cheely, G. W., degree, 268 Cheifetz, D. I., fellowship, 512 Chejlava, B. J., degree, 861 Chelotti, R. M., degree, 1240 Chemical depoliants and selective herbicides, study, 960 Chemical engineering, fellows, 339, 1090 gift, fellowships, Du Pont, E. I., de Nemours & Co., Inc., 1166 Ethyl Corp., 1166 Pan-American Petroleum & Transport Co., 67 Pan-American Refining Corp., 1166 Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Co., 166, 907 Shell Fellowship Committee, 166, 1166 Standard Oil Co. of Indiana, 67, 906, 1166 potentiometers, purchase, 902 Chemical Engineering Research, budget, 607, 753 Chemical nitrogen, effect on crops when added to soil, study, 960 Chemical Rubber Co., purchase, 1161 Chemical Storeroom, purchase, acids, 353* 900» 937, 1259 apparatus, 1161 chemicals, 280, 480, 1161 ether, 234

Chemical Storeroom, cont'd purchase, cont'd glassware, 35, 183, 394, 480, 900, 1063, 1259 laboratory apparatus, 62, 480 laboratory supplies, 1160 laboratory ware, 62, 279, 900 nitrogen, 902 storage building, 1163 tubing, 900 Chemistry, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 69, 4S3 485 budget, 556, 741 summer session, 377, 1140 equipment, appropriation, 300, 332 fellows, 339, 1090 gifts, fellowships, Allied Chemical & Dye Corp., 166, 1165 American Cyanamid Co., 166, 1165 Armour & Co., 1165 Borden Co., 907, 1165 Cincinnati Chemical Works, Inc., 166 Du Pont, E. I., de Nemours & Co., 166, 1166 Eastman Kodak Co., 166, 1166 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., 906, 1166 General Aniline and Film Corp., 166, 1166 Graham, Crowley, and Associates, Inc., 166 Lilly, E. & Co., 907, 1166 Lindsay Light & Chemical Co., 1166 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co., 67, 907, 1166 Monsanto Chemical Co., 906, 1166 Olin Industries, Inc., 906 Pan-American Refining Corp., 906 Penick, S. B., & Co., 67 Rohm & Haas Co., T66, 1166 Socony-Vacuum Laboratories, 906, 1166 Standard Oil Co. of California, 166,


Standard Oil Co. of Indiana, 67, 906, 1166 Strong Educational Foundation, 1166 United States Public Health Service, 1167 Upjohn Co., 906, 1167 Victor Chemical Works, 1167 Western Cartridge Co., 166 research, Du Pont, E. I., de Nemours & Co., 906 Nutrition Foundation, Inc., 1167 Research Corp., 906 Texas Gulf Sulphur Co., 1167 United States Public Health Service, 1168 research assistantships, General Aniline & Film Corp., 906 Hansman, Elwood, 907 Victor Chemical Works, 166 scholarships, Gorman, F. J., Estate, 236 purchase, acids, 62, 131, 1259 camera, 393 centrifuge, 938 chemicals, 280, 352 colorimeters, 305 controllers, 1063 electrophoresis apparatus, 960 extractor, 983 feed tanks, 393 filing cases, 959 filter, 394 heating mantles and transformers, 305 instruments, 63 laboratory balances, 353 laboratory bottle shakers, 352 laboratory equipment, 164 lathes, 306, 355 machinery, 130 microcomparator, 482 microscope, 233