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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942 [PAGE 400]

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limitation of time is suggested so that the University may be assured that a bona fide attempt is being made to develop the discovery in a way acceptable to the University as a public agency. If such development does not take place, the University would then be in a position to cancel at least the exclusive feature of the license, if not the license in its entirety, and to seek development through other sources. In the event the patent yields commercial returns, consideration shall be given to compensating Doctor Pincussen for this discovery. In a few cases in the past where a commercial patent has yielded returns, the University has so recognized the contribution made by the discoverer. I recommend that this matter be referred to the Committee on Patents of the Board of Trustees with power to act. O n m o t i o n of M r . J e n s e n , t h i s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s a d o p t e d . PATENT ON MACHINE FOR APPLYING INSECTICIDES (5) Messrs. C. W. Veach, Assistant in Agricultural Engineering, and W. E. McCauley, Assistant Entomologist in the State Natural History Survey, have developed a machine for producing fog or smoke. It is adapted to the application of chemicals to large outdoor areas for insect control and eradication by rapidly converting liquids or solutions into vapor provided such liquids are of sufficiently low viscosity that they can be introduced into the dispersing machine. T h e fog or smoke dispersed by this machine remains suspended for some time and may be well adapted for the application of insecticides, chemicals which destroy by contact. T h e Faculty Committee on Patents recommends that the Board authorize the University's Patent Attorneys to make a search in the Patent Office, and if no conflicting patents be found to prepare an application for a patent on this discovery with the understanding that the same will be assigned to the University. O n m o t i o n of M r . D a v i s , t h i s a u t h o r i t y w a s g i v e n as r e c o m m e n d e d . PURCHASES AUTHORIZED (6) A report of the following purchases authorized by the President of the University as emergencies, in accordance with the University Statutes: 1. Pipe for steam line from Stadium to Power Plant, from the Crane Company, T e r r e Haute, Indiana, the lowest bidder, at a cost of $2,053.05, f.o.b. Urbana. 2. Pipe casing for steam line to Stadium, 2,800 feet, from the American District Steam Company, Chicago, the lowest bidder, at a price of $5,219 freight allowed. O n m o t i o n of M r . W i e l a n d , t h e a c t i o n of t h e P r e s i d e n t of t h e U n i v e r s i t y in a u t h o r i z i n g t h e s e p u r c h a s e s w a s a p p r o v e d a n d c o n f i r m e d . LEAVES OF ABSENCE (7) A recommendation that the following leaves of absence be granted members of the staff for the reasons and periods and under the conditions indicated in each case: M. B. Singer, Jr., Assistant Mechanician in the Shop Laboratories, the months of July and August, without pay, in order that he may accept a temporary appointment in the N.Y.A. P r o g r a m at Springfield, Illinois. Leaves of Absence for Military Service ( T h e leave in each case is without salary.) H y m a n H . Goldstein, Assistant in the Department of Neurology and Neurological Surgery, August 4 through August 31, 1941. E. D. Luke, Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1941. Milton M. Mosko, Assistant in the Department of Medicine, September I, 1941, through June 30, 1942.

On motion of Mr. Wieland, these leaves were granted as recommended.