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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

63O Expense and Equipment BOASD OF TRUSTEES [ A u g u s t 31 COLLEGE General Departmental Expense Travel Total, College STATION 290 140 (430) 2 323 922 450 350 (4 045) (4 475) $ 57 445 General Departmental Expense Travel Equipment Contingent Total, Station Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Agricultural Economics Agricultural Economics — F a r m Account Revolving Fund Salaries and Wages 1. Wages Expense and Equipment General Departmental Expense Total, Farm Account Revolving Fund H $ 8 500 1 200 9 700 $ Rockefeller F o u n d a t i o n — F a r m W o r k s Simplification Studies Salaries and Wages 1. J. E. Wills (See Agricultural Economics, Item 18) G79 Salaries and Wages Agricultural Engineering 1. E. W . Lehmann, Professor ( C ) and Chief ( S ) ; H e a d of Department 2. D. G. Carter, Professor (C) and Chief ( S ) , F a r m Structures 3. R. I. Shawl, Professor ( C ) and Chief ( S ) , F a r m Machinery 4. A. L. Young, Associate Professor (C) and Associate Chief ( S ) , F a r m Power 5. R. R. Parks, Assistant Professor, Agricultural Engineering Extension ( E ) (See Smith-Lever fund) (On leave without pay, 1943-1944, for military service) 6. R. C. Hay, Assistant Professor, Agricultural Engineering Extension ( E ) (See Smith-Lever fund) 7. R. H . Reed, Associate (C&S) ( O n leave without pay, 1943-1944, for military service) 8. H. P . Bateman, Associate ( S ) (See Bankhead-Jones fund) 9. J. H . Ramser, Associate (C&S) (Vice Reed on leave without pay) 10. C. W. Veach, Assistant ( S ) (See Bankhead-Jones fund) (On leave without pay, 1943-1944, for military service) 11, , Assistant ( S ) (See Bankhead-Jones fund) 12. S. G. Huber, Assistant (C&S) 13. R. E. Morris, Assistant ( S ) 14. Ruth E. Klein, Senior Clerk-Stenographer (C&S) (C.S.) (See Bankhead-Jones fund) (Total salary) 15. Marie Shaffer, Junior Clerk-Stenographer ( E ) ( C . S . ) . . . (See Smith-Lever fund) $ 3 000 A A A A B $ 6 000 5 000 4 300 3 750 (3 200) B D D D D D D D50 D80 D20 D (3 300) (2 900) (2 420) 2 400 (2 000) (1 800) 2 100 800 I 320 (300) (1 620) (1 320)
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