Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1944] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCHEDULE A N E W BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT FOR PRESENT TEACHING AND RESEARCH PROGRAMS (ITEMS I AND 5a OF SUMMARY) 997 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. j6. 17. 18. 19. Building Equipment Total Chemistry Laboratory $1 000 000 $ 100 000 $ 1 100 000 Chemical Engineering Building 500 000 115 000 615 000 Home Economics Building 700 000 75 000 775 000 Animal Husbandry Laboratories: (a) Animal Nutrition L a b . . . #210 000 40 000 (b) Meats Laboratory 100 000 15 000 (c) Machinery Shed 20 000 (d) Holding Barn 50 000 380 000 435 000 Dairy Husbandry Laboratories: (a) Chemistry and Bacteriology L a b o r a t o r y . . . . #210 000 25 000 (b) Dairy Barn Addition . .. 40 000 250 000 275 000 Electrical Engineering Building 875 000 125 000 750 000 Mechanical Engineering Building 1 000 000 000 1 175 000 175 000 Fine Arts Building 700 000 40 000 740 000 Laboratory Schools Building 700 000 775 000 75 000 Woman's Gymnasium Additions 10 000 175 000 165 000 Band Building 20 000 220 000 200 000 Library Addition 10 000 695 000 685 000 600 000 University Press Building 675 000 75 000 Administration Building Addition 430 000 445 000 15 000 Hospital Addition 228 000 278 000 50 000 650 000 Power Plant Addition, with equipment 650 000 650 000 690 000 Physical Plant Service Building 40 000 Volatile Storage Plant 75 000 75 000 21 000 Fire Station 76 000 55 000 Total #9 718 000 $1 026 000 $10 744 000 Equipment for remodeled buildings (Item 5b of Summary): 1. Health Service $ 20 000 2. Faculty-Graduate Center 30 000 3. Aeronautical Engineering 75 000 $ 125 000 Betatron and generator (Item 5c of Summary): 1. Betatron $1 300 000 2. Generator in Power Plant 200 000 1 500 000 Total, Equipment $2 651 000 SCHEDULE B REMODELING AND MODERNIZATION OF P R E S E N T BUILDINGS (ITEM 3 OF SUMMARY) A. Committee recommendations from Physical Plant Report, 1945-1950: 1. Modernization of 10 buildings 2. Stock Pavilion 3. Elevators _ 4. National Board of Fire Underwriters recommendations: (a) Transformer vaults $58 000 (b) Reserve electric circuit 14 coo 5. State Department of Public Health recommendations 6. Emergency lighting in auditoriums and hospital 7. Stair enclosures 8. Panic hardware 9. Change exit doors to swing out 10. Window washing safety equipment 11. Acoustical treatment Total, Section A #1 500 000 75 000 15 000 72 60 10 89 12 7 28 70 $1 938 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000