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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

IOOO BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 22 TRAINING IN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY (17) T h e Office of the Surgeon General of the W a r Department has requested the University to provide for the training of not to exceed twenty-five civilian employees of the W a r Department in an emergency course of instruction in Occupational Therapy. T w o months of instruction will be given at Urbana, starting on July 5, 1944, and two months in Chicago, starting on September 5, 1944. T h e courses will be under the direction of Dean R. B. Allen, and Assistant Dean G. E. Moore of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences will act as his deputy in this respect on the Urbana campus. Applicants will be chosen by the Director and must be graduates of Schools of Fine, Applied, or Industrial Arts, or with majors in these fields. T h e proposed curriculum follows: Credit hours Credit hours URBANA (in quarters) CHICAGO (in quarters) Anatomy Physiology Woodwork Miscellaneous crafts Kinesiology Theory of application 2 2 2 2 I 1 Neurology Orthopaedics General medicine Pathology Tuberculosis and bacteriology.. Theory of application Rehabilitation Psychiatry 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 I The four-month curriculum will be followed by eight months of clinical practice as student apprentices in A r m y General Hospitals. T h e University will have no responsibilities in the clinical practice. It has been indicated that this course, if successful, may be repeated until sufficient trainees are available for the United States Hospital Services. T h e W a r Department will pay the University $250 tuition for each student completing the four-month course, with an estimated total to be received of $5,000. T h e University will furnish the necessary books, equipment, and supplies, and will collect from the student the actual cost of such materials, which shall not exceed $50 for each student. T h e trainee will also be paid directly by the Government a stipend of $120 a month during the four-month period. Costs of the course to the University in excess of present budgetary provisions a r e estimated to be as follows: Urbana Chicago Total Salaries of temporary additional employees Wages, travel, and office expense Contingencies Total $1 025 175 400 Si 600 $1 300 100 ___u_^ ? i 400 $2 325 275 400 ?3 000 It is recommended that the Comptroller and Secretary be authorized to execute a contract providing for this course, and that the curriculum and budget and other provisions of the project be approved. An appropriation of $3,000 from the General Reserve is requested for this purpose. O n m o t i o n of M r . J e n s e n , t h e s e r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s w e r e a p p r o v e d and adopted, authority w a s granted as recommended, and the appropriation w a s made, by t h e following vote: A y e , M r . Davis, M r . Fornof, Mrs. Grigsby, M r . Jensen, M r . Karraker, M r . Livingston, M r . McK e l v e y ; no, n o n e ; absent, M r . Green, D r . Luken, D r . Meyer, M r . Nickell. ADMINISTRATION O F C U R R I C U L U M IN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY (18) Last year the Board (by action of its Executive Committee, Minutes, July 28, 1943, page 446) approved a Curriculum in Occupational Therapy as recommended by the University Senate. This curriculum provides for five semesters of instruction at Urbana followed by three semesters at the College of Medicine
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