UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1314]

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Briggs, Margueritte, appointment, 95, 393,

6 0 1 , 831

Breedlove, R. A., Jr., degree, 1206 Breen, Dorothy J., appointment, 743 Breen, H. E., appointment, 377, 6241 1140 certificate, 132 Breen, J. L., appointment, 831, 1148 degree, 441 Breen, L. M., certificate, 496 Breen, Patricia J., appointment, 792 Breen, R. J., degree, 1248 Bregman, B., degree, 861 Brehm, Carolyn, degree, 451 Brehmer, L. F., Jr., degree, 1029 Brei, R. B., degree, 1027 Breidenbach, G- C , degree, 127 Breister, B. W., appointment, 52, 873 Breitbarth, Nadine R., diploma, 1247 Brejcha, R. J., degree, 463 Breland, H. L., appointment, 925, 1191 Bremer, Alma B., degree, 112 Bremer, Betty C , degree, 458 Bremer, Jane C , degree, 1222 Bremmer, Geraldine J., degree, 1200 Brennan, J. F., degree, 1227 Brennan, J. P., Co., purchase, 131 Brennan, J. X., fellowship, 1092 Brennan, L. E., appointment, 1191 degree, 439 fellowship, 106, 341, 374 Brennan, M. J., degree, 449 Brennan, Mary, appointment, 770 Brennan, Virginia T., appointment, 743 Brennan, W. C , degree, 45 T Brenner, W. T., degree, 466 Bresee, Joanne, degree, 451 Breskin, N. S., degree, 1028 Breslow, L., appointment, 55, 877 Bresnahan, Mrs. Alice, appointment, 801 Bresnik, B. H., degree, 1028 Bressler, C, E., degree, 455 Bressler, L, degree, 1240 Bressler, J. M., degree, 119 Bressler, M. M., degree, 271 Bretscher, E. R., appointment, 379, 608, 1141 Brett, R. J., appointment, 36, 1151 Brettner, J. C , Jr., degree, 1245 Bretz, M. F., degree, 1021 Bretz, W. E., appointment, 50, 871 Breuhaus. H. C , appointment, 49, 869 Brewer, G. H., certificate, 817 Brewer, J. E., appointment, declination, 108 Brewer, M. C , appointment, 641 degree, 161 Brewer, R. E., degree, 1023 Brewster, R. R., appointment, 251, 563 Brewster, W. B., Jr., appointment, 874 Breyer, G. PL, certificate, 920 Breyer, O., degree, 1244 Breymann, W. N., appointment, 1005 degree, 1198 Brezinski, J. J., degree, 455 Brice, G. H., Jr., degree, 1233 Brickmasons classrooms, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 72 Bridge, W. A., degree, 117 Bridges, E. PL, Jr., degree, 1240 Bridges, W. K., Jr., degree, 466 Bridges, W. R., degree, 1217 Bridgewater, F. A., appointment, 659 Bridgewater, R. G., degree, 1218 Bridgewater, W . T., degree, 459 Brieloff, S. H., degree, 455 Brien, Mrs. Elizabeth A., appointment, 767 Brien, W. A., degree, 116 Brien, \V. H., degree, 864 Brierley, D, A., degree, 271 Brieske, D. E,, degree, 1025 Brieske, Mrs. Irmgard M., appointment, 750 Bripes, B. M., appointment, 807 Brigg-s, C. C , appointment, 153, 251, 635, 968 Briggs, C. W., appointment, 636, 1139 degree, 442 Briggs, G. R., degree, 1012 Briggs, H. E., degree, 126

Briggs, P., certificate, 132 Briggs, Rebecca, appointment, 661, 1088 Briggs, T. G., degree, 862 Briggs, W. M., degree, 1240 Brigham, E. R., degree, 1240 Brigham, W, H., degree,. 448 Brightman, Mary, appointment, 794 Bright memorial loan fund, gift, 66 Brighton, A. L., degree, 857 Brighton, G. D., appointment, 624, 976 Brighton Copper Works, purchase, 983 Brill, J. R., degree, 1220 Brill, J. W., degree, 1022 Brill, R. G., appointment, 251, 363, 381, 62g, Brim, N., degree, 448 Brim, Sonya K., degree, 445 Bringman, D. B., degree, 1218 Brining, R. L., certificate, 1035 Brink, C. I., degree, 1245 Brink, C. W., degree, 1230 Brinker, W. J., Jr., degree, 267 Brinkman, H. A., member of advisory committee, 416 Brinkmann, E. P., degree, 1244 Brinkmann, P. F., degree, 1248 Brinkmeier, H. A., degree, 265 Brischke, V. E., degree, 1213 Briscoe, J. W., appointment, 608, 1141 Briscoe, R. A., degree, 266 Bristol, F. R., degree, 1212 Bristol Laboratories, gift, 68, 167, 908, 1169 Bristow, W . T., Jr., degree, 1217 Britsky, N., appointment, 636 Britt, E. M., degree, 475 Brittin, Joan K., degree, 1236 Brittingham, Esther E,, degree, 1222 Britton, W. E., appointment, 545, 64S appreciation for services, 917 change in status, 916 leave of absence, 917 Brixey, A. M., Jr., appointment, 925 Broad, F. P., appointment, 775 Broadbent, E. E., appointment, 509, 579, 598, Broadcasting, University, director, appointment, 813 steel tower for television, appropriation, 995 Broadrick, K. W-, appointment, 388, 570, 831, Broadway, C , purchase, 481 Broadwell, S., member of advisory committee, 243 Broberg, W. E., degree, 124, 932 Brock, T. W., degree, 857, 858 B rock & Rankin, purch ase, 116 3 Brockett, R, O., degree, 864 Brockhouse, R. B., degree, 1025 Brockmeier, Barbara L., degree, 1229 Brockway, Doris J., appointment, 384, 591 Broday, R. F., degree, 2yy Brodbeck, A. J., appointment, 95, 387, 567 resignation, 1194 Brodd, W. D., degree, 1218 Broder, S. B., appointment, 57, 878 Broderick, L. L., Jr., degree, 462 Brodes, M., degree, 1203 Brodie, A. G., appointment, 692, 696 member of advisory committee, 243 research, gift, 69 Brodie, F. W., degree, 1240 Brodnick, R. M., degree, 451 Brodnicki, Loretta J., resignation, 255 Brodsky, Sharlene L., degree, 451 Brody, C., degree, 454 Brody, T. M., appointment, 698, 831 degree, 476 Broghamer, E. L., appointment, 385, 613. iH7 Brohm, H. D., appointment, 302, 624, 627 resignation, 842 Brolley, Maria P., degree, 1245

1150 600, 602 1143