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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

134 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 17 HAZEN, K E I T H , Assistant Cashier in the Bursar's Division of the Business Office, for one year beginning September I, 1942, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary of one thousand three hundred twenty dollars ($1320) (this supersedes his previous appointment). (September I, 1942) HERDA, MATTHEW GEORGE, Assistant in Chemistry, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September I, 1942, at a salary of six hundred dollars ($600) (September 28, 1942) HEYLIGER, VICTOR, Assistant in Physical Education for Men, for ten months beginning September 1, 1942, at a salary of three hundred dollars ($300), in addition to two thousand four hundred dollars ($2400) paid by the Athletic Association, for which the University assumes no responsibility. (September 15, 1942) H I L L , LEONA A N N E , Assistant in H o m e Economics, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, for eleven months beginning October 1, 1942, at a salary at the rate of one thousand two hundred dollars ($1200) a year. (September 19, 1942) HOLLENBECK, H E L E N MARIE, Assistant Clerk-Typist in the Department of Agricultural Economics, in the Extension Service in Agriculture and H o m e Economics, for eleven months beginning October 1, 1042, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary at the rate of one thousand twenty dollars ($1020) a year. (September 26, 1942) HOOVER, M. JANET, Assistant in Geology, for ten months beginning September 1, 1942, at a salary of one thousand two hundred dollars ($1200). (September 4, 1942) HOSKISSON, WILLIAM ARNISON, Assistant in Dairy Manufactures, in the Department of Dairy Husbandry, in the College of Agriculture and in the Agricultural Experiment Station, for eleven months beginning October 1, 1942, at a salary at the rate of one thousand eight hundred dollars ($1800) a year (this supersedes his previous appointment). (September 14, 1042) HOUTCHENS, M R S . CAROLYN WASHBURN, Instructor in English, beginning September 15, 1942, and continuing through January 31, 1943, at a salary at the rate of one hundred eighty dollars ($180) a month. (September 23, 1942) HOVORKA, JOHN, Assistant in Physics, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1942, at a salary of seven hundred dollars ($700). (September 12, 1942) HUBACH, ROBERT ROGERS, Assistant in English, on full time, for five months beginning September I, 1042, at a salary at the rate of one hundred fifty dollars ($150) a month, and on two-thirds time, for five months beginning February 1, 1943, at a salary at the rate of one hundred dollars ($100) a month (this supersedes his previous appointment). (September 26, 1942) H U B E S , RAMONA L., Assistant Clerk-Stenographer in the Department of English, for one year beginning September 1, 1942, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary at the rate of one thousand two hundred dollars ($1200) a year from September 1, 1942, through January 31, 1943, and at the rate of one thousand twenty dollars ($1020) a year from February 1, 1943, through August 31, 1943 (this supersedes her previous appointment). (September 4, 1942) JAEHNING, TECKLA KATHERINE, Junior Clerk-Stenographer in the College of Law, for one year beginning September 1, 1942, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary of one thousand two hundred dollars ($1200). (September 23, 1942) JANKE, CARL WALTER, Senior Accountant in the Physical Plant Department, for one year beginning September 1, 1042, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary of two thousand eight hundred dollars ($2800). (September 28, 1942) JOHNSON, R A L P H HARRY, Instructor in Physical Education for Men, on three-fourths time, and Counselor in the Personnel Bureau, on one-fourth time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1942, at a salary of two thousand two hundred dollars ($2200) (this supersedes his previous appointment). (September 11, 1942) JOHNSTON, H U G H WILLIAM, Assistant in Chemistry, on one-half time, for
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