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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
982 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mattix, Lois L^ degree, 246 Mattix, Mary E., degree, 248 Mattox, N. T., appointment, 293, 563. 686 Matzkin^ L. L., certificate, 910 Maul, Florence A., degree, 898 Maulding, J. C, degree, 414 Maurer, H. E., degree, 435 Mavis, F. T., degree, 134 Maxey, H. A., degree, 412 Maxfield, D. V., degree, 897 Maxwell, B. G., degree, 545 Maxwell, R. C, appointment, 352, 740 May, R. L., appointment, 424, 678 degree, 240 Maybury, R. A., degree, 244 Maydet, S- J., certificate, 910 Mayer, O. F., gift, 381 Mayer, O. G., member of committees, 147, 267, 452, 555 s May Fetes, fund, budget, 329, 726 Mayfield, L, H., degree, 906 Mayfield, W. K., degree, 244 Mayhill, G. R., degree, 890 Maynard, G. R., appointment, 200, 348 degree, 233 resignation, 574 Mayne, Wy appointment, 467 Mayo, A. J. de, degree, 897 Mayoris, Mary V-, degree, 903 Mays, A. B., appointment, 109, 299, 560, 692 Mays, L. L., appointment, 292, 424, 684 Mead, F., appointment, 749 retirement, 754 Mead, T. M., degree, 897 Mead Johnson and Company, gift, 31, 53, 493, 884 Meade, Electric Co., Inc., bid, 476 Meadors, V. G-, appointment, 559 degree, 240 fellowship, 639 scholarship, 197 Meadows, G. K., declination, 384 scholarship, 382 Means, Hester B., degree, 246 Mechanical Engineering, budget, expense, 300, 693 salary, 302, 69s expendable gift funds, 300, 693 gift, Chrysler engine, 133 equipment, 381 model of refrigerating machine, 186 Modine unit heater, 186 laboratory fees, 228, 767 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, air conditioning, contract, 885 Mechanical staff, See Staff. Mechanics, See Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Mecklin, J. W., degree, 238 Medcof, J. C-, appointment, 920 Medical Building, old, disposal, 116 insurance, 211, 638 lease, 34, 481, 632 site, use as park, 80 Medical and Dental College Laboratories Building, name, 127 painting, bids, 784 contract, 786 repairs, 25 telephone system, 149, 178 second unit, air conditioning equipment. 648 architectural services, 217 bids, electric wiring, 476 elevator equipment, 475 general work, 475 heating, 476 plumbing, 476 ventilating, 476 bonds, cancellation, 841 default, 829 form, 505, 804 fund, 821 Marshall, Sister Mary A., degree, 53 Marshall, W. A., appointment, 375, 763 Marshall Field and Company, bath towels purchased, 390 Martin, Catherine E., degree, 546 Martin, H. V-, degree, 904 Martin, L. E., appointment, 346, 743 Martin, L. J., degree, 56 Martin, L. W„ appointment, 375, 760 Martin, Marian H„ appointment, 326, 723 Martin, Mildred A., appointment, 288, 467, 6S0 Martin, Robert E., degree, 383 Martin, Robert S., appointment, 919 Martin, Roy E., certificate, 153 Martin, W., bid, 408 contract, 408, 481 Martin, W. B., farm, acreage reductions, contract, 30 buildings, insurance, 211 Martin, W. C, degree, 250 Martinic. Mary, appointment, 277, 669 Martinitz, K. F., degree, 907 Martinson, Esther C, degree, 890 Martocello, J. A,, Company, agreement, 59, 74 Marvel, C. S., appointment, 106, 285, 559, 677 discovery, release, 406 patent right, 624 Marxen, P. B., degree, 248 Maryan, H. O., appointment, 375 leave of absence, 489 Maschal, H. T., certificate, 394 Masifco, P., scholarship, 639 Masiokus, Frances L., degree, 242 Maska, Alberta N., degree, 904 Mason, A. S., certificate, 253 Mason, H. C.» appointment, 467, 761 degree, 548 Mason, J. W., appointment, 304, 523 Mason, L. L-, degree, 414 Mason, Marion L., appointment, 341, 738 Mason, R. W., degree, 238 Massey, Mary W., scholarship, 197 Masten, J. T., degree, 899 Masterson, LaVerne, appointment, 339. 73$ Materia Medica, See Botany and Pharmacology. Materials Service Corp., bid, 408 Mathematics, budget, expense, 283, 675 salary, 290, 682 addition, 440 adjustment, 612 summer session, 107, 562 fellows and scholars, list, 61, i97> J9&, 640, 771 Mathers, L. E., member of advisory committee, so, 472 Mathesius, Marion L., degree, 238 Mathew, D. W., Jr., degree, 900 Mathews, J. M., appointment, 291, 684 leave of absence, 206 Mathews Avenue, intersection of Green Street, improvement, 60, 83 appropriation refused, 208 Mathias, Mary E., degree, 250 Mathis, G. E., bid, 476" Mathis, Geneva C, degree, 546 Mathis, J. H„ degree, 383 Matson, E. J., appointment, 424, 551, 678 Matthei, L. P., appointment, 200 degree, 35 Matthews, Bonita C, degree, 250 Matthews, H., bid, 408 contract, 408, 481 Matthews, J. W., degree, 245 Matthews, Mary J., degree, 238 Matthews, R. B., degree, 901 Matthewson, Marian F., degree, 246 Matthias, W. N. H., certificate, 394 Mattis, R. R.( oats purchased, 10 corn purchased, 28
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