UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1324]

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BOARD OF T R U S T E E S Chicago Departments Committee, members, 288 Grant Hospital, affiliation with. Cook County School of Nursing, 1084 housing project in Chicago, 7, 78, 967, 997 Kenny litigation, 816, 919 Medical Center Steam Commission, lease, 1123, 1188 Chicago Down Draft Furnace Co., bid, 1075 Chicago Farmers, gift, 165, 904 Chicago General Stores, purchase, hypodermic syringes, 279 laboratory glassware, 1261 Chicago Heart Association, gift, 909, 1170 Chicago Illini Union, budget, 712, 802 conference room, partitions, appropriation, contracts, cleaning and tuck pointing walls, electrical duct run and substation, 330, fire alarm system, 949 fire pump installation, 973 window frames, 949 furniture, purchase, 129 Chicago Producers Commission Association, purchase, 131, 163, 232, 90T, 959 Chicago Professional Colleges, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 72, 486 budget, 673, 779 buildings, architectural services, 89, 410 construction, release of funds, 970 business machines, appropriation, 970 business office, robbery, 21 coal, purchase, 902 contracts, cleaning and tuck pointing walls, 1049 electrical substation, 411 fire pump, 32 lighting in library, 329 remodeling, 335 sidewalks and curbs, 192, 329 steam distribution system, 76 steam lines in Nurses Residence, 197 tabulating machine equipment, 83 telephone equipment, 185 tennis courts, replacement, 411 utilities distribution system, alterations, 1049 electrical work, 22 vending machines, 1160 veterans' refresher courses, 282 window frames and safety devices, 949 departments, relocating, release of funds, . °7° equipment, appropriation, 174, 191 fees, 1131, 1158, 1159 laboratory, library, and supply fee for graduate students, 325 fellows, 344, 1096 graduate curricula, 1072, 1098 housing project, agreements with Medical Center Commission, 1188, 1261 architectural services, 78, 145 construction endorsed by University, 6 estimated costs and loans, review, 966 financial information, summary, 6 financing, 197, 311, 402 land, appropriation, 7 legal services, 991 loan, application, 7 plans and specifications, funds, 967 report, 136, 289, 402 land, acquisition, action rescinded, 313 recommendations, 964 report, 402 landscaping and grading, release of funds, 970 laundry service, 280 malpractice insurance, 199, 1163 microscopes, appropriation, 148 operating engineers, wages, agreement, 2 paper, purchase, 937


Chemistry, cont'd purchase, cont'd milling machine, 355 panel boards, 1161 photometer, 1038 polarimeter, 352 potentiometers and galvanometers, 305 radial drill, 354 shaper, 279 signal generator, 183 spectrophotometer, 305, 353 sterilizer, 280 stirrer, 183 remodeling, appropriation, 191 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Building, See Chemistry Building. Chemistry Annex, steam service, contract, 366 Chemistry library, bookshelf units, purchase, 1164 remodeling and equipment, appropriation, 1077 Chen, Chi-Kwan, degree, 436 Chen, Chia-yung, degree, 261 fellowship, i55> 303, 339 Chen, H. K., degree, 1198 fellowship, 341 Chen, M. M., degree, 118 Chen, Mrs. Mo-Iing H., appointment, 509, 831 degree, 440 Chen, Szu-Chu, degree, 1012 scholarship, 254 Chen, Tsi-Yang, degree, 259 Chen, Tsze-Te, degree, 437 Chen, Wen-Pin, degree, 932 Chen, Y., degree, 1205 Cheney, A. R., degree, 127 Cheney, F. A., degree, 863 Cheng, Kuang-Lu, degree, 260 Cheng, Tsu-Siu, degree, 1012 Cheniae, G. MM degree, 1215 Chepaitis, Elaine, appointment, 788 Chernikoff, Helen V., degree, 455 Chernoff, H., appointment, 408, 423, 565 Chernoff, Rita H., degree, 860 Cherry, C. N., degree, 269 Cherry, J. H., member of advisory committee, Cherry, R. A., degree, 433 Cherry, R. K,, degree, 1031 Cherry-Burrell Corp., purchase, 354* 1117 Cherry Hill Nursery, purchase, 1065 Chertack, M. M., appointment, 50, 871 degree, 475 Chertack, Mrs. Orabelle, appointment, 790 Chertoff, M., degree, 270 Chesler, I. A., degree, 1240 Chesnutt, E. W,, degree, 857 Chess, Mrs. Dorothy A., appointment, 52, 95, 683 resignation, 980 Chess, S. J., degree, 474 Chester, A. L., degree, 277 Chester, Carolyn, degree, 1023 Chestnut, Alma, appointment, 778 Chew, C. F., degree, 1211 Chew, R. M,, degree, 159 Chez, B. L., certificate, 205 Chiang, Shih-Ngang, degree, 441 fellowship, 1090 Chiara, Clara, appointment, 363, 381 Chiasson, R. B., degree, 1212 Chicago, city of, contract, 185, 936 ordinance, installation and maintenance of electrical conduit, acceptance by University, 247 Chicago, University of, purchase, 130 Chicago Apparatus Co., purchase, 25, 62, 183, 2 34, 306, 353, 354, 394, 480, 902, 938,





Chicago Collegiate Bureau, gift, 67 Chicago Dental Assistants, gift, 913