UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 [PAGE 982]

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Loans, student, cancellation, 370 collecting, 154, 516 contract, 171 statutes, 602 See also Loan funds. Locke, Imogene, degree, 238 Locke, Virginia, degree, 248 Locker fee, abandoned, 629 Physical Education, 8, 228, 767 Lockhart, T. M., certificate, 20 Lockhart, Pearl R., degree, 894 Locklin, D. P., appointment, 110, 296, 560, 689 declination, 201 leave of absence, 126 Lockling, W, B., appointment, 424, 560, 689 Locks, deposit fund, budget, 356, 753 Lockwood, W. W., certificate, 253 Lodge, Louise F., appointment, 292, 685 Lodge, W. T., present at meeting, 94 Loecher, Helen B., degree, 903 Loeffler, Elizabeth F., degree, 890 Loehr, P. J., degree, 902 Loewe, R., certificate, 513 Logan, Eloise E., degree, 250, 904 Logan, J. M., degree, 238 Logan, T. M., degree, 901 Logli, J. H., degree, 437 Lohman, Helen M., degree, 899 Lohmann, K. B., appointment, 327, 725 leave of absence, 148 Lohnes, H. L., payment for services, 557 Lohse, F., resignation, 45 Long, Mrs. Bernita J., appointment, 325, 350, 722, 747 Long, E. E., degree, 414 Long, L., degree, 435 Long, L. J., appointment, 257 degree, 543 Long, R. G., appointment, 352, 749 Long, W. H., appointment, 919 Longbrake, Mary E., declination, 201 scholarship, 107 Longmire, F. E., appointment, 321, 716 Longwell, J. P., degree, 250 Longworth, Janeva, degree, 56 Loomis, F. \V\, appointment, 303, 696 Loomis, Metta M., appointment, 350, 747 Loos, Mrs. Edna, appointment, 339, 736 Lord, T. H-, appointment, 919 Loring, Sarah H., degree, 907 Lortz, J. B., degree, 894 Los Angeles Gas and Electric Company, bonds purchased, 537, 565 Los Angeles High School District, bonds purchased, 537, 565 Lotspiech, J. E., appointment, 643, 762 Lothian, Ramona M., degree, 889 Lottinville, A. J., degree, 908 Lounsbury, R. H-, appointment, 689 Lourie, Elinor, degree, 437 Louisiana State University, gift, 186 Lounsbury, R. H., appointment, 296 Love, E. I., appointment, 326, 724 Love, M. M., degree, 250 Love, W. W., degree, 134 Lovelace, E. H., degree, 249 Loveless, J. S., contract for instruction of, 29, 458, 878 Low, A. A., appointment, 337, 737 Lowdermilk, R. R., degree, 434 Lowe, Clara M., appointment, 335* 733 Lowe, P. G., degree, 899 Lowell, J. W., appointment, 375 Lowry, J, E., degree, 249 Lowry, Margaret L., degree, 435 Lowry, W. M., appointment, 124, 386, 919 declination, 416 resignation, 17 Lu, H., degree, 890 Lubin, J. J., degree, 909 Lubrication, investigation, budget, 283 Luby, W. C, degree, 894


Luce, J. W., degree, 901 Luce, W, M,, appointment, 108, 293, 563, 686 Luckhardt, Elizabeth M., degree, 894 Luders, R. H., degree, 545 Ludlow, H. G., declination, 773 scholarship, 640 Ludlow Valve Manu facturing Company, valves purchased, 27 Ludmerer, S., certificate, 910 Ludowici-Celadon Company, tile purchased, 28 Luebke, E. A., appointment, 919 Lueth, H. C, appointment, 523, 734 Luetscher, O. P., Jr., degree, 901 Luetzelschwab, E. J. J., appointment, 306 declination, 641 degree, 891 fellowship, 639 Luetzelschwab, R. O., degree, 243 Lukas, G. E., appointment, 296 declination, 416 Luke, E. A., degree, 252 Lukens, W. P., statement, independent survey of budget, 158 Lumbattis, J. C, degree, 894 Lumber, purchase, 390, 492, 566, 634, 794, 795 Lumsden, R. K., appointment, 281, 673 Lumsden, W. K., appointment, 277, 669 Lund, J. H., degree, 238 Lundgren, C. L., death benefit, 25 Lundquist, W. E., appointment, 285 degree, 891 fellowship, 639 Lundy, J. J., lease, 29, 480 Luongo, Diva R., degree, 904 Luse-Stevenson Company, bid, 780 Lusk, F. B.T appointment, 373, 758 Luster, Helen J., degree, 238 Lustig, J., degree, 98 Luther, Caroline, degree, 434 Lutz, E. M., degree, 546 Lybyer, A. H-, appointment, 107, 289, 682 leave of absence, 535 Lyddon, Ruth A., degree, 238 Lydy, C. M., degree, 234 Lydy, Rebecca A., degree, 43S Lyerla, B., degree, 242 Lyle, G. R., appointment, 325, 561, 722 Lyman, Helen L., degree, 904 Lyman, T. M., degree, 897 Lymperopoulos, J., degree, 56 Lynch, Helen M., appointment, 33*. 7^8 Lynch, j . N., degree, 254 Lynch, R. P., degree, 901 Lynch, W. B., degree, 904 Lynn, G. E., degree, 240 Lyon, C. W,, appointment, 352, 749 Lyon, J. L., Company, contract, 779 Lyon, K. C, degree, 543 Lyon, V. VV., appointment, 758 Lyon, W. F., appointment, 85- 377. 7&z Lyon Metal Products, Inc., steel shelving purchased, 635 Lytle, E. B., appointment, 107, 290, 683 resignation, 258 sick leave, 471, 536 Lytle, Edith, degree, 238 Lytle, Nathalie, degree, 233 McAdam, J. L., degree, 435 McAllister, P. W., degree, 35 McAllister, W. G., appointment, 107, 292, 684 McArthur, S- W-, appointment, 377, 762 McBride, Elizabeth, appointment, 297, 689 McBurney, C. E., gift, 186 McCabe, W. S., degree, 56, 436 McCall, J. A., appointment, 68 McCalley, V. A., degree, 242 McCalHster, A. W., degree, 898 McCallister, F. S., degree, 894 McCann, Doris M., degree, 894 McCann, E. V., certificate, 20