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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Brolley, R. F., degree, 451 Bromann Bros., contract, 83 Bromley. Ann, appointment, 810, 831 Bronfenbrenner, Mrs. Jean A., appointment, 509, 627 Bronson, Barbara, appointment, 976 Bronson, R. S., degree, 1222 Bronstein, I. P., appointment, 686 Brook, C. A., degree, 449 Brooke, C. W., degree, 1030 Brooke, M. D„ degree, 473 Brook Hill Farms, Inc., gift, 504, 1164 Brooks, A., degree, 1222 Brooks, E. A., degree, 1217 Brooks, E. J., degree, 1211 Brooks, E. R„ degree, 471 Brooks, Edith, gift, 907 Brooks, Fannie M., appointment, 591 Brooks, Frances C , resignation, 375 Brooks, G. T., degree, 466 Brooks, K. W., degree, 260 Brooks, M-, portrait, gift, 907 Brooks, Margaret, resignation, 842 Brooks, R., appointment, 53, 873 Brooks, R. G., appointment, 382, 389, 543, 560, 1151 Brooks, Thelma, degree, 1023 Brooks, W. A., Jr., appointment, 375 decree, 266 Brooks, W. W., appointment, 765 Brookshier, W. K., degree, 448, 1208 fellowship, 426 Brooks-Miller, D. L., degree, 1237 Broom, Harriett, appointment, 763 Broom, \V. L., Jr., degree, 862 Broomcom, improvements, study, 395 Broome, Mrs. Dolores M., appointment, 756 Brophy, E. M., fellowship, 254, 344 resignation, 980 Brophy, J. A., degree, 853 Brophy, J. T., degree, 1232 Brosman, Joann, degree, 112 Brothers. Betty J., degree, 470 Brotherson, Mrs. Lois, appointment, 798 Brotherton, R. J., degree, 455 Brotman, N., degree, 127 Brotsos, J. A., degree, 1020 Brottman, M. A., degree, 1211 Broughton, D, C., appointment, declination, 108 Broughton, Mrs. Helen B., appointment, declination, 44 Brouillette, L. W., degree, 862 Brousek, J. C , degree, 449 Broussard, L., appointment, 718 Broussard, M. N., appointment, 624 Brower, Winona M., degree, 1209 Brown, B. C., appointment, 753 Brown, B. R., degree, 1248 Brown, Barbara B., degree, 451 Brown, C. A., degree, 117 Brown, C. D., appointment, 58, 880 Brown, C. L., Jr., degree, 268, 854 Brown, C. R., degree, 863 Brown, Charlene F., degree, 458 Brown, Mrs. Cordelia V., appointment, 736 Brown, D. A., appointment, 647, 663, 1088 Brown, David E., degree, 459 Brown, Donald E., appointment, 384, 646, 1146 Brown, D. G., degree, 1216 Brown, D. Q., degree. 266 Brown, D. W., degree, 1032 Brown, Earl C., certificate, 1034 degree, 459 Brown, Edwin C-, Jr., degree, 1243, 1244 Brown, E, L., appointment, 509, 1053 degree, 277 resignation, 1008 Brown, E. M., degree, 273 Brown, E. S., degree, 455 Brown, E. V. L., appointment, 52, 873 Brown, Earlene, degree, 455 I307 Brown, Ethel N., degree, 1227 Brown, Mrs. Evelyn M., appointment, 080, 1046, 1053 Brown, Mrs. Evelyn R., appointment, 755 Brown, F. E., degree, 447 Brown, F, G., degree, 1220 Brown, F. K., degree, 1028 Brown, F. L., degree, 1022 Brown, Floyd W., degree, 1016 fellowship, 426 Brown, Fred W., appointment, 774 Brown, G. B., appointment, 647, 660, 1088 Brown, G. C , degree, 1233 Brown, G. D., degree, 1240 Brown, G. W., member of advisory committee, 178 Brown, Gertrude G., diploma, 1247 Brown, Gleah D., appointment, 718 Brown, H. F., degree, 857 Brown, H. N., degree, 1220 Brown, I. W., degree, 465 Brown, J. B., degree, 449 Brown, J. D., Jr., degree, 471, 47s Brown, J. E., degree, 430 Brown, J. G., appointment, 1053 Brown, J. G. C., degree, 161 Brown, J. M., degree, 458 Brown, James W., degree, 267 Brown, John W., appointment, 153, 700 degree, 851 Brown, L-, appointment, 382, 560 resignation, 842 Brown, L. C, degree, 160 Brown, L. F., degree, 277, 1025 Brown, L. O., Jr., appointment, 611 degree, 1208 Brown, M, G., degree, 273 Brown, Margaret N., degree, 274 Brown, Mrs. Marjorie H., appointment, 955 Brown, Mary E., appointment, 737 Brown, P. B., fellowship, 1089 Brown, P. H., appointment, 379, 625, 1142 Brown, Patricia L., degree, 269 Brown, Patricia R., degree, 465 Brown, Phyllis J., degree, 854 Brown, Ray, member of advisory committee, Brown, Roy, appointment, 772 Brown, R. A., degree, 471 Brown, Ralph C., appointment, 48, 868 Brown, Robert C., degree, 45 J Brown, R. D., degree, 451 Brown, Ralph E., degree, 859 Brown, Robert E., degree, 857 Brown, Russell E., appointment, 741 Brown, R. Elizabeth, appointment, 831, 1149 Brown, R. G., appointment, 49, 869 Brown, R. H., degree, 267 Brown, Rowine H.5 appointment, 55, 877 resignation, 1055 Brown, Rex L., appointment, 389, 618, 1151 Brown, Richard L., degree, 462 Brown, Robert L., degree, 466 Brown, Rollin L., fellowship, 1094 declination, 1096 Brown, R. R-, degree, 449 Brown, R. S., degree, 862 Brown, Ralph W., degree, 461 Brown, Richard W., degree, 447 Brown, Shirley E., degree, 849 Brown, T. J., degree, 1031 Brown, W. B., appointment, 831 resignation, 1194 Brown, W. C., appointment, 36 declination, 44 Brown, W. E,, member of advisory committee, Brown, W\ J., Jr., degree, 447 Brown, W. N., appointment, 595, 597 Brown, W. O., appointment, 716, 725 member of committee to hear charges against T. R. Allen, 1124 Brown, Walter V., appointment, 251, 650 22 243
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