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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1944] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 89I in the Department of Psychology, on one-half time, for seven months beginning February 1, 1944, at a salary at the rate of one hundred thirty-two dollars fifty cents ($132.50) a month beginning February 1 and continuing through May 31, 1944, and at the rate of fifty dollars ($50) a month, beginning June 1 and continuing through August 31, 1944 (this supersedes her previous appointment). (February 14, 1944) Sisco, M R S . JENNIE, Payroll Clerk in the Chicago Division of the Physical Plant Department, for seven months beginning February 1, 1944, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary at the rate of one hundred forty-five dollars ($145) a month (this supersedes her previous appointment). (February 4, 1944) SMITH, LLOYD, Assistant in Physics, in the College of Engineering, on threefourths time, for four months beginning February I, 1944, at a salary at the rate of one hundred ninety-six dollars eighty-seven cents ($196.87) a month (this supersedes his previous appointment). (February 12, 1944) SNELL, MRS. JUNE B., Junior Clerk-Stenographer in the Chicago Division of the Physical Plant Department, for seven months beginning February 1, 1944, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary at the rate of one hundred thirty-five dollars ($135) a month (this supersedes her previous appointment). (February 4, 1944) SUNYAR, ANDREW WILLIAM, Assistant in Physics, in the College of Engineering, on three-fourths time, for four months beginning February 1, 1944, at a salary at the rate of one hundred ninety-six dollars eighty-seven cents ($196.87) a month (this supersedes his previous appointment). (February 12, 1944) V A N WINKLE, M R S . FLORENCE, Junior Clerk-Stenographer in the Bureau of Institutional Research, for three months beginning February I, 1944, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary at the rate of one hundred dollars ($100) a month. (February 14, 1944) WALKER, CLARETA, Instructor in Rural Youth Extension, in the Department of H o m e Economics, in the Extension Service in Agriculture and H o m e Economics, beginning February 15, 1944, and continuing through August 31, 1944, at a salary at the rate of two hundred dollars ($200) a month. (February 16, 1944) W H I T E , R. STEPHEN, Assistant in Physics, in the College of Engineering, on three-fourths time, for four months beginning February I, 1944, at a salary at the rate of one hundred ninety-six dollars eighty-seven cents ($196.87) a month (this supersedes his previous appointment). (February 12, 1944) WHITNEY, ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN, Instructor in Chemistry, for five months beginning February I, 1944, at a salary at the rate of one hundred seventy-six dollars ($176) a month. (February 14, 1944) WISELY, WILLIAM HOMER, Lecturer in Sanitary Engineering, in the Department of Civil Engineering, in the College of Engineering, on one-fourth time, for seven months beginning February I, 1944, at a salary at the rate 01' *... hundred dollars ($100) a month. (January 29, 1944) W Y M A N , MARVIN EUGENE, Assistant in Physics, in the College of Engineering, on three-fourths time, for four months beginning February I, 1944, at a salary at the rate of one hundred ninety-six dollars eighty-seven cents ($196.87) a month (this supersedes his previous appointment). (February 12, 1944) YAKOVLJEVITCH, NIKIFOR YANIN, Special Research Graduate Assistant in the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, in the Engineering Experiment Station, on one-half time, for four months beginning February 1, 1944, at a salary at the rate of seventy-five dollars ($75) a month. (February 12, 1944) RESIGNATIONS, DECLINATIONS, AND CANCELLATIONS T h e S e c r e t a r y p r e s e n t e d a l s o f o r r e c o r d t h e f o l l o w i n g list of r e s i g n a tions, declinations, a n d cancellations. ADDISON, M R S . ELLEN DALE, Assistant File Clerk in the Superintendent's Office of the Research and Educational Hospitals—resignation effective January 29, 1944. ARON, WALTER, Assistant in Physics, in the College of Engineering—resignation effective February 1, 1944.
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