Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
314 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [March 20 compartments instead of one large one. Tests show that the new construction does not in any way impair the ability of the furnace to burn highly volatile bituminous coal efficiently and without smoke. T h e discovery makes it possible to eliminate the use of metal from all high temperature regions in the furnace and is therefore important particularly at this time. T h e parts can be manufactured at low cost and replaced readily. T h e furnace is well suited for use in small houses constructed for defense workers. Professor Fellows believes the principle can be applied to other handfired heating devices, such as stoves, boilers, and water heaters. The Faculty Committee on Patents recommends that Professor Fellows be authorized to file an application for a patent. T h e same will be assigned either to the University or to the University of Illinois Foundation. I concur in this recommendation. O n m o t i o n of M r . M c K e l v e y , t h i s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s a d o p t e d . RENTAL O F UNIVERSITY LAND FOR VICTORY G A R D E N S (27) T h e College of Agriculture will make available to members of the faculty and other employees of the University areas of land on the University campus for the planting of victory gardens. These areas are a strip of land bordering Florida Avenue north of the Horticulture Field Laboratory, and the southern part of the football parking area bordering the Illinois Central south of Stadium Drive. T h e use of these areas will not interfere with any agricultural experimentation as they are border strips. T h e two areas will provide about 118 lots of 2,500 square feet each. A fee of $5 will be charged to cover expenses. If there is sufficient demand and the lots are available, they will be rented to other people in the community. This report was received for record. REPORT OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMITTEE At this point, the Secretary presented, on request of President Livingston, a report of a meeting of the Committee on Civil Service and Employees, held at the University, March 2, 1943, in conference with the President of the University and the faculty committee. The report covered the following points: 1. T h e University of Illinois should be included in the Ashcraft Bill if it meets our conditions after revision. 2. Progress on the study of the lower wage groups and prompt effort to bring up to the minimum salary all persons employed and paid a rate less than the minimum rate in their classification. 3. Continuance of study of all low-wage groups below and above $100 a month and further report on adjustments needed. This report was received for record. SERVICES OF SEARS AND SHORT Judge Johnson reported on the time schedule of services and expenses of Mr. Sears and Mr. Short in the recent mandamus proceedings in the Supreme Court against the Attorney General, and summarized the history of the employment of outside counsel by the Board. On motion of Mr. Karraker, the Executive Committee was instructed and requested to ascertain the amount of fees due Mr. Sears and Mr. Short, and to effect payment. P O W E R S OF TRUSTEES TO MAKE INVESTMENTS Mr. Karraker presented a draft of a bill to amend Section 1 of "An Act Concerning Powers of Trustees" filed May 18, 1905, as amended, and to add Sections ia, ib, and ic thereto. The purpose of this amend-