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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

93Q BOARD OF TRUSTEES Automobile Show, loan fund, merger, 80 Auxiliary enterprises, budget, 354, 752 estimated income, 270, 662 Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans, Illinois Department, gift, 82 Avery, Myrle, degree, 251 Avey, Mary M., degree, 907 Aviles, L. f degree, 543 Awnings, appropriations, 126, 194, 510 purchase, 171, 366 Axelrod, D., degree, 36 Aydelotte, C. T., degree, 545 Aydelotte, G. B., degree, 899 Babbitt, H. £., appointment, 301, 694 patent, 114, 215, 370 Babcock, G. E. t degree, 234 Babcock, K. C, endowment fund, bonds, 176, 45i budget, 355, 752 investment, 229, 491 settlement of note, 460 Babcock, S. H., Jr., appointment, 285 resignation, 524 Baber, Sister M. Tharla, appointment, 570 Bachelor's degrees, requirements, 112 Bachem, A., appointment, 340, 737 gift for research, 186 Bachimont, O. G., appointment, 417 declination, 415 Bachler, C. T., contract for instruction of, 5*' Bachman, K. L., appointment, 915 Bachman, R. H., degree, 900 Bachman, W. J., degree, 248 Backer, M., certificate, 910 degree, 58 Bacon, A. R., appointment, 375, 760 J Bacon, C- S., lectureship fund, 333, 73 Bacteriology, budget, expense, 283, 675 salary, 284, 676 summer session, 106, 558 investigation of canned foods, 793 laboratory fees, 226, 765 scholars, list, 639, 771 See also Pathology. Badger, A. E., appointment, 305, 698 Badger, C. J., appointment, 313, 706 sick leave, 514 Badger, W. H., degree, 249 Baer, Charlotte T., degree, 236 Baer, D. D., degree, 37 Baer, Emily, certificate, 253 Baer, T. W-, degree, 236 Baer, W. H., appointment, 13 Baggott, J. M., degree, 893 Bagley, Helen A., appointment, 561 Bagott, Alta, appointment, 278, 282, 670, 674 Bagozzi, Dolores A., degree, 903 Bahador, M. A., degree, 911 Batlar, J. C, appointment, 106, 285, 677 Bailey, C. A., degree, 898 Bailey, Dora T., appointment, 570 Bailey, H. W., appointment, 256, 290, 5*1-2683 Bailey, K. D., degree, 245 Bailey, L,., appointment, 327, 724 Bailey, R. E., degree, 243 Baily, H. H., appointment, 29s, 559, 688 Bain, W. B., degree, 543 Baka, Eleanor B., degree, 903 Baker, A. G., degree, 435 Baker, Beverly B., degree, 903 Baker, E. F. f degree, 383 Baker, E. L., appointment, 84, 377, 762 Baker, Eunice £., degree, 239 Baker, Evelyn, degree, 893 Baker, F. C., appointment, 294, 686 continuation in service, 754 Baker, Frances L,., degree, 254 Baker, I. O., prize fund, budget, 355, 752 Baker, J. B., degree, 887 Baker, J. E., degree, 90s Ashley, W. C, degree, 231 Ashline, G. H., certificate, 910 Ashmore, C. D„ degree, 893 Askren, Margaret F., degree, 236 Aspern, Dorothy R., appointment, 286, 678 Assistants, See Staff. Associated Military Stores, contract, 11, 367, 770, 878 See also United Military Stores. Associated Seed Growers, Inc., agreement, 184, 368, 633, 878 Association of Commerce, Urbana, gift, 462 Association of Manufacturers of Chilled Car Wheels, agreement, 166 gift, 224, 520, 884 Astell, L. A., appointment, 299, 691 degree, 892 Astronomy, budget, expense, 283, 675 salary, 284, 676 summer session, 106, 558 Atchley, F. M., appointment, 312, 320, 705, 7i4 . . Athletic Association, audit report, 59, 73 auditors, 213 baseball coach appointed, 66 budget, 96, 118, 360, 406, 439, 757, 796 by-laws, revised, 96 directors, appointment, 432, 789 deferred, 148, 563 relations with University, report, 31 reserve fund, 455 assignments, 488 investment, 657 surplus funds, proposal, 796 tennis courts, regulations, 793 Athletic contests, conduct of spectators, commendation, 477 committee to study, 140 University policy, 449 Athletic fields, See Recreational facilities. Atkinson, C. E., appointment, 353, 750 Atkinson, J. T., degree, 236 Attaway, W. A., degree, 893 At wood, C. A., bid, 409 Auditor, budget, salary, 276, 668 duties, 594 subject to Comptroller, 593 Auditor, Assistant, bond, 369 Auditor, State, authority, 266, 364 Auditors, Andersen, A., & Co., re-engaged, 32, 451 report, 59, 463 Audits, budget, 275 reports, 59, 462 Athletic Association, 59* 73 Audrieth, L. F., appointment, 106, 285, 677 discoveries, patentable, 114 release, 406 Auer, Emma, degree, 250 Auer, Genevieve E., degree, 893 Augur, Leah A., degree, 246 Auld, Alberta A., appointment, 198 Auld, Avis, appointment, 348, 745 Auld, Dorothy M-, appointment, 352, 417 See also Murphy, Mrs. Dorothy A. Ault, Betty G., declination, 773 scholarship, 771 Austin, G. T., degree, 897 Austin, Helen E-, appointment, 570, 745 Austin, J. D., degree, 907 Auten, P. S., degree, 899 Automobiles, appropriation, 653 insurance, proposed policy, 152 purchase, 539 numbers and kind, report, 189 parking on campus, statutes, 601 private, use for University business, 600 purchase, 216, 366, 433, 770, 796 balance reappropriated, 777 President's, 786 University, regulations, 600 See also Trucks.
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