UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1316]

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i 3 o8


Bryant, Betty J., degree, 1222 Bryant, F. O., degree, 1211 Bryant, H. R., appointment, 753 Bryant, J. H., degree, 930 Bryen, W. M., degree, 1218 Bryskier, M. J., degree, 864 Brzozowski, A. F., degree, 1248 Buchanan, Elsie M., degree, 118 Buchanan, G. A., degree, 847 Buchanan, J. H., certificate, 497 Buchanan, R. A., degree, 1222 Buchanan, R. L., degree, 863, 1206 Buchele, R. B., appointment, 624 Bucher, Gladys R., appointment, 390, 717, Buchholz, A. M., appointment, 47, 868 Buchholz, J. T., appointment, 377, 555 Buchholz Gallery, purchase, 1117 Buchmaster, R. E., appointment, 976 Buchstaber, Mrs. Frances, appointment, 737 Buchstaber, L., degree, 1032 Buck, A. D., degree, 1240 Buck, R. J., degree, 857 Buck, W. L., appointment, 423 Buck, W. R., degree, 1248 Buckalew, D. L,, degree, 1213 Buckingham, M., appointment, 764 Buckler, W. E., appointment, 382 degree, 431 fellowship, 341 Buckley, H. A., appointment, 653 lease, 308 resignation, 1055 Buckley, H. J., member of advisory committee, 416 Buckley, N. A,, appointment, 615 resignation, 1194 Buckley, T. F., appointment, 641 Buckman, E., appointment, 59, 88T Bucy. I \ C , appointment, 180, 683 Buczkiewicz, E. J., degree, 273 Budd, E. C , appointment, 362, 373, 626 Buddemeier, W. D., appointment, 376, 579, 1138 Buder, Christine L., degree, 440 Budget, annual, 531 appropriations, summary, 532, 673, 713 approved, 491 authority to make changes, 491 estimated income, 532 explanatory notes, 531 Athletic Association, adjustments, 87, 996 approved, 495 biennial, appropriation bill, request, 241 approved, 142 capital expenditures, 142, 144 discussion, 321 recommendations, 138 revisions, 201 Crippled Children, Division of Services for, biennial, 145 Summer Session, 362, 375. 1126, 1138 Tuberculosis Research, Institution for, approved, 146, 249 Budil, Mrs. Carol L., appointment, 803 Budreck, E. S., degree, 1218 Buechner, W. H., degree, 274 Buehler, Leonora M., degree, 1025 Buehner, W. J., fellowship, 1136 Buell, V. B., degree, 125 Buerkle, J. V., degree, 435 Buerkle, Martha L. E., degree, 440 Bueschel, R-, appointment, 757 Buescher, B. E., degree, 122 Buflovak Equipment Division of Blaw-Knox Co., purchase, 1117 Bugielski, R. C , degree, 277 Buharalilar, N. M., degree, 442 Buhrke, V. E., degree, 1227 Builders' all-risk insurance, purchase, Animal Sciences Laboratory, 1261 Veterinary Medicine Building, 1163

Brown, Warwick V., degree, 1032 Brown, Walter W., degree, 1237 Brown, Wesley W-, degree, 1011 Brown, Winifred E., degree, 1236 Brown & Sharpe Co., purchase, 1064 Brownback, N. K., degree, 122 Browne, C. G., appointment, 363, 381 Browne, D. E., degree, 1248 Browne, R. B., appointment, 380, 628, 648 representative in Intercollegiate Conference of Faculty Representatives, 1052 Browne, W. H., appointment, 683 Brownfield, Mrs. Beverly, appointment, 770 Brownfield, S. K., appointment, 776 Browning, Carroll W., appointment, 53» 831, 874 Browning, Cecil W., degree, 855 Browning, Carol M., degree, 269 Browning, Emma L., degree, 1012 Browning, H. L., degree, 1206 Browning, J. D., degree, 1248 Browning, M. E., degree, 455 Brown Instrument Co., purchase, 902 Brownstein, J., degree, 1227 Brownstein, S., appointment, 49 cancellation, 108 Broyde, Zita A., degree, 451 Brozowski, A. M., degree, 451 Brubacher, J. S., appointment, 363, 381 Brubaker, Mrs. Caryl, appointment, 754 Brubaker, R. S., degree, 124, 1203 Bruce, A. J., degree, 1222 Bruce, Norma W., degree, 1210 Bruce, S. C , degree, 262 Brucellosis vaccination, study, 235 Bruck, Helen, appointment, 36, 700 Bruckner, W. H., appointment, 615 Bruder, Lois J., degree, 451 Brueckner, R. H., degree, 462 Brueggemann, E. A., degree, 273 Bruggen, R. J., degree, 1023 Brugger, J. R., appointment, 766 Brugger, Joan F., degree, 1235 Bruin, J., degree, 449 Brumbaugh, Dorothy A,, appointment, 95, 546 Brumby, R. E., degree, 1217 Brumfield, Mrs. Mildred B., appointment, 759 Brumitt, Lois E., degree, 445 Brumleve, Mrs. Mary M., appointment, 773 Brumleve, R. A., degree, 272 Brumm, J. M., appointment, 649, 657 Brumme, M. R., appointment, 52, 873 Brummet, A. L., appointment, 749 Brummet, J. M., degree, 861 Brummet, O. O., degree, 459 Brundage, J. P., degree, 1240 Brunelle, Beverley E., degree, 451 Bruninga, C. H., degree, 1216 Bruninga, W. H., degree, 1233 Brunkow Electric Co., contract, 419, 1081, 1082 purchase, 1065 Brunn, K. R., degree, 448 Brunner, E. J., degree, 858 Brunner, H., resignation, 156 Brunner, H. G., appointment, 807 Brunner, M. J., appointment, 681 Brunner, R. H., degree, 448 Brunner, Mrs. Virginia, appointment, 758 Bruno, H. R., Jr., degree, 1236 Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., purchase, 523 Brush, C. W., degree, 1213 Brush, D. O., degree, 858 Brush, R., appointment, 74.4 Bruyn, S. T. H., Jr., degree, 1240 Bruzan, E. A., degree, 458 Bryan, G. A., certificate, 132 Bryan, G. R., Jr., appointment, 810, 831 Bryan, H. S., appointment, 95, 596, 644 salary adjustment, 1061 Bryan, J. E-, degree, 125 Bryan, L. A., appointment, 623, 654 director of Athletic Association, 1046