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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i8 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 25 the locker and training rooms on that side will be used for classroom and laboratory purposes. T h e West Hall and the Skating Rink are the only areas large enough. T h e Athletic Association and the School of Physical Education prefer to give up the West Hall instead of the Skating Rink. Incidental Adjustments and Reassignment of Space.—The School of Physical Education and the Athletic Association have already lost about fifty per cent of their facilities by the housing of the Naval Training School for Signalmen in the Men's Old Gymnasium and Gymnasium Annex. In taking over the West Hall of the Stadium for the Diesel Engine Operators' School it was necessary to provide other quarters for the Athletic Association and the School of Physical Education in view of the increased program of physical education for men students which has been undertaken by the University at the request of the Army and Navy. Consequently, the following reassignments of space are being made: (1) Discontinue the use of the Davenport House on Wright Street as a women's residence hall and assign it to the Department of Home Economics for use as a practice apartment and the Child Development Study Program. (2) Reassign space thus released in the Woman's Building to the Department of Physical Education for Women. (3) Discontinue the general use of such areas in the Woman's Building as Upper Parlors and the study room on the first floor, and remodel them into offices for the Departments of Home Economics and Physical Education for Women. (4) Move the entire Department of Physical Education for Women into the Woman's Building, into the space it used prior to the construction of the Women's Gymnasium. (5) Move some of the Physical Education for Men classes and activities from the George Huff Gymnasium into the Women's Gymnasium, thus releasing space in the Huff Gymnasium for the Athletic Association. This program does not involve a great deal of construction or remodeling. T h e entire cost will be paid for by the Navy. As in the case of the Naval Training School for Signalmen, it will be necessary for the University to advance the funds but the University will be reimbursed when the work is completed and invoices are submitted to the Navy. In the meantime, the cost of these changes can be financed temporarily from the State appropriation for building remodeling. Due to the limited time available for the building changes, the shortage of labor and other University building maintenance work which it is necessary to do in the summer, the Director of the Physical Plant Department recommends that part of this work be done on contract. It will be necessary to execute contracts on a negotiated or cost basis instead of securing competitive bids due to the lack of time as the Navy wishes to open the Diesel Engine Operators' School on September 14 with 125 trainees. An additional 125 will be sent every two weeks thereafter up to a minimum of 500. I recommend t h a t : 1. T h e President of the University be authorized to release funds from the State appropriation for building remodeling for the necessary building changes. 2. T h e Secretary and Comptroller of the Board be authorized to execute contracts, as approved by the President of the University, for the remodeling work. 3. T h e Physical Plant Department and the Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase such equipment and materials as may be needed on approval of the President of the University in the event that the purchase exceeds $1,000 for any single item. 4. T h e Comptroller be authorized to submit a bid for this service based on recovery of all direct and indirect costs, and the Secretary and Comptroller be authorized to execute contracts with the Navy Department on this basis. On motion of Mr. Jensen, these recommendations were adopted. REALLOCATION OF STATE APPROPRIATION FOR REMODELING OF RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS (9) It will not be possible to proceed with the remodeling of the Research and Educational Hospitals as originally contemplated because of priorities and inability to secure the necessary materials for such major construction work.
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