UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1313]

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UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Bowers, R. A., degree, 1202 Bowling, R. E., degree, 444, 1013 Bowman, C. E., appointment, 618, 1151 Bowman, C. H., appointment, 738 degree, 277 Bowman, K. A., degree, 1248 Bowman, Mrs. Marcia, appointment, 560 Bowman, W. E., apointment, 800 Bowman, W. L., degree, 268 Bowman, W. S., degree, 1032 Bowman Dairy Co., contract, n 6 o Bowman Hardware & Electric, contract, 334 Bowsher, R. E., degree, 864 Bowton, J. R., degree, 121 Boyd, Alice L., appointment, 662, 1088 Boyd, Anne M., appointment, 646 leave of absence, 1008 Boyd, F. V,, certificate, 205 Boyd, Fleta M. B., degree, 1238 Boyd, G, L., degree, 461 Boyd, G. M., degree, 858 Boyd, H. F., degree, 458 Boyd, J. B., degree, 856 Boyd, J. D., degree, 438 Boyd, M. E., degree, X232 Boyd, N. D-, appointment, 776 Boyd, Retta E., appointment, 229, 702 Boyd, W. C , degree, 1217 Boyer, D. T., appointment, 734 Boyer, E. H., degree, 851 Boyer, J. H., degree, 930 Boyer, J. M., appointment, 737 Boyle, G. E., degree, 121 Boyle, J. P., degree, 449 Boyle, Marjorie, appointment, 733 Boyles, R. F,, decree, 438 Boys, F. E., appointment, 362, 373, 640, 1148 Boysen. H., appointment, 51, 872 Bozarth, Beatrice, appointment, 798 Bozarth, N. B., degree, 847 Brabec, R. T., degree, 273 Brace, N. O., degree, 157 Brachman, Jane L., degree, 451 Bratkctt, A, D,, Jr., degree, 1213 Bradbury, C. E., appointment, 636 leave of absence, 1047 Bradbury, T. A., appointment, 772 Braddy, T. R., Jr., degree, 1202 Braden, Betty J., degree, 1020 Braden, M. M., degree, 861 Braden, R, W\, degree, 1213 Braden, Z. T., Jr., degree, 269 Bradfield, A. L., degree, 1032 Bradfield, J. R. G., fellowship, 106 Bradford, J. C., degree, 127 Bradford, R. G., degree, 1021 Bradish, H. A., degree, 461 Bradley, A., Co., purchase, 281, 351, 902 Bradley, Barbara B., degree, 1222 Bradley, Beth, appointment, 638 Bradley, Eloise D., degree, 451 Bradley, J. L., degree, 1213 Bradley, J. P., degree, 1240 Bradley, P., appointment, 566, 656 resignation as Director of Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, 492 Bradley, R. P., degree, 27s Bradley, T. G., degree, 1237 Bradley, W. T., degree, 1205 Bradner Smith & Co., purchase, 61, 234, 305, 354, 480, 960, 983, 1260 Bradshaw, G. R., appointment, 633, 955 degree, 1212 Brady, Mrs. Dorothy S., appointment, 625, 626 Brady, H. G., Jr., degree, 268 Brady, J. N., degree, 1227 Brady, R. T., degree, 268 Brady, \V. M., degree, 1236 Bragdon, Harriet J., degree, 1227 Bragg, Janet, appointment, 764 Brahana, Frances, memorial, gift, 907


Brahana, H. R., appointment, 385, 564 Brak, Helen, appointment, 794 Bralow, S. P., degree, 47s Bralower, L, J., degree, 269, 1200 Braman, R. T., degree, 471 j Bramel, H. O., degree, 1213 Bramel, Mrs. Maxine, appointment, 737 Bramel, R. G., degree, 1243 Bramlet, J. A., degree, 1220 Brams, R. N., degree, 1236 i Bramson, M. B., degree, 471 j Branch, E. M., book, printing, 938 ! Branch, Indialee F., degree, i o n ! Branch, J. E., appointment, 376, 63S, i*39 I Branch, R. E., Jr., degree, 1226 I Brand, A. M., appointment, 52, 872 i Brand, T. B., degree, 272 1 Brand, Jane L., resignation, 182 i Brand, L. G., Jr., degree, 466 ; Brand, R. S., degree, 862 '< Brandes, R. E., degree, 444 Brandes, Susan H., degree, 445 Branding June E., degree, 1229 Branding, P., degree, 125 Brandon, O. L., degree, 864 Brandon, R. H., appointment, 47, 868 Brandt, Mrs. Helga, fellowship, 344 resignation, 842 Brandt, Lois L., degree, 847 ; Brandt, R. W., degree, 277 Brandt, \ \ \ H., Jr., resignation, to8 Brandt, \V. W., degree, 930 : Branigan, D. A., appointment, 386, 637, 1147 : Branion, J. M., Jr., degree, 1240 • Branit, J* T., Jr., degree, 47t ' Brannick, Mrs. Patricia S., appointment, 787 Brannon, Ann, appointment, 794 Brannon, R., appointment, 770 Brannon, W. W.. degree, 266 Branscomb, L. C , Jr., appointment, declination, 44 resignation, 44 Bransford, Mrs. Jeanne F,, resignation, 344 Bransford, L. W., appointment, 773 Bransky, R. N., degree, 1227 Brantley, J. C , appointment, 423 ! degree, 430 Brantman, A., degree, 443 Brasch, S. F., degree, 1216 Braselton, V. W., degree, 121 Brash, W. D., appointment, 771 Brasington, G. F., Jr., fellowship, 343 Brasmer, T. H., appointment, 1191 Brasure, D. E., fellowship, 1090 Braucher. H. H., appointment, 631 Braude, M., appointment, 56, 878 Braun, B. D., appointment, 57, 878 Braun, G. A., appointment, 1151 • degree, 442 Braun, H. E., degree, 1248 Braun, H. j . , appointment, 641 Braun, M. T., degree, 1216 Braun, W. J., degree, 466 Braunfeld, Mrs. Johanna, appointment, 391, Brauweiler, C. F., certificate, 1034 Braverman, L., degree, 274, 1210 Bray, R. H-, appointment, 582 salary adjustment, 1058 Brayford, Jane A., degree, 1230 Brazaitis, J., degree, 1025 Brazen, L. I., degree, 264 Brazes, A. A., degree, 444 Brazier, Margaret L., degree, 1226 Brazinskis, J. P., degree, 455 Brazinskis, V, S., degree, 116 Brazos, J. C , degree, 471 Brazy, S. M., degree, 1232 Breakstone, E. O., appointment, 53 Brearley, H. C , Jr., degree, 1208 Brearley, J. C , degree, 1240 Brebis, G. J-, appointment, 682

718, 1153, 1191