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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 [PAGE 235]

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[January 23

Committee on Patents, is the true owner and should have control of it. There is, of course, no obligation 011 the part of the University to apply for patents on all discoveries made, for, as in the past, discoveries deemed unimportant can in the discretion of the University be released to the discoverers. I concur in the recommendations of the Faculty Committee. O n m o t i o n of M r . D a v i s , t h i s m a t t e r w a s r e f e r r e d t o t h e C o m mittee on P a t e n t s (see page 2 4 2 ) . LEGISLATION FOR UNIVERSITY AIRPORT (7) The biennial budget of the University of Illinois, as approved by the Board on October 17, and submitted to the State Department of Finance, includes funds for an airport—$200,000 for the purchase of land and $550,000 for buildings and equipment. If such an appropriation is secured it is proposed to seek the assistance of the Illinois Aeronautics Commission in the preparation of plans and specifications and Federal funds for grading, drainage, fencing, construction of runways, and installation of a lighting system. This project was approved by the Board of Trustees a year ago and was presented to the Governor when it appeared that a special session of the General Assembly would be called and a State appropriation could be requested. T h e Governor at that time indicated great interest in the project and stated that he would include a provision for such legislation in his proclamation in the event a special session were called. I recommend that the Board of Trustees authorize the President of the University to have introduced in the 63rd General Assembly of Illinois a bill or bills amending the present act making appropriations to the University of Illinois for the biennium of 1941-1943 to authorize the use of any unexpended balances in appropriations for building remodeling and other capital improvements (which appropriations cannot be fully expended for their original purpose because of Federal limitations upon construction and use of certain critical materials during the period of the w a r ) for the purchase of land and its development, including buildings, as an airport. If such legislation can be secured, and particularly if it can be passed as an emergency, its effect would be (1) to reduce the biennial budget for 1943-1945 by whatever expenditures the General Assembly authorizes be made for the airport project from funds already appropriated for the current biennium, and (2) to make funds available for the purchase of land prior to July 1, 1943, thus accelerating the development of the airport project. I recommend further that the Board of Trustees authorize legislation which would empower the Board to apply for and receive aid from the United States Government for the acquisition, construction, maintenance, or operation of airports, landing fields, air markings, or any equipment or aids to aerial navigation, for use in connection with the development of the educational program, whether military or civilian, of the University of Illinois. Such legislation will empower the Board to take such steps as may be necessary to obtain the aid of the United States Government in the construction and operation of an airport whether or not State funds are secured in the immediate future or later for such a project. O n m o t i o n of M r . F o r n o f , t h e s e r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s w e r e a d o p t e d . A t this point, M r . Livingston took his place w i t h the B o a r d . RESEARCH CONTRACTS WITH THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT (8) On September 27, 1940 (Minutes, page 50), the President of the University was authorized to conduct negotiations with agencies of the United States Government for confidential research work by the University on problems relating to national defense, and to take such action as is appropriate in the public interest, including the approval of contracts with the Government. On January 24, 1942 (Minutes, pages 759-761), the Board approved a report from its Committee on Patents recommending certain changes in the policy and rules governing patents and publications of scientific discoveries resulting from researches sponsored by individuals, associations, public agencies (including