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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1943] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 233 United States governmental agencies), technical societies, and similar organizations. Under the new rules such sponsors of research are expected to enter into contracts containing provisions that all results of experimental work, including patentable discoveries, carried on under the supervision of the scientific staff of the University, belong to the University and to the public and will be used and controlled so as to produce the greatest benefit to the public. The University also reserves the right to publish the results of such researches. The Federal Government will not enter into contracts for confidential researches on war problems which would give the University the control of patentable discoveries or the right of publication of results of these researches. The Government takes the position that the public interest requires control of the patent and rights of publication by the Federal Government. Consequently, in exercising the authority granted the President of the University on September 27, 1940, prior to the adoption of the present patent and publication policies in January, 1942, contracts have been entered into with Federal agencies for confidential researches on war problems which do not reserve to the University any patent or publication rights on the ground that these are special arrangements of an emergency character to which the latter action of the Board does not apply. It seemed to me, however, that this should be brought to the attention of the Board for its information. The Government will not enter into contracts for these confidential arrangements without reserving to itself the patent and publication rights. T h e University must either make exceptions in such cases or decline to do the research work, in which case it must be prepared to face public criticism for refusing to cooperate with the Government in important scientific work. I recommend that the Board authorize approval of such contracts with the Government without any reservation by the University of patent and publication rights. O n m o t i o n of M r . D a v i s , t h i s m a t t e r w a s r e f e r r e d t o t h e C o m m i t t e e on P a t e n t s ( s e e p a g e 2 4 2 ) . ACOUSTICAL WORK IN RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS (9) On December 15, 1942 (Minutes, page 205), the Board approved a budget for remodeling and equipment in the Research and Educational Hospitals, including an item of $23,000 for acoustical work in corridors, wards, laboratories, operating rooms, and offices. Bids covering such treatment for corridors and larger wards were opened on December 22, 1942, and were as follows: Contractor H. E. Anning Co Johns-Manville Sales Corp. James L. Lyon Co Airtite Insulation Co Trade Name JCushiontone lAcoustone /Permacoustic IFibracoustic Acousti-celotex Muffletone Cushiontone itt Price r sq. ft. Total 23.5$! £14,782 27-5^ 17.299 37.8ff 24,881 24-3^ 15,985 24.0?! 15.520 30.0?! 19.360 22. si 13,695 The Director of the Physical Plant recommends that the contract be awarded to the Airtite Insulation Co., on the basis of the lowest bid, $13,695. The Comptroller requests authorization to execute this contract. A c t i o n o n t h i s m a t t e r w a s d e f e r r e d , p e n d i n g t h e r e c e i p t of f u r t h e r information (see page 242). ADJUSTMENTS IN BUDGET FOR 1 9 4 2 - 1 9 4 3 (10) In approving the budget for 1942-1943 the Board of Trustees authorized the President to make such minor changes and adjustments as are necessary. Pursuant to this authorization, the adjustments shown in the attached schedule
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