UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1312]

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BOARD OF T R U S T E E S Bosch, Eileen M., appointment, 734 Bosco, L., degree, 466 Bose, R. C , appointment, 35 declination, 108 Bosi, Mrs. Dorothy M., appointment, 741 Bosi, J. I., degree, 272 Bosscher, G. P., appointment, 153, 697 Bosselman, Mrs. Beulah C , appointment, 689 Bosshart, R. C , degree, 1220 Bossi, Charlotte, appointment, 794 Bostrum, Jean, degree, 1248 Boswell, B. E., degree, 449 Boswell, B. J., degree, 1220 Boswell, H. C , appointment, 757 Boswell, J. O., certificate, 292 Boswell, Mrs. Marialyce H., appointment, 749 Boswell, P. P., appointment, 47, 868 Boswell, T. E., Jr., degree, 444 Botany, administration of department, 147 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 69, 483, 484 budget, 555, 741 summer session, 377, 1139 fellows, 339, 1089 purchase, files, 354 herbarium cases 232 laboratory furniture, 235 laboratory table, 232 microforage and micromanipulators, 393 microscopes, 164. 183, 184, 232 truck, 232 X-ray equipment, 334 remodeling and equipment, appropriation, 148 research, gift, 1167 Botany Annex, remodeling, appropriation, 922 Bothman, L., appointment, 52 Bothwell, Hazel F., appointment, 570, 630 degree, 442 Botnick. I. D., certificate, 173 Botsford, D. N., certificate, 205 Bottenberg, R. L., degree, 448 Botterbusch, C. E., degree, 1021 Botterbusch, L. F., degree, 121 Bottomley, Dorothy M., degree, 259 Bottoms, Imogene, degree, 1240 Bouchez, Loretta L., degree, 1014 Boudreau, H. L., degree, 1203 Boudrcau, L., trust fund, gift, 1164 Bouldin, Mary L., degree, 116 Bouldin, R. F., appointment, 781 Boulding, P. K., degree, 847 Boukbee, D. E., degree, 1217 Bourgin, D. G., appointment, 35, 564, 1146 Bourke, E. R., I I , degree, 446 Bourquc, J. E., appointment, 35, 688 declination, 842 Bourque, J. N.. degree, 471 Bouska. J. F., degree, 858 Boutell, W. S.. certificate, 205 Bouwsma, \V. J., appointment, 1135 Bovenkerk. A. C , Jr., degree, 461 Boward, Norma E., degree, 1216 Bowen, C. E., appointment, 550 Bowen, D. J., degree, 465, 1212 Bowen, Dorothy E., appointment, 638, 1147 Bowen, H. R., appointment, 622, 625 lease, 132 leave of absence, 314 Bowen, Monica H., degree, 269 Bowen, Mrs. Naomi, appointment, 774 Bower, Mrs. Ancilla T., appointment, 662 declination, 842 Bower, J. W., certificate, 407 Bower, L. E., appointment, 55, 876 Bower, O. K., appointment, 565, 1147 Bower, P. A., degree, 449 Bower, R. D., degree, 470 Bower, R. E., degree, 1220 Bower, W. R., degree, 459 Bowerman, F., appointment, 765 Bowers, F. E., degree, 859

Bondy, J. J., degree, 1032 Bone, G. D., Jr., degree, 1218 Bone, R. G., appointment, 558, 563, 659 director of Athletic Association, 293, 1046 Boneyard, hydrological studies, gift, 906 storm drainage project, University participation, recommendations, 990 Bonfils fellowship for music research, gift, 166 Bongart, W. G., degree, 1027 Bonham, D. W., degree, 1032 Bonham, Lois, appointment, 793 Bonham, R. A,, degree, 1222 Bonin, G. von, appointment, 679 Bonnell, W. S., degree, 1023 Bonner, T. E., degree, 847 Bonnes, Elizabeth J., degree, 464 Bonnett, Orville Thomas, appointment, 582 salary adjustment, 1058 Bonnett, Orville Thomas, Jr., appointment, 925 fellowship, 512 Bonucci, L., degree, 856 Bonvallet, G. G., degree, 1218 Bonvallet, Patricia S., degree, 451 Book binding, Library, contract, 417 Bookcases, Physical Plant, purchase, 280 Booker, Jo Anne, appointment, 35, 642 Bookkeeping machines, purchase, Bursar's Office, i n s Illini Union, 983 Books, appropriation, 191, 300, 995, 1048 gift, 908 purchase, 62 Book sewing machine, Print Shop, purchase, 1259 Book shelving, purchase, Library, 233 Mechanical Engineering, 354 Boom Electric Co., contract, 940 Boone, Esther H., degree, 112 Boone, G. C , appointment, 363, 381 Boonton Radio Corp., purchase, 1259 Boos, C. A., legal services, payment, 404 Boos, Margaret F., appointment, 251 Boose, Beatrice J., degree, 1206 Boose, S. S., degree, 1206 Booth, A. \Y\, appointment, 383, 562, 1145 Boothe, Margarette R., degree, 851 Bopp, G. J., degree, 1236 Bopp, R. A., degree, 1032 Boquist, C. W.. degree, 455 Borah, Grace F., appointment, 798 Borash, S. H., degree, 1222 Borchardt, H. \V., degree, 437 Bordeaux, D. R., degree, 1244 Borden, H. G., certificate, 496 degree, 264 Borden, Patricia J., degree, 455 Borden Co., gift, 907, 1165 Borden Company Foundation Inc., gift, 68, 69 Bordon, Mrs. Rosemary, appointment, 740 Boren, H. C , degree, 1012 fellowship, 426, 1093 Borenstein, W., degree, 435 Boresi, A. P., appointment, 618 degree, 122, 933 Borg, A. F., appointment, 810, 831 Borgeson, N. E., degree, 1235 Borik. M. J., degree, 1217 Boriske, Joan E., certificate, 496 degree, 125 Borleff, Mrs. Lube, appointment, 778 Born, P. W,, degree, 266, 1204 Borngasser, Patricia A., degree, 1230 Borovik, J. P., degree, 473 Borowski, E. C , degree, 1030 Borre, E. M., degree, 1237 Born, R. P., appointment, 612 Borror, K. W., degree, 1218 Borth, D. A., appointment, 416, 622, 623 Borton, Rebecca K., appointment, 1086 Borus, J., appointment, 94 cancellation, 156