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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

9&> BOARD OF TRUSTEES McGaughey, D. S., degree, 894 McGaughey, Dorothy D., appointment, 100, 324, 399 resignation, 773 McGill, Helen T., degree, 247 McGinty, D,, degree, 437 McGinty, Josephine A., degree, 412 McGIade, Charlotte A., degree, 904 McGlathery, W. R., degree, 136 McGlennon, Rose, degree, 415 McGovran, E. R., resignation, 416 McGowan, V. B. R., degree, 900 McGreevy, Carrie, appointment, 278, 282, 670, 674 MacGregor, Anna K., degree, 247 McGrew, F. C, fellowship, 382, 640 McGuigan, H. A., appointment, 339* 736 sick leave, 489 statement, head of Department of Surgery, 448 McGuigan, Mary J., degree, 896 McGurk, A. C, degree, 898 McHale, Julie J., degree, 240 McHard, J. A., degree, 240, 891 McHarry, J. W., Jr., degree, 436 McHarry, Liesette J., appointment, 15, 298, 386, 560, 643, 691 Mcllvain, Leta, degree, 55 Mclntire, Alice L., degree, 248 Mclnttre, Mary M., degree, 233 Mclntire, W. A., appointment, 314 death benefit, 879 Mclntyre, Catharine P., degree, 247 Mclntyre, Ella, appointment, 919 Mclntyre, Helen L., degree, 908 Mclntyre, Mary A., degree, 242 Mclver, Catherine, appointment, 42, 109, 919 McKay, Roberta H., scholarship, 198 McKeag, W. R., degree, 545 McKee, B. M., degree, 546 McKee, L. F., degree, 234 McKee, Margery E., appointment, 424, 572 degree, 247 McKee, Mary A., appointment, 323, 719 McKee, R. V., member of advisory committee, 472 McKee, W. A., appointment, 372 cancellation, 482 McKeever, L., contract for instruction of, 458 McKenna, C. M., appointment, 377, 763 McKenna, E. J., degree, 139 McKenzie, Esther E., degree, 890 McKinley, H., degree, 905 McKinley, W. B,, hospital endowment fund, budget, 355 professorship fund, budget, 295 McKinley Hospital, budget, expense, 275, 354, 667, 752 salary, 281, 673 endowment fund, 355, 752 executive staff, members appointed, 432 tenure, 432 laundry services, contract, 27, 456, 795 McKinley Loan Fund, report, 81 McKinney, J. K., degree, 899 McKinstry, W, B., Jr., degree, 899 McKown, C. W-, degree, 56 McKown, W. S., degree, 245 McLallen, J. C, degree, 240 McLaughlin, Alma A., degree, 247, 890 fellowship, 640 McLaughlin, F. A., degree, 242 McLaughlin, H. D., degree, 245 McLaughlin, Jane R., appointment, 337, 734 MacLean, J. F., degree, S96 MacLean, W. P., degree, 247 McMahan, J. W., appointment, 6$, ioo, n o , 296, 688 McMahon, Catherine C, degree, 238 McMahon, Grace E., degree, 903 McMahon, J. E M degree, 901 McMahon, Katherine, degree, 895 McCannon, J. S., degree, 245 McCarthy, Cecilia, appointment, 349, 746 McCarthy, R. H., degree, 438 McCarty, C. N., degree, 231 McCarty, Elizabeth J., degree, 894 McCarty, F. VY\, degree, 333 McCaskill, Margaret J., degree, 247 McCaskill, O. L., act for University Counsel, 36? appointment, 325, 5°i» 7 2 3 leave of absence, 535 McCauley, Marcella E., degree, 238 McCauley, W. E., degree, 892 McClain, F., appointment, 42, 338, 736 McClain, Ruth G., degree, 250 McCIeery, W. E., degree, 435 McClellan, W. R., degree, 545 McClintic-Marshall Corporation, bid, 208 MacCloskey, D. W., degree, 238 McClure, Dorothy R. M., degree, 437 McCIure, H. E., degree, 892 scholarship, 197 McClure, J. E., present at meeting, 94 Illinois Press Association request presented, 448 McClure, L. S., degree, 244 McClure, M, T., appointment, 283, 291, 675, 683 McCIurg, Lola D., appointment, 68, 141* 4^4. resignation, 85 McCoard, A. P., degree, 900, 901 McCollum, J. P., appointment, 318, 712, 713 McComas, P. S., appointment, 919 McComb, R. W., appointment, 42, 348 degree, 890 resignation, 525 McConachie, D. W-, degree, 56 McConnell, G. A., degree, 436 McConnell, H. M., communication, student union building, 116 McConnell, L. R., degree, 414 McCormack, M. L., degree, 38 McCormick, R. E., degree, 245 McCormick Institute for Infectious Diseases, plan to acquire, 884 McCoy, C. A., degree, 55 McCoy, Mary E., appointment, 914 McCoy, R. H., appointment, 15 degree, 231 McCristal, K. J., appointment, 330, 562, 727 McCroskey, R. P., degree, 900 McCulloch, H. W., Jr., degree, 240 McCullough, J. A., certificate, 394 McCully, T. H., degree, 244 McCune, R^ Jr., degree, 35 McDaniel, C. W., degree, 907 McDaniel, Lillie, appointment, 424, 572 McDaniel, S. F., degree, 898 McDaniels, H. E., appointment, 376, 761 McDavid, E. T., degree, 894 McDavid, F. C, degree, 904 McDermith, C. W., degree, 35 McDevitt, W. B., appointment, 301, 694 McDonald, C. A., appointment, 100, 296, 688 declination, 913 McDonald, D., degree, 247 McDonald, L. R., degree, 434 McDonald, R. L., degree, 902 McDorman, J. A., degree, 437 McDougal, B. S., degree, 136 McDougal, M. S., leave of absence, 4 resignation, 204 McDowell, Carrie G., degree, 904 McDowell, E. W., appointment, 63, 424, 680 MacEachern, Kathenne H., certificate, 253 McEvoy, Elizabeth P., appointment, 276 McEvoy, Sara J., degree, 894 McFarland, Mrs. Helen S., appointment, 348, ^ 745 See also Spoonamore, Helen L. MacFate, R. P., appointment, 336, 340, 733, 760 gift, 521
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