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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

20 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 25 awarding of the contract to the Mueller Construction Company in the amount of its base bid of $44,783. The company believes that it can secure the necessary materials. T h e contract will cover all work contemplated at the time the bids were requested except in the fourth story and excepting items covered by other bids, such as elevators, emergency lighting, fire alarm system, etc. T h e principal work covered by the contract is: (1) construction of underground storage vault for volatile chemicals; (2) reconstruction of Pharmacy areas in clinic; (3) enlarging and re-equipping the main diet kitchen in the third story; (4) remodeling to provide new X-ray room in basement; (5) remodeling of rooms in basement to provide for emergency services. On motion of Mr. Karraker, this report was received for record. PROPERTY ON TAYLOR STREET, CHICAGO (11) In accordance with the policy approved by the Board of Trustees, we are gradually acquiring property 011 Taylor Street between Polk Street and Wolcott Avenue. T h e Director of the Physical Plant Department recommends that as such properties are acquired the Department be authorized to proceed immediately with the demolition of the buildings, all of which are in such a state of disrepair that the University is not justified in spending funds to improve them, or even to maintain them in their present condition. T h e Director hopes to secure labor from the W o r k s Projects Administration for the demolition work and thus avoid expense. I concur in this recommendation. On motion of Mr. Cleary, this recommendation was adopted. UNIVERSITY RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND COMPENSATION FOR EXTRA SERVICES (12) At the meeting of the Board on June 20, 1942 (Minutes, page 919), I raised the question whether extra compensation paid University staff members for summer teaching or for other extra services should be included in the total earnings in computing contributions to be made by them to the University Retirement System of Illinois. The Board of Trustees of the University referred this question to the Board of Trustees of the University Retirement System of Illinois. The latter recommends that such extra compensation be not included for the current year, including the Summer Quarter of 1942, but that it should he mcluded in the future. Accordingly I recommend the adoption of the following regulation by the Board of Trustees. Such a ruling is necessary under the law creating the Retirement System. " E x t r a compensation for summer teaching or other extra service not included in the regular annual salary shall not be considered as earnings under the provisions of the Act establishing the University Retirement System of Illinois approved July 21, 1941, prior to June I, 1943, but shall be so considered thereafter." On motion of Mrs. Grigsby, this regulation was adopted, and the Secretary was instructed to incorporate the regulation in the University Statutes. APPROPRIATION FOR MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS FOR UNIVERSITY RETIREMENT SYSTEM (13) The Board of Trustees of the University Retirement System of Illinois requests each participating institution or agency to give a complete medical examination to each employee coming into the system at the time of first participation, expenses of these examinations to be borne by the institution concerned. This is not retroactive but applies to individuals coming into the Retirement System for the first time effective September I, 1942. In the case of the University of Illinois, it will apply to those new members of the staff whose first appointments become effective July 1 or September I, 1942, who are 30 years of age, and to those present staff members who will become 30 years of age prior to September 1, 1942.
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