UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 [PAGE 860]

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NEAL, CHARLES D., Cooperating Teacher in the College of Education, for the first semester of the academic year 1943-1944, without salary. (January 12, 1944) NEWMAN, SADELL, Senior Clerk-Stenographer in the Department of Psychiatry, in the College of Medicine, for eight months beginning January I, 1044, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary at the rate of one hundred forty dollars ($140) a month (this supersedes her previous appointment). ( D e cember 29, 1943) NICHOLS, GRACE V., Assistant File Clerk in the Outpatient Department, in the Research and Educational Hospitals, for eight months beginning January 1, 1944, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary at the rate of one hundred twenty dollars ($120) a month (this supersedes her previous appointment). (January 14, 1944) OHLER, EDWIN ALLEN, Assistant in Physiology, in the College of Medicine, for seven months beginning February I, 1944, at a salary at the rate of two thousand dollars ($2000) a year. (December 21, 1943) OZELSEL, A. MUNCI, Special Research Assistant in Civil Engineering, in the Engineering Experiment Station, beginning January I, 1944, and continuing until further notice, at a salary at the rate of two hundred twenty-five dollars ($225) a month (this supersedes his previous appointment). (January 5, 1944) PAGERS, FLORENCE I., Junior File Clerk in the Admitting Clinic, in the College of Dentistry, for seven months beginning February 1, 1944, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary at the rate of one hundred twenty dollars ($120) a month (this supersedes her previous appointment). (January 17, 1944) PICKERING, Roxy, Senior X-ray Technician in the Department of Radiology, in the College of Medicine, for eight months beginning January 1, 1944, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary at the rate of one hundred eightysix dollars ($186) a month (this supersedes her previous appointment). (January 21, 1944) PING, LELA M A E , Cooperating Teacher in the College of Education, for the first semester of the academic year 1943-1944, at a compensation to be paid at the rate of five dollars ($5) for each semester hour of practice teacher registration but not to exceed a total compensation of fifty dollars ($50). (January 12, 1944) POWERS, LUCILLE BERNICE, Assistant in H o m e Economics, in the College of Agriculture, on one-half time, for five months beginning February I, 1944, at a salary at the rate of sixty-six dollars ($66) a month (this supersedes her previous appointment). (January 20, 1944) RADEK, ANTOINETTE, Assistant Director of Nursing Service in the Research and Educational Hospitals, for eight months beginning January 1, 1944, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary at the rate of one thousand nine hundred eighty dollars ($1980) a y e a r ; for her convenience she will also be furnished room and board, valued at three hundred eighty-four dollars ($384) a year, while on duty (this supersedes her previous appointment). (January 7, 1944) RAMSEY, EVA, Head Nurse in the Research and Educational Hospitals, for eight months beginning January 1, 1944, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary at the rate of one thousand nine hundred forty-four dollars ($1944) a year; for her convenience she will also be furnished one meal daily, valued at ninety-six dollars ($96) a year, while on duty (this supersedes her previous appointment). (January 7, 1944) RAPOPORT, ANITA E., Instructor in Anaesthesia, in the Department of Surgery, in the College of Medicine, for eight months beginning January 1, 1944, at a salary at the rate of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) a month; for her convenience she will also be provided with room and board valued at three hundred eighty-four dollars ($384) a year, while on duty (this supersedes her previous appointment). (December 16, 1943)

RAWLINGS, M R S . DOROTHY STAHMER, Instructor in Physical Education for

Women, on seven-eighths time, for five months beginning February 1, 1944, at a salary at the rate of two hundred twenty dollars ($220) a month (this supersedes her previous appointment). (January 18, 1944) REED, SARAH REBECCA, Junior Library Assistant in the Loan Department of the Library, beginning January 15, 1944, and continuing through August 31, 1944, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary at the rate of one hundred