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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 98l MacMasters, Majel M., appointment, 467, ] Malcolm, Catherine P., degree, 238 Malcolm, R. B., appointment, 377, 762 7 i i i 714 McMichael, P. C.» appointment, 467, 551 Malec, E. L., degree, 904 McMillan, F. L., appointment, 85, 377, 763 Maley, W. F., degree, 383 McMillan, I. R., loan, report, 81 Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, chemicals McMillan, J. C^ appointment, 374, 759 purchased, 28, 457, 539 McMillen, D. F., degree, 902 Mallonee, Evelyn D., degree, 904 McMillen, Hester E., degree, 249 Mallory, Kathryn L., degree, 904 McMillen, W. L., decree, 232 Malloy, Josephine R., degree, 238 McMillin, O. C, appointment, 293, 686 Malone, Dorothy E., degree, 238 McMiUion, L., appointment, 352, 749 Maloney, F. M., degree, 897 McMinn, R. H., degree, 411 Maloney, J. O., degree, 897 McMullen, C. H., degree, 908 Maloney, Martha L., degree, 238 McMullen, W. D., degree, 238 Malow, L., degree, 909 McMunn, L. B., degree, 250 Malstrom, B. E., degree, 35 McMunn, R. L., appointment, 318, 712 Maltby, Janet A., degree, 56 McMurry, T. J., degree, 414 Mamer, Lyle M., appointment, 424, 572 McNabb, B. L., appointment, 200 Mandeville, M. J., appointment, 296, 559, 688 degree, 138 degree, 232 McNamara, R. A., degree, 137 Manelis, S., degree, 35 McNamara, Mrs. Susan D., appointment, 424* Manley, E. J., appointment, 330, 727 67S M ann, Elizabeth K., degree, 238 declination, 913 Mann, F. I., member of advisory committee, McNeely, S- W., degree, 247 50, 472 McNeil, J. J., degree, 895 Mann, Tames, degree, 238 McNeil, J. L., degree, 137. 241 Mann, Jewell A., degree, 35 McNeil, Myrtle I., degree, 235 Mann, Joseph E., degree, 895 McNeil, R. L., degree, 895 Mann, Mary Abegail, appointment, 348, 745 McNeil, W. L., degree, 900 Mann, Mary Ann, resignation, 384 McNeill, Elsie I. P., degree, 434 Manock, Dorothy V., degree, 895 McPherson, J. F., appointment, 677 Manowitz, S., certificate, 790 McQuown, N. A., degree, 238, 889 Mansberger, Leota M., degree, 247 scholarship, 197 Mansfield, J. H., degree, 242 McReynolds, J, P., appointment, 467, 559, Mansfield, R. D., degree, 899 Mansfield, W. K., degree, 899 678, 919 McReynolds, Lizzie L., degree, 546 Mansowit, D., appointment, 376, 761 McRoberts, Edith S., appointment, 347 Manthei, F. M., bid, 455, 780 McTaggart, F. J., degree, 907 Maple, F. E., degree, 897 McVaugh, Maxme, degree, 250 Maps, Illinois State Soil Survey, 170, 176, McVay, T. N., degree, 887 223 McVey, E. K., appointment, 424 Marable, Mrs. Mary H., appointment, 561 declination, 641 certificate, 910 Sharp scholarship, 640 McVickar, t. S., degree, 413 McVickar, M. H., degree, 902 Marberry, W. M., appointment, 572, 676 McWiiliams, Mrs. Jennie L,, appointment, degree, 889 Marble, D. C., degree, 901 332. 729 Marchello, S. P., degree, 247 Mabbott, L. E., degree, 904 Marcovitz, A., degree, 240 Mabry, D. C, degree, 902 Marcus, P. M., degree, 547 Machell, J. V., Jr., appointment, 919 Marcus, S. M., certificate, 910 Machine lathe, purchase, 517 Marion County Coal Co., bid, 408 Machinery, purchase, 769 Markland, C. E., appointment, 353, 750 Macintire, H. J., appointment, 302, 69s Markland, Ethel R-, degree, 235 Mack, C. D., Jr., degree,, .247 Marklein, B. C-, appointment. 63, 286, 559, Mackey, R. P., appointment, 63, 374, 761 678 Mackey, Ida F., degree, 252 degree, 234 Mackin Venetian Blind Co., blinds purMarks, H., certificate, 253 chased, 634, 760 Macomber, V. H., degree, 247 degree, 58 Macrcff, A. O., degree, 135 Marks, Marvin, degree, 244 Macy, J., Jr., Foundation, gift, 52, 461 Marks, Meyer B.. degree, 98 Madaj, B. F., degree, 139 Markworth, M. H y degree, 904 Madden, Alice L., degree, 895 Marlatt, Dorothy I., degree, 904 Madden, Elizabeth R., degree, 247 Marlow, H. M., degree, 902 Madden, J. P., degree, 898 Manner, Diana R., declination, 641 Madden, Margaret I., degree, 896 fellowship, 639 Madden, R. T., degree, 238, 891 Marquardt, G. W., appointment, 377, 763 Madej, W. A., degree, 255 Marquardt, Mary O,, degree, 233 Mader, N. W-, degree, 896 Marquardt, Philomena L., degree, 235 Madcr, S. C.j degree, 244 Marr { Lillian, appointment, 328, 725 Madsen, Doris M., degree, 903 Marriott, L. F., appointment, 523, 707 Magan, Mary J., degree, 907 degree, 245 Maggio, P. D., degree, 911 Marriott. Marjorie M., degree, 235 Magid, R. K., degree, 911 Marrs-Tanncr Electric Co., bid, 627, 646 Magnesia pipe covering, purchase, 83 rejected, 628 Magrath, G. B., lectures on legal medicine, Marsh, C. R., degree, 412 Marsh, D. B., appointment, 919 gift, 883 Marsh, M. E„ degree, 898 Maguire, K., degree, 900 Marsh, R. S., appointment, 318, 712 Maguire, Mary J., degree, 249 Marsh, W. T., appointment, 316, 710 Maintenance, budget, expense, 351, 748 Marshall, E. E., degree, 897 salary, 353, 750 Marshall, F. T., degree, 240 wages, Chicago, 354* 75 r Marshall, G. R., degree, 383 Makovsky, I. H., certificate, 253 Marshall, Lorraine R., degree, 249 Malach, A. L., degree, 904
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