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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1154 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 15 Mr. Britton then introduced M r . Imhahn who read a prepared statement in support of his position and he also spoke extemporaneously. M r . I m h a h n was shown a statistical summary, prepared by Director Dickason, of wage rates paid to operating engineers by a large number of employers in various lines of business and service, including a number of governmental agencies in the Cook County area. This summary showed a higher wage level for operating engineers employed by governmental agencies than it did of operating engineers employed by private employers. Mr. Imhahn's contention was that the wage rates paid by the University of Illinois to its operating engineers should be fixed with reference to wages paid by public agencies rather than by the wage rates paid by private employers. Robert L. Gordon, Director of the Illinois Department of Labor, testified that it was the policy of the State in the fixing of wages for operating engineers to use as a basis therefor the rates paid by employers, both governmental and non-governmental, where the duties of such employees were most nearly alike. M r . Charles E. Reid who accompanied Mr. Imhahn also testified. Director Dickason testified pointing out that the policy of the University under which he was directed to negotiate wage rates was that of the prevailing wage rate in the community, and he supported the statistics of wage rates prepared by him with testimony as to how they were obtained. O n the conclusion of the hearing, Mr. Livingston moved that the Board request President Stoddard and Mr. Imhahn to undertake the settlement of the issues by negotiations and that in the event that they were unable to agree, they agree upon an arbitrator to assist in the settlement of the issue subject to the acceptance of the proposed settlement by the Union and by the Board of Trustees. Mr. Imhahn stated that if this motion carried, this procedure was agreeable to him. T h e motion was duly seconded and carried. President Fornof expressed the appreciation of the Board to Mr. Imhahn, whereupon he, his associate, M r . Reid, and Director Gordon withdrew. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT STODDARD T h e Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. BUDGET OF ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (1) The Director of Intercollegiate Athletics submits on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Athletic Association the proposed budget of the Association for 1948-1949, which is summarized as follows, with comparative figures for the preceding year: 1947-1948 Original Revised 1948-194Q Estimate Estimate Proposed Income. #554 5°5 3713873 $636740 Expenditures: Budget appropriations 552 406 563 629 636 144 Special appropriations 101 719 Total (552 406) (665 348) (636 144) Excess of income over expenditures $ 2 099 $ 48 525 $ 596
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